Operate in the Supernatural: Unleashing the Power of Miracles, Signs & Wonders Daily

In the New Testament, God’s people operated with some incredible supernatural abilities.

At the word of Jesus, Peter walked on water. Later, Peter walked by those who were sick on the street, and his shadow healed them of their ailments. In another instance, he spoke a word, and a man and his wife immediately fell dead for lying to the Holy Spirit. Philip vanished and reappeared by the power of the Holy Spirit. Paul struck a man blind for a time.

In fact, all “the apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people” (Acts 5:12, NIV). Their prison doors were miraculously opened. They praised God, and earthquakes shook the ground. They spoke in unknown spiritual languages. They cast out demons. They healed the sick. They raised the dead. They accurately predicted future events. They rejoiced in persecution and willingly sacrificed their lives for Christ, confident of the resurrection to come.

If all of these incredible feats were relegated to a bygone time, it might be easy for some to write them off as ancient myths or fairy tales. But these supernatural abilities are still operative today. In my own life and the lives of others, I have witnessed countless examples of miracles, signs, and wonders. I have seen people healed, demons cast out, and future events foretold. I have experienced visions, dreams, and powerful encounters with God Almighty. I have seen lives radically transformed by the power of God.

On one occasion, following a visit to a heart specialist, I received an unexpected report: my heart had undergone what my doctor deemed its own bypass surgery, marking me as a medical mystery. I attribute this unexplained healing to the supernatural power of God. Through learning to access Christ as a Healer, I have experienced divine intervention in my health for several years—including healing a degenerating disc, averting recommended back surgery, and overcoming conditions like high blood pressure.

In another instance, the Lord guided me to sell a church facility and build a new one, promising a doubling in the size of the congregation if I followed these instructions. Obediently, we sold our church property, temporarily leasing facilities for approximately two years, and we witnessed our ministry double before dedicating our new church edifice—a testament to the miraculous power of God.

Recently, we witnessed God bring healing to a baby who was diagnosed with a fetal intracranial hemorrhage. The married couple was expecting a son, due September 24, 2023. At 20 weeks into the pregnancy, an ultrasound revealed a mildly enlarged ventricle in the brain. On May 2, a follow-up ultrasound showed severe bleeding/blood on the left side of the brain (a level 4 out of 4), mild bleeding/blood on the right side of the brain, as well as a slight malformation of some facial features. At a follow-up appointment with the University of Michigan on May 10, the same findings were confirmed, along with potential deterioration of some of the brain (given the blood).

The diagnosis was a fetal intracranial hemorrhage (essentially a stroke in the womb). The doctors were unsure what caused this, as the mother was very healthy and had a complication-free pregnancy prior to this one. Given the severity of the bleeding, the doctors expected the child to have severe physical and mental challenges, in the rare event that he survived. Due to this, the doctors advised the couple to abort the child.

Hearing this news, the couple reached out to us for support. Following prayer, the Lord directed us not to terminate the pregnancy but instead to prophesy into the situation, make divine declarations, rebuke the evil one, and release gifts of healing. Our local assembly has multiple Kingdom Order of Ascension Gifts (KOAG) teams trained in redemptive justice practice and dedicated to redemptive casework, and one of our KOAG teams (along with myself) diligently worked on this case until its completion. Ultimately, the baby was born without any complications, demonstrating the healing power of God at work.

Throughout my journey, the Lord has brought physical healing, inner healing, and deliverance to many, along with family healing. Additionally, prophetic insights have revealed the future, guiding me in unpopular yet divinely inspired actions. Despite initial challenges, these commands showcased the foresight, brilliance, and power of God as the outcomes unfolded.

The complexities and challenges of our day are putting an intense demand on the people of God to authentically manifest His power like never before. The world is headed into some uncharted territory, and we must fully embrace supernatural enhancement in Christ if we are to effectively represent God and testify to our generation. I hope your appetite is heightened for this kind of enhancement. This chapter is designed to help you experience it for yourself. It all starts with identifying with Christ and experiencing authentic spiritual growth.

Authentic Spiritual Growth

God’s plan was always to rule the earth through His image. Humanity was originally made in the image of God and after His likeness, but after the Fall in the Garden, that image was marred. Thankfully, the eternal Word became flesh, and Christ Himself was manifested as “the image of the invisible God” to restore that image in the earth (Colossians 1:15, NIV). In light of this, authentic spiritual growth is the process by which the spiritual life is developed into the image of Christ—the perfect human blueprint. From God’s vantage point, becoming an enhanced human being involves experiencing personal evolution in Christ.

Once again, the more we see Christ, the more we are transformed into His image and the more power we have to embrace our enhanced humanity. For as we behold Him, we are being “transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthians 3:18, ESV), and “in him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28, KJV).

The process of spiritual growth starts with conception—the new birth experience. When we place our faith in Christ and receive His Holy Spirit, we are “born again,” and we become recipients of the divine nature (see 2 Peter 1:2-4). We are born from above with divine DNA, and the “new nature” of Christ is activated within us. Then, with proper care, we eventually grow and develop into a state of full maturation in Christ.

Some of the byproducts of authentic spiritual growth include the following:

Discovering one’s true self

Ascertaining one’s reason for being

Bringing one’s God-ordained purpose to pass

Spiritual growth is as natural as physical growth, and at the most fundamental level, it involves some basic, intuitive practices. Just as our physical bodies thrive based on the quality of our diet, exercise, rest, and overall health, our spirits thrive based on corresponding components:

Spiritual diet

Spiritual exercise

Spiritual rest

Spiritual health

We must consider each of these factors if we are to become the enhanced humanity in Christ that God is envisioning. What are we consuming spiritually? How are we exercising our spirits and putting our faith into practice? Are we spending enough time resting our spirits in Christ? What is the overall condition of our spirits?

The journey of spiritual growth in Christ is experienced in seven stages:

1. Lust + Fear: We are manifesting Adam and confused identity.

2. Dependence: We are being nourished by the Church.

3. Independence: We are discovering our gifts and purpose.

4. Interdependence: We are experiencing cooperative ministry within the Body of Christ.

5. Truth + Love: We are manifesting Christ and our true identity.

6. Happiness / Joy: We are experiencing the fullness of the blessing of God.

7. Translation: We are becoming pure light in Him.

The Art of Becoming

This entire journey is about becoming who we were always designed and destined to be in Christ. As believers, we are all being conformed to the image of God, but each of us expresses a unique aspect of that image. If we want to become authentic, spiritually enhanced human beings, then we must actively become who we really are in Christ—with all of the associated character traits, gifts, powers, and benefits.

As the apostle Paul makes clear, we must renounce the “old man” or the old Adamic nature, and we must identify with the “new man” or the new nature in Christ. If we want to effectively exercise our enhanced abilities in Christ, we must completely consolidate into an entirely new persona. Paul, after speaking of those who still walk in the futility of their old human minds, says the following:

But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:20-24, NKJV).

How do we put this into practice? We must personally identify with the death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and reign of Christ Jesus—what I call the Five Laws of the Cross. It was for this reason that Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20, ESV).

[The Five Laws of the Cross] are not simply tenants of doctrine that we intellectually ascribe to, nor are they simply historical events that we reflect back upon. They are eternal, living, spiritual laws, and as such, they have the capacity to govern our reality and our lived experience. These spiritual laws are present realities—spiritual dimensions that we can enter into and experience here and now. Only in this way will we be conformed to Christ, and only in this way will we receive the power to co-rule with Him.

For example, it is not enough simply to intellectually affirm our belief in the death of Christ on the cross. This is good, but it does little by way of transformation. If we want to be transformed by the death of Christ, then we must experience the death of Christ in realtime, as if it were really (spiritually) happening to us in the present moment. We must use our faith to identify with the crucified Christ such that His experience becomes our experience. We must become one with the death of Christ. When this happens, the death of Christ, as a spiritual law, will begin to operate within us, freeing us from the sin nature and everything else that is harming us; and we will reap the tangible benefits of Christ’s sacrifice in our real lives.

The apostle Paul declared, “I die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31, KJV)—emphasizing a continuous and present experience. However, it’s not merely about daily dying in Christ; it’s also about being buried, resurrected, ascended, and reigning each day. Those who make this a daily practice will encounter the transformative power of His death, the purifying effect of His burial, the vitality of His resurrection, the manifestation of His gifts and mantles, and the governing power of royalty to reign in life each day.

I also want to clarify that we do not achieve this solely through human efforts, akin to a doctrine of religious works. On the contrary—it’s a profound work of grace. Consider this analogy: just as a laptop can be given WiFi access by the hotspot on a cell phone, all our efforts are fueled by the finished work of Christ—His death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and reign. Though it might seem like the laptop is functioning independently, it is actually deriving its ability from the hotspot that is energizing it. Similarly, all our endeavors to experience redemption are entirely powered by the living Christ.

Hugh Daniel Smith

Hugh Daniel Smith is a multidimensional thinker and international speaker. He is known for his spiritual insight and his ability to make them relevant to the times. His life’s mission is to bring the Kingdom of God to earth by protecting the divine rights of all people. His unique style, charismatic wit, godly wisdom, and genuine love for people have been indispensable to his success.


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