Communion Reverses a Witch’s Curse

We are at war. We never want to concentrate on anything the devil is doing.

We know he’s already been defeated! But, there is a war constantly going on all around us. I share a story in my book, The Happy Intercessor, about traveling with a team up to Mt. Shasta. This beautiful mountain, just north of Redding, is considered to be a place of power and worship for many satanic or occult belief systems. So, I thought, That sounds like the perfect place to bring some godly influence!

I felt that we were to go up the mountain and take Communion, pray, and blow the shofar. I had around 150 people as a team that day, so it was a power-charged group, and they were ready to see God. We spent some time walking around the meadow praying, and then we gathered around the spring and took Communion together. Then I had a friend blow her shofar. After the third blow on the shofar, we all shouted out praise to God. We thought we were the only ones on the mountain that day. We were wrong. As we left the meadow and began to walk out, a few of us walked out the lower trail. As we walked out, we passed a tree, and we could hear someone hissing. All of a sudden, a young man jumped out from under the tree and ran as fast as he could past us and down the meadow. No sooner did this happen then we came upon a lady sitting lotus style (meditation form) trying to channel. When they channel, they use a coming noise, like a shh, shh, shh, repeating it slowly and softly. One of my friends who was with us had used this practice before she got saved, so she knew what was going on. This lady’s air space had been so disrupted by our prayers that she was yelling her shh, shh, shh. My friend looked at me and said, “Well, she won’t be getting anywhere today.”

We never need to be distracted by the activity of the enemy. But we can be aware of the battle that is going on all around us for our minds, for our authority, for our health, and for our peace. We have the winning hand every time! Every time we take Communion, we remind ourselves that the devil has been defeated. The cross had the final word. But I think everyone has experienced being attacked. In the past, I have dealt with health issues, and there are moments when I’ve been slammed spiritually. I have had to really lay hold of God’s promises of peace. I’ve always considered myself a peaceful person, but I have had to honestly ask myself, “Do I really believe that I can walk in peace when there are so many things attacking that very thing?”

When I’m taking the bread and the wine in a moment like that, I am in a spiritual battle for my health—spirit, soul, and body. Especially when there’s something going on in my world that is threatening my wholeness, it’s important for me to take Communion more than once a month. It allows me to continually remind myself who I am, who Jesus is, and what He did. Through Communion, I am brought back to the realization of reality: His world is my true reality, not this one.

Several months ago, I had a young woman contact me through text, asking if we could talk. She was sick and had been sick for a while. In fact, for over seven months she had taken three different rounds of antibiotics, but was still not getting well, and no one could figure out what was making her so sick. I began to ask her questions. Whenever I pray for people, many times I’ll ask them questions so that I can figure out why and how a problem started. It’s like a little spiritual detective work that empowers me to pray as effectively and specifically as possible.

In speaking with this young friend, I soon learned that the young man she was dating had previously been married to a woman who was now a practicing witch. Now it made sense. She was being cursed. So I gave her a little homework. I told her that once she got off the phone with me, she was to take Communion and continue to take it every day. While she took Communion, she was to apply the blood of Jesus over her own life and send every curse meant to harm her back to where it came from.As soon as she got off of the phone, she took Communion and did exactly what I had told her to do. Around midnight, she texted me to say that she was already feeling a little better. She took ahold of the power of the cross, prophesied to her body, and the healing began. By morning, she was completely well. A few days later, she told me that her boyfriend’s ex-wife—the very woman who had been cursing her—had come down with the exact same symptoms that she’d been experiencing for the past seven months. Several months later, our young friend texted me to say, “I’m still taking Communion, and I’m doing great.”

There’s an old hymn I remember singing as a girl, and the words still ring true. “There is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb.

There is enough power in His blood to cancel any curse, to save us from our sins, and to heal our bodies. And that power has not waned in 2,000 years; it is very much alive and well.

Beni Johnson

Beni Johnson was one of the Senior Pastors of Bethel Church. She served, along with her husband, Bill Johnson, a growing number of churches that have partnered for revival. This apostolic network has crossed denominational lines in building relationships that enable church leaders to walk in both purity and power. Beni’s call to intercession remains an integral part of the Bethel Church mission where she led the Bethel's Prayer House, ministry teams and the intercessors. She believed that being an intercessor is capturing the heartbeat of heaven and declaring or praying that into your world. It is true agreement with heaven.


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