7 Signs You’re Sabotaging Your Prophetic Destiny
Calling, Spiritual Growth, The Prophetic Jeremiah Johnson Calling, Spiritual Growth, The Prophetic Jeremiah Johnson

7 Signs You’re Sabotaging Your Prophetic Destiny

“Out of this encounter with the Lord, He revealed to me that there are seven specific signs that mark the life and ministry of a leader with influence who is headed for Mount Gilboa.” Global prophetic leader and seasoned media influencer Jeremiah Johnson arms you with 7 prophetic warnings that protect you against common pitfalls and failures.

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Crushing the Serpent! A Call for Women to Rise and Defend the Next Generation
Calling, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Growth, Kids Christy Johnston Calling, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Growth, Kids Christy Johnston

Crushing the Serpent! A Call for Women to Rise and Defend the Next Generation

“I believe the Lord is calling us up to higher levels of discernment in this hour, for we are the gatekeepers of our homes for our children and their futures.” Intercessor, teacher, and prophetic voice Christy Johnston empowers you to embrace your pivotal role for such a time as this.

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Esther Strategy Revealed: This Dream Dismantles the Demonic Assault in Our Day

Esther Strategy Revealed: This Dream Dismantles the Demonic Assault in Our Day

“I had a dream last year where I saw Esther sitting at the banquet table with the king alongside her and Haman opposite her.” Intercessor, teacher, and prophetic voice Christy Johnston exposes the demonic assault on this generation and offers the prophetic strategy revealed to her in a dream.

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Prophetic Remnant on the Frontlines: Your Role in Returning the Nation to God

Prophetic Remnant on the Frontlines: Your Role in Returning the Nation to God

“God is leading us away from being a reactionary, stagnant church structure and transforming us into a revolutionary, forerunning church movement.” Bestselling author and leading prophetic voice Emma Stark unveils a prophetic roadmap for God’s prophetic remnant to stand against the powers and darkness and engage with the issues of our time.

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Prophetic Word for August: A Supernatural Reset

Prophetic Word for August: A Supernatural Reset

As the Ecclesia and intercessors rise in faith, they are called to declare and activate the fulfillment of promises, ushering in a new era of spiritual awakening and victory. Bestselling author, apostle, and pastor Tim Sheets shares God’s timely word for August, highlighting the divine intervention against oppressive forces and the imminent breakthrough for God's people.

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