Are You A Single Lady in Waiting?
Christian Life Jackie Kendall Christian Life Jackie Kendall

Are You A Single Lady in Waiting?

Incompleteness is not the result of being single, but of not being full of Jesus. Only in the process of reckless abandonment to Jesus does any woman ever finally understand that, in Him, she is complete. When two “incomplete” singles get married, their union will not make them complete. Their marriage will be simply two “incomplete” people trying to find completeness in one another. Only when they understand that their fullness is found in a relationship with Jesus will they ever begin to…

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God’s Plan For A Supernatural Marriage
Christian Life, Marriage Jane Hamon Christian Life, Marriage Jane Hamon

God’s Plan For A Supernatural Marriage

From the beginning, God created man and woman and set them in the beauty of the garden to start fulfilling His plan for the earth. God instructed them to be fruitful and multiply, to replenish the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over it. This instruction was not just given to Adam, but to both Adam and Eve. God intended for them to work together as a team, each with his and her unique giftings and abilities to…

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Communion & Your Kids: A Tool to Unlock His Presence
Parenting, Christian Life, Prayer, Bethel Beni Johnson Parenting, Christian Life, Prayer, Bethel Beni Johnson

Communion & Your Kids: A Tool to Unlock His Presence

Children do not have a junior Holy Spirit. God wants to use them to change the world just as much as He wants to use an adult. They have access to Him in the same way, and Communion can be a powerful tool for them to connect with the presence of God. But, often, it feels a bit intimidating to try to teach kids about something like Communion…

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Receive Your Deborah Anointing

Receive Your Deborah Anointing

There is a vein of the prophetic word that pops up over and over again: It is God’s time for Women! While there are many women being stirred to rise up as biblical Deborahs, there are not many role models for leaders and emerging leaders to follow. In fact, as I have looked into the eyes of young women around the world, I’ve noticed they are…

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The Shrouded Supernatural Power of Communion
Christian Life, Spiritual Growth, Bethel Beni Johnson Christian Life, Spiritual Growth, Bethel Beni Johnson

The Shrouded Supernatural Power of Communion

Why is Communion so powerful? We’ve heard of wonderful testimonies surrounding Communion—people being healed, couples who were dealing with infertility taking Communion every day and getting pregnant, and of people falling out in the middle of taking Communion. That’s more than just a wafer and some grape juice. That’s the power of the Living God. To understand more about the power behind this, we need to…

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How the Past Endangers Your Walk with God
Prayer, Christian Life Troy Brewer Prayer, Christian Life Troy Brewer

How the Past Endangers Your Walk with God

The Bible says all our sins are forgiven—past, present, and future. But if God doesn’t keep a record of wrongs, why do we need Jesus to go into our past and redeem it? While it is so very true that God keeps no record of our wrongs, it’s also very true that we do. We know we’re forgiven, but we’re haunted by past failures and mistakes…

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