Dealing with Bad Stuff
Ministry, Articles Sarah Bowling Ministry, Articles Sarah Bowling

Dealing with Bad Stuff

All of us have bad stuff that happens in our lives – some of the bad stuff might not be too bad at this moment. Or some of the bad stuff in your life right now is beyond horrific. It seems to be that dealing with bad stuff is part of what it means to be human. So who could we look at in the Bible to give us some ideas and wisdom on dealing with bad stuff…

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Pillage, Kill and Other Bad Stuff
Ministry, Articles Sarah Bowling Ministry, Articles Sarah Bowling

Pillage, Kill and Other Bad Stuff

So why does bad stuff happen? Why don’t our lives always have happy endings and joyful resolutions? I understand that these are basic answers, but I would suggest that bad stuff happens sometimes as a consequence of our choices and bad stuff happens because Satan is an active enemy in our lives. I also recognize that sometimes bad stuff happens, and we don’t know why…

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