“I Saw Scorpion-like Demons Attached to Their Backs’’

There are a number of locations from where we can receive revelation. We should be ready in any place on earth at any given time. Revelation may come where you are now standing or sitting; it may come in the street or on the hilltop, just as I write about Ezekiel’s revelation in my book, Seeing Beyond. We can deliberately be seeking the Lord in that precise moment and the spirit realm opens. If you practise seeking out the Lord daily, the realm of the spirit can open at any time. Be expectant as you go through your everyday life!

My prayer for you is to posture yourself to be hungry to know God more and to know His ways more (see Psalm 86:11). Make this your focus and prayer and the Lord will hear, respond and open your senses. You will encounter Him in fresh and deeply life-transforming ways—all aimed at bringing you closer to Him and to an understanding and knowledge of Him.

I pray for your senses to be awakened, to be defibrillated and shocked by the Spirit of God!

Three God Encounters

God did exactly this to me through a series of three encounters within a few months of each other. I was walking in the city—twice in Glasgow, Scotland, and once in London—when it happened. On these occasions, I was busy, hurrying on my way somewhere. I was not intentionally praying for revelation in those moments but—I believe that it was because I had cultivated a lifestyle of prayer and focus on God at all times—He ‘broke in’ to open my eyes intentionally in order to teach me something.

Each time this occurred, everything I saw in front of me—for example, people walking towards me, just going about their business—was in slow motion. It was bizarre and yet similar to a movie scene in slow motion and then changing to three dimensional for a few minutes.

The first time, in a split second, I began to see all the ‘spiritual clothes’ each person was wearing. As they walked by, I could see that all of the ‘clothes’ had words written on them such as lust, greed, depression and fear. I could see the clothing as well as feel and hear it in the spirit. God revealed that the sounds of these clothes were from the spirits they were associated with. Fear was the loudest, most high pitched, dreadful screeching sound of them all. This ‘clothing’ can travel great distances in the spirit, with fear travelling the furthest. With the revelation came the realisation that any demonic spirit or person operating in spiritual sight could easily see and sense what everyone of us had partnered with—unintentionally or otherwise.

The second occasion the Lord opened my spiritual senses was when I was walking through a busy train station. The slow-motion experience occurred again, but this time I could see ‘through’ people’s bodies, much like a supernatural x-ray. I saw internal organs lit up in different colours—black for diseased hearts and kidneys; green where healing was coming to other body parts; thyroid and endocrine functions and more. As God spoke, my eyes were led to what was wrong health-wise with each person.

The final time this ‘defibrillation’ occurred, again I was not intentionally seeking God or training my spiritual senses. However, I immediately saw demonic, scorpion-like creatures appear on the backs of the individuals in front of me. These spiritual ‘creatures’ were secured to people’s shoulders. Their tail-like appendages were fastened on to the spine like a macabre backpack. Not every person had these creatures on them. God showed me that these creatures represented demonic strongholds which had attached themselves through great agency and agreement from the individuals carrying them. The gift of the discernment of spirits from First Corinthians 12 enabled me to know what they were.

After this, I knew I could train my senses on to people and see and feel where the illness was in a body; I could perceive which spirit a person was wearing or carrying, just as God had shown me in these encounters.

Unsurprisingly, it took me some time to overcome the initial amazement of seeing inside bodies, to overcome the horror at seeing the demonic so clearly visible on people. Truthfully, it briefly became an unhealthy focus until I took it to the Lord. I knew I could become wrongly obsessed with the demonic if I were not careful. I needed to re-set my gaze on the Lord and ask how He wanted me to use this amazing gift I had been given.

My response to the visible demonic pushed me away from rather than towards these people and thus away from offering help. In the early days of God opening my spiritual senses, I struggled at times with what God was revealing to me. I would even say that I wrestled with the Lord over why He had decided to show me these things. Eventually I realised what a blessing this gift was and is. Truly it is a remarkable gift.

Working through the challenges enabled a drawing closer to God. I began to be able to pray with people and see and feel what illness or spirit was at work in their lives. I was able to ask the Lord for the solution through His Spirit to bring freedom and/or healing as I ministered to them. It is an incredible gift to see and sense in the Spirit the demonic shift and divine healing come to individuals repeatedly.

I believe this awakening and opening of our senses is available to all of us in Christ Jesus. It is open for you to access today.

Sarah-Jane Biggart

Sarah-Jane Biggart is Director of Prayer at Global Prophetic Alliance (GPA). As Seer Prophet she is anointed both apostolically and prophetically and ordained with Christian International. Sarah-Jane has trained and activated many to see and sense in the spirit. As leader of the British Isles Prayer Watch (BIPW) she also trains and mentors a number of strategic prayer teams and national watchmen at home and abroad.


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