The End-Time Voter: How to Stand Firm Amidst Political Chaos

The End-Time Voter: How to Stand Firm Amidst Political Chaos

“The fire of our political discourse has become so heated that even family members have turned on family members.” Internationally recognized prophet and Bible teacher Emma Stark empowers you to hear from God, knowing how to navigate these difficult political times.

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Mark of the Beast—The Antichrist’s Secret End-Time Strategy
End Times, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Growth Hugh Daniel Smith End Times, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Growth Hugh Daniel Smith

Mark of the Beast—The Antichrist’s Secret End-Time Strategy

“Recent advancements in medical implant chip and RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) technologies have sparked renewed interest in the mark of the beast mentioned in Revelation 13.” International speaker Bishop Hugh Daniel Smith exposes the antichrist’s end-time strategy—the mark of the beast—and it’s possible connection with emerging technology.

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