4 Major End-Times Deceptions

4 Major End-Times Deceptions

When Jesus teaches extensively on end-times events and signposts, He could easily have emphasized the antichrist, one world government, global currency, mark of the beast, and other such popular end-times ideas and speculations. It’s not wrong to talk or even teach on these things; my concern is that we build our entire lives upon assorted sentences and concepts scattered throughout the New Testament, while we neglect the items that Jesus Himself clearly stated…

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Don’t Be Deceived By End-Times Confusion
End Times, The Prophetic Tracy Eckert End Times, The Prophetic Tracy Eckert

Don’t Be Deceived By End-Times Confusion

We can see shaking and captivity happening today with so much confusion released from this demonic rulership. They use a war of words to create chaos and lawlessness. Words are shooting like arrows from politicians, the media, social media platforms, and even the many in the Church. They create confusion, fear, bondage, and lawlessness to fuel the violence of this army unto control…

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How to Defeat the Spirits of Fear and Deception

How to Defeat the Spirits of Fear and Deception

The mission statement of hell in the last days certainly includes unleashing the spirit of deception that is wrapped in a spirit of fear. This two fold weaponry of the enemy is no respecter of persons and will seek to assault anyone who is willing to give place to the devil. I am reminded of the gospels revealing the enemy’s plan of deception and fear as an end-time sign that Jesus…

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Prophetic Warning: 3 Counterfeit Spirits in the Scriptures
Dreams and Visions, Supernatural, End Times, Revival Paul Keith Davis Dreams and Visions, Supernatural, End Times, Revival Paul Keith Davis

Prophetic Warning: 3 Counterfeit Spirits in the Scriptures

A few years ago, I saw a vision of the Lord walking in a determined manner, but I could only see Him from the back. I discovered a room filled with thousands of ancient scrolls, parchments, journals, and books. I inherently knew this library of priceless materials had been primarily preserved for our day and contained key secrets in walking closely and intimately with the Lord. There, I could read three Scriptures that were inscribed on a parchment. They were…

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