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Isaiah’s Secret Message to Gentiles: The End-Times Mandate to Fulfill God’s Ultimate Plan
The book of Isaiah emphasizes the the importance of the Gentile role in God's end-times plan. Missionary and Messianic Rabbi Felix Halpern unearths the truth about the book of Isaiah so you can be be prepared for His coming.

Nephilim End-Times Strategy: Artificial Intelligence’s Role in the Last Days
The Bible prophesizes about the giants and Nephilim's demonic plot in these Last Days. Dennis Lindsay, Bible teacher and president and CEO of Christ for the Nations, reveals the demonic plot of artificial intelligence, advance technology, and genetic hybrids through the lens of Biblical prophecy.

Last Days Warfare—These 2 Weapons Are the Key to Defeating the Demonic Territories
We live in some of the greatest but darkest days of Church history. Bestselling author and globally recognized prophet Jeremiah Johnson equips you with two weapons used to defeat the demonic forces of this age, so you can take your place as the warrior bride.

Prophetic Dream: 5 Demonic Spirits that War Against the End-Time Church
While fasting Jeremiah Johnson had a prophetic dream that revealed the key to victory in end-times warfare. Bestselling author, respected prophet and minister Johnson exposes these 5 spirits that have marked you for destruction and teaches you how to overthrow every demonic attack leveled against you.

Prophetic Warning: AI, Aliens, Deep Fakes, and the Deceptive Era
The enemy is spinning an intricate web of AI, Deep Fakes, and the imminent End Times scenario. Drawing from his extensive knowledge and spiritual discernment, prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z sheds light on the alarming significance of AI's role in the digital Cold War, so you can discern what's true in God's Word.

Emma Stark: ‘These 3 Steps to Healing and Deliverance Will Change Your Life’
You have a spiritual duty and life call to join Jesus in trampling the works of darkness under your feet! Emma Stark, internationally renowned prophetess and Bible teacher, teaches you the three steps to dethrone demonic spirits that war against you.

“WHAT IF...?” The Prophetic Clock is Ticking | Embracing God’s Timely Warnings!
What if the biggest end-times deception is coming? Drawing from current events, signs, and the Bible, pastor John Kilpatrick reveals how close we are to the End Times. Question is: will you be deceived?

Urgent Prophetic Warning: Don’t Be Deceived in These Last Days
As we draw closer and closer to His return, the enemy is twisting the teachings of Jesus. Jeremiah Johnson, prophet and bestselling author, uncovers the three critical realities that will revolutionize your walk and keep you safe from the enemy’s last-days lies.

Alien Encounter: First Hand Account of A Demonic Alien Presence
“She saw as a small humanoid creature with big, black eyes and gray skin…” Joseph Z, international prophetic voice, broadcaster, and Bible teacher, shares a blood-chilling account of an alien encounter his wife had. This isn’t science fiction! This paranormal encounter shouldn't be surprising as the spirit of deception rises in the world.

False Apostles Among Us? Signs of TRUE Apostles
Have we been deceived just as Jesus warned us? International Bible scholar and teacher Rick Renner exposes self-proclaimed “apostles” and “prophets” and reveals true Kingdom signs for these offices in these end-times.