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Angel Armies Are Mobilizing! Prophetic Word
Heaven’s armies are on the move, mobilizing to bring breakthrough and establish Kingdom authority on Earth. Apostle, prophet, and pastor Tim Sheets reveals how angelic forces are responding to God’s decrees and shows you how to align with this supernatural movement.

Prophetic Vision for America & Jesus’ Divine Assistance
“Jesus is stepping forward to bring transformation and fulfill God’s promises for the nation.” Pastor and apostle Tim Sheets reveals how angelic forces are being deployed to support the Ekklesia in this supernatural era.

Book of Enoch & Nephilim: Exposing the End-Times Resurgence of the Nephilim
“Could the Nephilim have some connection to the antichrist and the end times?” Formidable apostolic and prophetic leader Alan DiDio exposes the truth behind the Nephilim, the Book of Enoch, and the end-times spirit lurking in this new age.

Man Saw Aborted & Miscarried Children Living and Growing in Heaven!
When babies are aborted or miscarried, they arrive in Heaven and are cared for. After a fatal plane crash sent him to Heaven, Captain Dale Black experienced angels, saints, and lost children living in a City built by a Master Architect. Now, he shares these intimate details with you.

Angels of Deception: Exposing the Devil’s Servants of Darkness
In these Last Days, the enemy will deploy false christs, false prophets, and “angels” of deception! International prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z exposes the unseen war in the spirit realm and empowers you to test the spirits so you won’t be deceived.

‘God Showed Me A Vision of the White House’
In a revelatory vision, he received an angelic encounter and saw the White House. What happened next reveals God's plans and purposes for the United States. Prophetic voice, apostle, and pastor Tim Sheets reveals the hidden operations in the spirit realm and how to intercede in prayer for the heart and soul of the nation.

Sole Plane Crash Survivor Spends 3 Days in Heaven
As a young pilot, Captain Dale Black was the only survivor of a tragic plane crash that killed him. For three days, he visited heaven and saw things that changed his life forever. Now, after years of reluctance to share his unbelievable journey, God convinced him to tell his story so you can learn the deeper secrets of the world beyond this one.

The Angel Gate is OPEN: Prophetic Insights for a 3rd Great Awakening
The Spirit of God spoke to him, revealing that a time of great shaking and a divine reset will be in September. Prophet and apostle Tim Sheets relays the prophetic words: we need to embark on assignments to release angels.

Prophetic Dream: Angels, Spiritual Warfare & Church Unveil the Spiritual Kingdom
In a prophetic dream, apostle Tim Sheets saw an urgent need for you to understand the times you’re living in. Discover how you can engage in the war season, release angels, and operate in higher levels of authority.

The Angel Raphael Appeared in A Hospital—Listen to What Happened Next!
As her mother shows signs of her imminent passing, Jo called out to God for strength. Suddenly, there was an unexpected knock at the door. A man, who Jo had never seen before as part of the staff, came at the perfect time and his presence provided peace and comfort. What happened next will give you chills.