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Prophesying A Wild Ox Anointing Over You
The enemy has tried to make you feel like a leper and unworthy so you never realized the mighty mouthpiece and son and daughter you were called to be. The orphanages have been full but today marks a new day for the Church where the doors are opening. The hidden ones are emerging. Chains are rattling. The Lord has said, “For too long have my prophets and bride been sent underground or died before their time…
Jesus Has a Miracle with YOUR NAME On It!
Dr. Francis Myles wants you to learn how to demolish your unseen opposition and move into covenant destiny. It begins with breakthrough prayer and your kingdom authority! He received a groundbreaking revelation from God that uncovers the way for you to issue “divine restraining orders” against Satan in the Courts of Heaven. Now you can begin to have your prayers answered—without unforeseen delays…
2022: What is Coming?
Time from God’s perspective makes a world of difference. Troy Brewer shares more powerful insights on redeeming your timeline. This is more practical than you might think—it can literally set you free from the limitations of your past…
Prophetic Word: 2022 & Promises for Treacherous Days Ahead
Patricia King shares some insights the Lord has given her for 2022. There are some treacheries ahead that you need to be aware of so that you can position yourself. In the Lord, you are going to know his goodness when the shaking comes…
So You Wanna Be An Exorcist?
Phill Urena has been seeing supernatural beings for as long as he can remember. He grew up in a household that had both angelic and demonic activity. In this interview, he unpacks his journey of God showing him how to use his seer abilities to minister in the areas of inner healing and deliverance…
The Nativity
The people living in darkness have seen a great light. Light came down. For unto us, a Child is born…
Heads Up! Something Massive Hitting California…
Bill Johnson is used to moves of the Holy Spirit. But what happens when he let the Holy Spirit direct the services? And how do we follow his example in allowing the glory to fall?
The Importance of the Prophet in the Last Days
Bishop Bill Hamon, prominent leader in the Prophetic Movement, shares with our studio audience why the office of the Prophet is so critical for these last days.
Jesus Took Away All His Resentments in Heaven
The Lord took a cup of all hateful resentments he had toward that person and said, "This is the cup of all these negative things you felt and you can pour this out." And once Randy poured out that cup, there was a release…