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Flip the Script, Part 2
For this week’s blog, I’d like to add to last week’s thoughts and consider the script-flipping that Jesus did with the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10…

Christmas in Motion Part 2
For this week, I’d like us to think about the activity or motion that happened with the Magi or wisemen making their way to worship the newborn king…

Christmas in Motion Part 1
Sometimes I resent the speed and hustle of Christmas, but I’ve been thinking about Jesus’ birth and how there was activity and motion around His birth…

The Gratitude Challenge
I like Thanksgiving because it’s a yearly reminder to be thankful. I also like to remember that being thankful isn’t an annual holiday but rather a life-infusing mindset.
But do you ever struggle to be grateful in difficult seasons or challenging situations?…

Do You Like to Laugh?
But no matter how bad my jokes are, I still like to laugh and I’m very convinced that it’s good to laugh!
I’ve been thinking about this from what I’ve been reading in the Bible lately where God tells Abraham that he’s going to be a dad at a really old age in his life…

Managing Expectations
What do you expect from God? Do you think that if you obey God’s directives in your life that you will live a struggle free life? There are a lot of times when we read the Bible, we pray, extend our faith, trust God and hope that our efforts and obedience to God will facilitate a life of greater ease and less struggle…

Snips and Quips for Practical Living
Over the course of some recent months, I’ve had the opportunity to enjoy reading and discussing the book of Proverbs. My discussions have been with various people in my church, folk who have a wide array of life experiences, diverse ages, different religious perspectives and political persuasions. It’s both interesting and comforting to me that Proverbs has wisdom for all of us, no matter our age, experiences and points of view…

The Difficult People
All of us have pockets and gaggles of people who are rankling to us. I think that we often focus on such people, complaining about what makes them distasteful to us, but we can easily neglect to look into our souls to ask why such types of people bring out our cranky side…

What Are Your Routines?
There’s much to be said for routine – doing things daily to have desirable results over a long period of time. There are plenty of examples in the Bible of people being steady with daily disciplines that facilitated long-term, desirable results…

Thinking About Seasons
I appreciate that God does seasons over the course of any given year. In a similar way, God does seasons in our lives. The seasons in our lives include lots of areas…