Betrayal and the Currency of Honor
Christian Life Nate Johnston Christian Life Nate Johnston

Betrayal and the Currency of Honor

How we deal with the deepest wounds matters, and there are wounds that do seem to go deeper than others. They go deeper than words of accusation, being rejected, or being passed over. These are the wounds that far too many who experience them never seem to move on from them, but that statistic is changing. I am talking about father wounds, dishonor, and betrayal…

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Social Justice ≠ God’s Justice
Revival, Christian Life Cindy Jacobs Revival, Christian Life Cindy Jacobs

Social Justice ≠ God’s Justice

Social justice is not necessarily the same as biblical justice. Social justice may change as a society moves away from following God’s Word. Biblical justice never changes in its principles in areas such as abortion and human trafficking and slavery. To put it more simply, God wants His Word and presence felt in everything we think, plan, and do.

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Fifty Years of Innovative Church Evangelism
Christian Life Elmer Towns Christian Life Elmer Towns

Fifty Years of Innovative Church Evangelism

During the 1950s, a negative dread swept over Protestant churches, many mainline denominations reported a decline in attendance, membership, and offerings. A newspaper article shocked readers when it announced, “God is Dead.” What else could be the response when nationally recognized churches were declining? 

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When God is Distant, Do This.
Christian Life Kevin Zadai Christian Life Kevin Zadai

When God is Distant, Do This.

Some people feel like they are stuck. They can’t move forward but they don’t want to go backward. They feel they have entered into a dry season. They are constantly waiting, even when their spirit wants to move forward. This is when we should…

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