How the Past Endangers Your Walk with God

Where could I go from your Spirit? Where could I run and hide from your face? If I go up to heaven, you’re there! If I go down to the realm of the dead, you’re there too! If I fly with wings into the shining dawn, you’re there! If I fly into the radiant sunset, you’re there waiting! (Psalm 139:7-9 TPT)

When it comes to the subject of redeeming your timeline, there is no verse that spells it out like Psalm 139. It literally shouts, “Jesus is a time traveler and His favorite destination is your past!”

Let’s read it again, this time with some notes from me:

Where could I go from your Spirit? Where could I run and hide from your face? If I go up to heaven [eternity], you’re there! If I go down to the realm of the dead [also eternity], you’re there too! If I fly with wings into the shining dawn [the future], you’re there! If I fly into the radiant sunset [the past], you’re there waiting! (Psalm 139:7-9 TPT)

Why is Jesus waiting in your past? To redeem it! Jesus is such a redemption freak that He sacrificed His life to literally become sin for you to be counted sinless. See, if you have any kind of sin attached to you, you cannot be in the presence of God in His holy habitation of heaven.

“But Pastor Troy, the Bible says all our sins are forgiven—past, present, and future. If God doesn’t keep a record of wrongs, why do I need Jesus to go into my past and redeem it?”

I’m so glad you asked! While it is so very true that God keeps no record of our wrongs, it’s also very true that we do. We know we’re forgiven, but we’re haunted by past failures and mistakes. We’re hunted by broken relationships and shattered hearts. Many of us can’t forgive our past behavior or the things others have done to us. Our words and actions dog us because we can’t let go. Why is this such a big deal? Because it cripples your walk with the Lord and your testimony of Jesus to those around you. Living in the past will kill your promise and limit your future. It enslaves you and brings generational curses on your family. You cannot live the abundant life Jesus died to give you if you dwell on past hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

My friend, Jesus is so happy to travel to your past with the gift of redemption. Has it already been given to you? Yes. But if you need to revisit that place and mark it with His blood to give you the breakthrough you need, He’s there. Waiting just for you.

I Declare in Jesus’ Name…

  • I accept the gift of redemption Jesus died to give me—past, present, and future.

  • I repent of beating myself up over my past. I will look to my future with confidence in Your plan, Lord.

  • My future belongs to You, Lord God. I trust You with my purpose and destiny.

  • I give my past to You today. I will no longer be defined by past failures and mistakes.

  • Just as You keep no record of my wrongs, Lord, I declare the list I’ve been keeping to be null and void. You have paid the price and it is enough!

Troy Brewer

Troy Brewer is a tireless student of God’s Word and sold-out believer in all things prophetic. Pastor at OpenDoor Church in Burleson, Texas, Troy’s radio and television programs are broadcast worldwide. He is a global missionary known for his radical love for Jesus, unique teaching style, and his passion for serving people. Troy rescues girls and boys from sex trafficking worldwide through his ministry


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