How to Defeat the Spirits of Fear and Deception

How to Defeat the Spirits of Fear and Deception

The mission statement of hell in the last days certainly includes unleashing the spirit of deception that is wrapped in a spirit of fear. This two fold weaponry of the enemy is no respecter of persons and will seek to assault anyone who is willing to give place to the devil. I am reminded of the gospels revealing the enemy’s plan of deception and fear as an end-time sign that Jesus…

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Prophetic Warning: 3 Counterfeit Spirits in the Scriptures
Dreams and Visions, Supernatural, End Times, Revival Paul Keith Davis Dreams and Visions, Supernatural, End Times, Revival Paul Keith Davis

Prophetic Warning: 3 Counterfeit Spirits in the Scriptures

A few years ago, I saw a vision of the Lord walking in a determined manner, but I could only see Him from the back. I discovered a room filled with thousands of ancient scrolls, parchments, journals, and books. I inherently knew this library of priceless materials had been primarily preserved for our day and contained key secrets in walking closely and intimately with the Lord. There, I could read three Scriptures that were inscribed on a parchment. They were…

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4 End-Times Deceptions
End Times, Revival, Messianic Jeremiah Johnson End Times, Revival, Messianic Jeremiah Johnson

4 End-Times Deceptions

With many Scriptures in the Old and New Testament concerning Jesus Christ as our Bridegroom King and His Second Coming, then we have to ask ourselves this: “If longing for the appearing of Christ was normative in the first-century Church, then what keeps believers in the 21st century from longing for His return and studying Scriptures concerning it?”…

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The Harlot Bride in Today’s Church
End Times, The Prophetic, Christian Life Jeremiah Johnson End Times, The Prophetic, Christian Life Jeremiah Johnson

The Harlot Bride in Today’s Church

It is so important for us to understand this concept of the “two dueling brides” so that as deception increases in these last days we will be sober and alert as the Scriptures teach us. In fact, the first to speak of apostasy in the end times was the Lord Jesus Himself. The Holy Spirit gave me five specific attributes regarding the harlot bride. They are…

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The Antichrist Has Infiltrated the Church
Dreams and Visions, End Times, Spiritual Warfare Jeremiah Johnson Dreams and Visions, End Times, Spiritual Warfare Jeremiah Johnson

The Antichrist Has Infiltrated the Church

There are people who are in danger of end-time deception and need the help of the Holy Spirit to open up your eyes to the truth. I received a prophetic dream one night where I thought Jesus Christ was appearing to me again, but as I drew closer I instantly realized it was not Him—it was an imposter! ” With dazzling eyes and a type of glaring seduction that I will never forget, he said, “I’m another Jesus”…

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