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Operate in the Supernatural: Unleashing the Power of Miracles, Signs & Wonders Daily
The New Testament's supernatural abilities are still operative today. Multidimensional thinker, speaker, and pastor Hugh Daniel Smith reveals how you can operate in the supernatural abilities available through the Holy Spirit, allowing you to walk in power and authority.

Unlock Your Supernatural Gifts: Master the 7 Stages of Spiritual Abilities in Your Calling
In the New Testament, God’s people operated with some incredible supernatural abilities. International speaker and Bible teacher Hugh Daniel Smith teaches you 7 stages of spiritual growth to experience the supernatural abilities God calls us to walk in.

#1 False Gifting that Satan Uses in Church
Satan always attempts to counterfeit that God has created, including gifts of the Spirit. Supernaturalist and pastor Darren Stott exposes the truth about the false gifting that lurks in the Church and how to stand against it.

Release the Power of Tongues: Benefits to Praying in the Spirit
The gifts of the Spirit enable us to see a glimpse of His glory. T.D. Jakes, New York Times bestselling author and internationally recognized Bible teacher, empowers you to be operate in the power of the Holy Spirit.

How to Operate in Prophetic Gifts in the Courts of Heaven
Your prophetic abilities can be beneficial when operating in the Courts of Heaven. Global apostolic leader and Courts of Heaven expert Robert Henderson reveals how to use your prophetic giftings to release powerful breakthrough in your life.

You’ve Been Praying Wrong—The True Path to Supernatural Healing
Few people have realized the close affinity between the natural and the supernatural—between the body and the spirit. A major influence to the ministries of Bill Johnson and Mario Murillo, Charles S Price teaches you how to merge the supernatural with your natural life to witness miraculous healings unfold before your eyes.

Tangible Presence of God: Accessing His Glory
Moving in the glory is what Holy Spirit always intended for you. Here's how to do it. Drawing from a revelatory encounter, prophetic minister and Bethel School leader Hayley Braun imparts how to access the manifest presence of God and attract His glory in your life.

Bill Johnson: 4 Days of Prayer Activations to Unleash God’s Power
Don’t squander your supernatural inheritance! Pastor Bill Johnson, senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, equips you with 4 days of practical activations that will allow you to access the power of the Holy Spirit.

Hosting the King: Drawing His Presence into Your Life
Our King longs to be hosted by His people; the precious Holy Spirit longs to be wanted, to be invited, and to be cooperated with. Prophetic minister and Bethel School leader Hayley Braun reveals the keys to drawing more of God’s intimate presence into your life so you can operate in His prophetic power.

This Vision of Hell Saved A Man’s Life
When David McIver caught a haunting glimpse of hell, it propelled him to take a life-altering step. What happens next showcases the transformative power of listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and calls you to listen to that still, small voice.