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Close Encounters of Demonic Kind: The Truth Behind Alien Abductions
Close encounters with alien entities have been a subject that has consistently captivated the public’s attention. Pastor and host of Encounter Today Alan DiDio exposes the recent influx of alien encounters and reveals its ties to the End Times.

Communion Reverses a Witch’s Curse
Beni Johnson, seasoned intercessor and Bethel Church leader, teaches on the power of communion to break the demonic forces of the enemy. Nothing can stand against the power of Jesus’ blood and taking communion is a key to activating His power!

#1 False Gifting that Satan Uses in Church
Satan always attempts to counterfeit that God has created, including gifts of the Spirit. Supernaturalist and pastor Darren Stott exposes the truth about the false gifting that lurks in the Church and how to stand against it.

Nephilim, Fallen Angels & Giants from the Bible
The Bible tells us that the last days will be like the days of Noah. Rick Renner, a renowned biblical scholar, joins Joseph Z sharing his extensive research and insights regarding the Nephilim and the prophetic implications for the last days.

800 Sorcerers Delivered By a Drop of Jesus’ Blood
Approximately 800 angry sorcerers from all over Africa invaded a Bible crusade, but their dark powers were no match for the power of Jesus’ Blood. Internationally respected minister and senior pastor Mahesh Chavda reveals the power of the Blood to overcome witchcraft and the powers of darkness.

Activate the Miracle Realm: #1 Reason Most Believers Don’t See Miracles
Through the power of God released from your hands, you will witness so many miracles that you might forget to celebrate them all! Supernaturalist and pastor Darren Stott reveals the biggest barrier to miracles and supernatural breakthrough, so you can remove its power over your walk with God.

Kundalini Spirit: How to Discern the Holy Spirit from the False Spirit
What is the Kundalini spirit and how can you recognize the true signs of the Holy Spirit? Pastor Vlag Savchuk gives you a deeper understanding and revelation about hosting the Holy Spirit and embracing His work in our midst.

‘I Saw Angels Partnering with Christians From Heaven After I Died’
“I looked over God’s Kingdom and saw people and angels coexisting and operating together.” After clinically dying in a hospital, Randy Kay received end-times revelations that showed the importance of angels partnering with believers. Now, he shares those insights for the first time so you can be fearlessly equipped in these last days.

Is the Shroud of Turin Real?
Is the Shroud of Turin the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ, or is it an elaborate medieval forgery? Bible teacher and pastor Joseph Z blends historical context, scientific scrutiny, theological perspectives, and the latest research findings to provide a well-rounded examination of the Shroud.

UFOs in the News—What Does This Mean For You?
With the increasing reports of UFO sightings and alien encounters, are we witnessing the fulfillment of the “days of Noah” as described in Genesis Chapter 6? Prophet and pastor Troy Brewer reveals how you can navigate the uncertainties and chaos these revelations bring to our world.