“I Saw A Tsunami Hitting the United States!’’
Healing, End Times, Dreams and Visions, Videos Becky Dvorak Healing, End Times, Dreams and Visions, Videos Becky Dvorak

“I Saw A Tsunami Hitting the United States!’’

On January 7, 2012, God showed Becky Dvorak a tsunami wave of supernatural healing that would hit the western world. These are not waves to run from, but waves for believers to ride, as they usher in the Great Harvest of souls – and ultimately, the return of Jesus. How can you position yourself to catch these waves and help to release God’s supernatural power across the earth?

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My Husband Battled Anaconda Demons As I Entered the Spirit Realm
Supernatural, Dreams and Visions, The Prophetic Amy Thomas Davis Supernatural, Dreams and Visions, The Prophetic Amy Thomas Davis

My Husband Battled Anaconda Demons As I Entered the Spirit Realm

He took his stand against massive anaconda-like serpents in filthy knee-deep swamp water. These demonic creatures swarmed him, attacking from all sides. He would fight one off, then quickly turn to fight the next. Battling against three different serpents, he continued to hold them off…

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Wake Up! Prophetic Dreams For Discerning God’s Timeline
Dreams and Visions Dutch Sheets Dreams and Visions Dutch Sheets

Wake Up! Prophetic Dreams For Discerning God’s Timeline

These revelation and insights will do for the body of Christ what the prophetic ministries of Zechariah and Haggai did for those who rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem. Apostles and other builders cannot build as effectively without prophets “helping” them. The leaders rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem “succeeded,” in part, through the prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah. The diversity of gifting Holy Spirit apportions to us is essential if we are to accomplish all He intends…

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Access the Prophetic Blueprints of the Coming Age
Dreams and Visions, The Prophetic Lana Vawser Dreams and Visions, The Prophetic Lana Vawser

Access the Prophetic Blueprints of the Coming Age

We are going where we have never gone before, the days ahead with Christ, are truly exciting. The glorious displays of His majesty, His power, and His presence that will be seen will be like nothing we have ever seen before. In this new era, the Lord is calling us deeper into the depths of His heart and deep place of intimacy. There is a heralding invitation to…

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