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Transitions: Part 2
To begin, when we go through transitions, people are on that journey with us, whether actively or passively. In the scenario with Joshua, there were some interesting characters…

Transitions: Part 1
How do you navigate change? Is change a trainwreck waiting to happen or do you relish change because it’s exciting…

That’s Not Fair!
There are lots of opportunities in life that revolve around the fairness concern and there are plenty of situations in the Bible that speak to this issue…

Niche Languages
I know that this “niche language” reality holds true also for various religions, including Christianity. As a person who really enjoys the Bible, biblical languages, cultures and history, it can be really easy for me to fall into the language rabbit trail that can be less than inclusive for everyday and regular people…

Strength and Courage
Recently, I started reading the book of Joshua and I was impressed with the four times in the first chapter that Joshua is told to be strong and courageous…

Groan or Grown
It’s interesting to me that groan and grown sound the same and you can only tell the difference by their spelling or context. At the same time, when we grow, we can “groan” because of the growing pains…

Seasonal Lessons
But no matter the season, we can look at Jesus’ life in a seasonal context to recognize and apply some important lessons for our daily living…

Unseen Injuries
I’m raising your awareness about unseen injuries because lots of people in our daily living have invisible pain. Some folks have physical maladies related to a variety of causes, but we don’t often see the evidence of such maladies nor their efforts to cope with the associated pain…

Anticipating Easter
We’re right on the cusp of Easter Sunday, as we find ourselves in the midst of Holy Week. During this week, we are reminded about Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem…

Flip the Script, Part 2
For this week’s blog, I’d like to add to last week’s thoughts and consider the script-flipping that Jesus did with the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10…