Mennonite Teen Snaps Neck and Spends 29 Minutes in Heaven

Mennonite Teen Snaps Neck and Spends 29 Minutes in Heaven

Joe Joe Morris grew up in a family that bounced around between multiple Mennonite communities. His life was plagued by depression, anger, sleep paralysis bedwetting, and other challenges. After hearing his neck snap, Joe Joe discovered that was out of his body and found himself in Heaven's throne room. Find out what God the Father told him. Your faith will be strengthened as you learn about about the deep healing God worked in Joe Joe both physically and spiritually…

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Urgent Prophetic Word: There is a Prophetic Healing Wave Over The Nations!
Videos, Healing, Revival, The Prophetic Miriam Evans Videos, Healing, Revival, The Prophetic Miriam Evans

Urgent Prophetic Word: There is a Prophetic Healing Wave Over The Nations!

Prophetic voice and healing minister, Miriam Evans, shares a timely word that explains that God is a Covenant-Keeper. We are living in the hour of fulfilled promises, and when the Lord highlights a person or place, it's because He is honoring past covenants and promises. When you hear of something He is doing, you have the invitation to claim it for yourself…

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Freemasonry: Generational Soul Ties that Bind Believers
Supernatural, Videos, Spiritual Warfare Wanda Alger Supernatural, Videos, Spiritual Warfare Wanda Alger

Freemasonry: Generational Soul Ties that Bind Believers

The Holy Spirit is giving several prophetic markers in this latest prophetic dream that draws attention to the cult of Freemasonry. Though the masons have been around for centuries, they sunk their claws into this nation at a specific time in history. The Lord is pointing to this time as a way to get our attention. It's time the Church wakes up to the spiritual curses released through this organization and starts praying accordingly…

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