Crushing the Serpent! A Call for Women to Rise and Defend the Next Generation

In Hebrew, the name Mordecai means “to be crushed and oppressed,” but the Persian translation of his name means “follower or servant of Marduk,” or, “belonging to Marduk.”

This is a complete contradiction to who Mordecai is in Scripture. So then, who is Marduk? And why the contradiction within Mordecai’s name?

We must first find out who Marduk is to obtain a fuller picture of what this means in the context of Esther and the Esther Mantle for our modern day. Marduk is a false god and was worshipped in Mesopotamian times as the chief god of Babylon. While this principality is mentioned only once in Scripture, historical records show that he was considered a chief deity, attached to not only Baal, but also Ishtar. Remember Ishtar from Chapter 5? Yes, her. These two gods, or rather principalities, were considered lovers—they were intertwined together and worked in unison to achieve their goals of domination. Which is profound in context, given that Ishtar is the counterfeit of Esther—and Marduk, the counterfeit of Mordecai.

I have no intention of leading you into an exhaustive history les- son of these demonic deities, yet it’s important we understand that we are indeed dealing with these same principalities at work today. When the house of America was swept clean in the ’60s, demons seven times worse than the ones before came and possessed the land, and among those, alongside Baal, Haman, and Ishtar, was Marduk. How do I know? Look for the rotting fruit. When you pick up an apple from the ground of the tree it has fallen from, even if it is rotten, you know by the fruit that it’s from an apple tree. In the same way, we can distinguish the rotting stench that comes from these principalities, and thus determine God’s solutions against them.

Marduk is known as the god of justice. I want you to contemplate this for a moment and think upon the correlations with the prevailing declarations of “justice” that have become dividing conversations of our day. In 2020, we began to see a steady rise in “social justice” issues. While many of these issues have a resemblance of injustice, justice through the principality of Marduk is sought through violence.

The issue of racism, for example, is a demonic injustice that certainly needs divine intervention, that needs true healing and true repentance. However, what we have seen is the manipulation through the principality of Marduk, where justice is fought for racism through further injustice and violence. This was evident in 2020 through the riots of Black Lives Matter (BLM). Was there a measure of truth to their cause? Indeed, there is still prevailing and satanic racism in our world today that we cannot tolerate, however, true and godly justice will not come by the way of more violence. May I propose, as we are constantly being divided by difference in color, there need be only one color we focus our attention on for healing and that is the color of the Blood of Jesus. It is only within His Blood that true healing and justice can come. I digress. Interestingly, the ancient depictions of this demon lord Marduk were often illustrated alongside a dragon with a forked tongue. What does a forked tongue represent? Deceit and division. Marduk merely uses injustice as a tool to create further division.

When you also consider that satan himself is depicted as a dragon serpent in Revelation, you begin to understand the severity of the nature of this principality. Furthermore, the Ishtar Gate inancient Babylon (a gate where processions of sacrifice and pride would pass through; how profound when considering “pride parades”), featured a dragon associated with the god Marduk. This tells us that both Ishtar and Marduk have a gate through which they receive their sacrifices and idol worship. What is that gate? I believe it has come primarily through education and the idolization and worship of enter-tainment, which holds one in containment.

After watching the movie Barbie, the Holy Spirit led me to look up the name meaning of “Mattel”—the toy company that birthed and branded Barbie. Interestingly, yet another collision into the 1960s. Mattel amazingly means “follower of Marduk.” It is the identical meaning of Mordecai’s Persian translation. While I’m not demonizing the brand itself, toys, or even the people who work at such companies, I am indeed highlighting that these demon principalities have entered the gates of our own homes, cities, and nations through seemingly innocent entryways. Does this mean you must throw out all your children’s toys? By no means.

However, I believe the Lord is calling us up to higher levels of discernment in this hour, for we are the gatekeepers of our homes for our children and their futures. Just as the wolf dressed in Grandmother’s clothing, these principalities have disguised themselves as fun and carefree, and placed themselves in positions of worship as such. The origins of the Barbie doll come from the inspiration of a German doll named Bild Lilli. The German word bild translates to mean “picture.” Lilli means “purity.” Combined, the doll’s name means “picture of purity.” This original doll, from which Barbie was derived and inspired, was in actuality a sex doll. Lilli dolls were sold in tobaccos shops, adult-themed toy stores, and bars with their primary consumers being grown men. Bild Lillis were used as suggestive sex toys for men at bachelor parties, bought as gag gifts for one another, and positioned in sexual and provocative ways.

Did the principality of Marduk utilize this injustice of Bild Lilli to infiltrate the apparent justice of feminism through Barbie? Maybe. Encouraging little girls to “make their dreams come true” is by no means a bad thing; but as Solomon said so wisely it is “the little foxes that spoil the vineyards” (Song of Solomon 2:15 CSB). This leads us to the subtle and cunning origins of a doll that would infiltrate the homes of countless little girls in the years to come. A doll that was initially suggestive and provocative, the picture of counterfeit purity, that would prophetically speaking become the picture of Ishtar.

What’s more, in the movie’s opening scene mentioned earlier, you will find another point of the enemy’s hidden messaging when the towering idol of Barbie stands above the little girls. She is wearing the first outfit from the first creation of Barbie, the black and white striped swimsuit that was also an initial design of Bild Lilli.

Some could say I’m reaching with these details, but I find them to be of no coincidence. How does a doll that was modeled off the design of a sexual perversion become the main toy of affection for little girls in homes worldwide? A doll, whose name, Barbie, means “stranger.” When you consider it all, you realize just how deceptively the enemy works. We invited a stranger into the home—a stranger with obvious markers of demonic deity. Then came the highest grossing movie of 2023. It’s subtle messages should not, therefore, be ignored.

Where does this leave Mordecai? His name depicts the demonic principality of Marduk. One thing I have noticed about the Lord is that He loves to mock the enemy at his own game. Just as we saw with Haman when he was hung upon a tree, in what would be a prophetic illustration of the complete defeat of the enemy through the Cross, and now too, through Mordecai. His name, as we know, also means “crushed and oppressed.” This was hidden messaging through the Father that Jesus would crush and oppress the oppressor.

Through the Cross, Jesus would become the crusher of Marduk. The adjective mar from which the name Mordecai is derived, is also the exact same adjective that the name Mary comes from. Mary, being the mother of Jesus, would also crush the head of the serpent, through the conception and birth of the Messiah, as was prophesied over her: “I will put hostility between you [the serpent] and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel” (Genesis 3:15 CSB).

Is it any wonder, then, that much of the warfare we see playing out in civilization is aimed at the woman? Through extreme feminism, abortion, abuse, and today the attempt to completely deconstruct what it is to even be a woman, the enemy has been on a warpath. Mordecai not only points to the Cross, but to the woman who would crush satan as well. Perhaps no other character in the Bible, apart from Jesus Himself, champions the daughters the way Mordecai champions Esther. Jesus, too, was a beautiful uplifter of His daughters, and reveals to us that in the last days, the mantle of Esther is not only needed, but imperative for the hour at hand. It’s time to crush the head of the serpent under our feet.

Christy Johnston

Christy Johnston is an intercessor, teacher, prophetic voice and justice carrier. Christy’s burning heart for justice and intercession has led her on a life journey of prayer, contending for major world issues. Together with her husband, Nate, and their two young daughters, she is passionate to raise and empower God’s sons and daughters to release the Kingdom of God across the earth.


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