Alien Encounter: First Hand Account of A Demonic Alien Presence

Those who are carried off by fairy tales often wish to be. Let me explain.

Those who desire spiritual experiences, above everything else, are destined for problematic encounters. Much like drug addicts, they need something to give them a fix.

When seeking encounters and experiences, there appears to be what I consider an “x-files” type of fascination with the unseen. This fascination, without the Word of God mixed with faith, is a groundwork for error.

This includes scenarios that are legitimate, at least to individuals who claim to have encountered them, such as the UFO narratives, obsession with a variety of conspiracies, and those who have seen these types of things. This is not to discount some of the things people say or even some conspiracies, as they are sometimes true! However, my grandfather would often say, “The main thing is that we keep the main thing, the main thing.” This is the issue with many Christians who so desperately desire to escape the confines of this natural experience that they come to a place where truth is secondary to experiences. If something is mysterious and they have encountered it, new phrases and titles for a thing seem to arrive on the scene. Thus the saying, “Metaphors reign where mysteries reside.” It is my hope to simply cause a love for the Word of God in this chapter, as there are many things taking place around the world with a variety of unique manifestations, and we should be looking at them only from the perspective of the Word of God and keeping our focus on the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Do Not Allow Conspiracies to Hijack Your Faith

Do not say, “A conspiracy,” concerning all that this people call a conspiracy, nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled (Isaiah 8:12).

Above is a great scripture to consider when dealing with conspiracies and unique issues. Notice it says, “Do not say ‘A conspiracy’ concerning all that this people call a conspiracy.” In other words, do not run along with everything that is labeled a conspiracy—keep your head on straight! The follow-up exhortation in that same verse is also helpful: “Nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.”

Now, this doesn’t mean that some conspiracies might not be true. As a matter of fact, it would seem that in our current world there are issues that only a few years ago were considered conspiracies but are now known information.

When people told us that our cellphones were listening to us and tracking our whereabouts, that was a conspiracy only a few short years ago; however, today it is normal and true. Things are so far down the road and advanced that we don’t have just cellphones doing this! Now we have music devices in our homes that companies fully admit are recording us. This is simply an example, but it does show that not all conspiracies are false.

We must return to the firm foundation of the Word of God, no matter what comes our way. This generation will be exposed to more strange and weird phenomena than any generation before it. Christians who are prone to conspiracies and prone to the sensational, without having the reins of the Word of God governing their hearts, will fall prey to much of what is coming.

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church explains the topic of mysticism by referencing mystical theology. This is interesting, as it sheds light on what many believers in Jesus Christ venture into.

“Mysticism” generally refers to claims of immediate knowledge of Ultimate Reality (whether or not this is called “God”) by direct personal experience; “mystical theology” is used to mean the study of mystical phenomena or the science of the mystical life. It has sometimes been suggested that such experience is the goal of all religion, and that there are certain experiences or patterns of experience which are common to believers in different religions or even in none, but this suggestion has been challenged on both philosophical and theological grounds. Paranormal phenomena, such as trances, visions and locutions, are often regarded as “mystical,” though their value and significance is assessed differently by different thinkers; they are usually not regarded as essential.

Christian mystics are those who will most likely fall for every wind of doctrine or new theory out there. The troubling issue regarding new theories and experiences is that without the Word of God many will be swept away into progressive deception.

Alien Encounter

Here is an example from our lives. One evening while my wife and I were staying high up in the mountains, Heather was woken up to a strange and somewhat horrific experience. She woke up to a voice speaking to her; she described it as if it was projected into her mind. The voice was saying, “Come out here.” It was at this moment that our English mastiff began whining and crying outside the bedroom door. Heather got up and walked out of the bedroom, with this voice still speaking, and noticed our dog was hiding on the stairway facing the sliding doors to the front deck. She walked out to check on the dog and looked outside on the deck.

Now, it was about 3:00 am and the only light that was on was our deck light because it was pretty remote in the wilderness. When she looked outside on the deck, something was standing there. It was the source of this projecting voice that had been saying, “Come out here.” She described what she saw as a small humanoid creature with big, black eyes and gray skin, with the texture of a seal. It stood looking at her with its arms somewhat out from its sides, remaining very still and staring at her as it kept projecting the words, “Come out here.” Heather was faced with a tremendous amount of fear; our dog, which was known to fight off bears and coyotes, was completely terrified while looking at this creature. Heather, who doesn’t have much tolerance for fear, rose up in faith, with a hatred for the evil she was experiencing, and sat down next to our mastiff and began praying in the Holy Spirit. The next thing that happened as she glared back at it in faith was—it was gone.

I share this story only for the purpose of saying that we believe there are all kinds of wild things happening in our world at this time. However, we are not subject to any of them. Rather, we know that “greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world” (see 1 John 4:4). That little gray fella came knocking on the wrong door! How many other people might have played along with an entity like that?

In the last days, it is my personal opinion that things will begin to manifest more and more leading to an ultimate deception. The UFO alien phenomena will be a major player in that. The following scriptures from the book of Revelation may very well be speaking of alien-type creatures that will come upon the earth to deceive.

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty (Revelation 16:13-14).

The following scriptures could be applied to several things, including the false alien phenomena.

And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken (Luke 21:25-26).

Notice how it says that men’s hearts will fail them from fear and expectation of things which are coming on the earth. Then it reads further, saying, “The powers of the heavens will be shaken.” The Bible doesn’t specify what exactly it is that is coming upon the earth, but whatever it is will be observable and expected. Fear, to the point of heart attack, will be the result of such events. One could be a falsified alien invasion or visitation.

All paranormal encounters and the hysteria around them have a spirit of deception attached to them. This does not mean that what is coming will not be real; it simply means we must deal with it according to Isaiah 8:12, which says, “Nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.”

Application of the Word and prayer should be made to build your faith, not build conspiracies. For as the world gets stranger and stranger, many things will manifest. The alien scenario is simply one example.

The Humanistic Lie

Every out-of-order experience and supernatural falsehood is a result of a humanistic lie. Humanism is a point of view that places man over the things of God. A deception that says, “We don’t need You, God.” Humanism is also evil when it comes to deciphering spiritual encounters through the lens of your humanity rather than the Word of God.

When venturing into the supernatural, there is a protocol! Running after the unseen, without proper access, can cause catastrophic things to unfold in your life and affect many around you. This is the cause of many haunted houses, family curses, and other demonic points of entry. The worst thing is when foolish people try to communicate with the unseen realm, and like brute beasts become conduits for these dark celestial beings, allowing them permission and access to society. There is only one prescribed way we are to access the realm of the spirit and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Joseph Z

Joseph Z is an author, broadcaster, Bible teacher, and international prophetic voice. Before the age of nine, he began encountering the voice of God through dreams and visions. Joseph has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel around the world. He and his wife, Heather, are founders of Z Ministries, a media and conference-based ministry in Colorado.


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