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Don’t Just Settle for Healing
These lepers were not healed instantly, but as they obeyed and started walking. A miracle for sure, but the best is yet to come! One of the lepers, a non-Jew, stops in his tracks. Overjoyed and humbled, he turns back. The priest can wait! His grateful heart cannot. He runs to Jesus, shouts praises, falls to the ground in thankful tears at His feet, and gives God glory. In return, Jesus…

Church Is An Interactive Encounter
In our current season in which social distancing is practiced to some degree in some churches, I’ve been reminded about how intensely social and interactive the early church’s gatherings were. Their meetings involved activities that brought people closely together, singing together, praying together, and relating so closely that their interactions even included…

Pentecost Changed Worship Forever
I believe in that somebody in the Upper Room was audacious enough to say, “Wait a minute! We’re talking to Him! Jesus! Our friend!” And I think that was one of the great turning points in all history: when people suddenly realized that God was no longer distant…

The 4 Elements of True Worship
You’ve wondered, haven’t you? Wondered if it was really possible to cultivate that one-on-one, deeper-than-deep, BFF-type…

A Twofold Song for Spiritual Warfare
What battle are you fighting? What are you fighting in your life where you feel the enemy coming against you? Let this be a twofold song…

3 Steps to Touch Glory
The Church was born in Glory in the upper room, which means you have Glory in your DNA (see Acts 2). You love the Presence of Jesus, but you’ll never be satisfied until you’re experiencing Glory. What can we do to touch waves of Glory? Let me suggest three things…

The Power of Worship in Spiritual Warfare
“We must declare the goodness and faithfulness of God even in the midst of our trial—even before we have an answer.”

Prophetic Word: The Coming Wave of Spontaneous Worship That Will Sweep Unbelievers Off Their Feet
I see a prophetic wave of worship coming that is so strong it sweeps unbelievers off their feet and levels them with the realization that God is among His people…

Reset the Church
Jeremiah believes that God is performing what he calls a divine reset where God is calling His people back to Him. He says instead of focusing on the horizontal ministry we should be ministering vertically-- focusing on and ministering to the Lord.

Prophetic Word: Reclaim the Night Life
I feel the Lord inviting us into this area, particularly in the night. “Come away with me in the night. I want to own your night hours and reclaim your night life. Seize the day by giving me your night…