Clog or Cog?
Ministry, Articles Sarah Bowling Ministry, Articles Sarah Bowling

Clog or Cog?

In essence, a clog and a cog can be opposites. A clog can impede, and a cog can facilitate.

When I think about these simple but significant words, I’m reminded of some folk in the Bible when Jesus lived among us. Some of the key people that interacted with Jesus were the religious leaders in His day…

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Struggles and Stresses
Ministry, Articles Sarah Bowling Ministry, Articles Sarah Bowling

Struggles and Stresses

Sometimes, when I go through challenging seasons and journeys in life, I can get cranky with God. I’ve given God an earful of frustrations and angst several times, and maybe it’s a little helpful to vent and bleed off some emotional stress. I’m also reminded that just because I’m a follower of Jesus doesn’t mean that I’m exempt from struggles and stresses…

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