Prophetic Dream: ‘God Warned Me of This!’

For years, prophetic voice Miriam Evans has experienced a reoccurring dream, each time unfolding with greater detail.

In this dream, she experienced a powerful vision of a divine tsunami—a sweeping move of God’s Spirit that is about to crash over the world, beginning in the United States.

“I just was experiencing a reoccurring dream, a vision in the night, if you will, of a tsunami wave that was coming and sweeping over our nation,” Evans said. Initially, she saw the wave begin in the Pacific Rim, but soon, it overtook the entire nation.

At first, the meaning was unclear, but over time, the Lord revealed to her that the wave was not a natural disaster—it was a wave of His glory. “The last dream that I had concerning this tsunami wave, it wasn't limited just to the United States—I saw it going global. But I did see that the United States was a key start of the wave.”

Decrees that Activate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Tommy & Miriam Evans

The Thunder and the Wave

In the most recent vision, Evans not only saw the massive wave but also heard a thundering sound that shook her to the core. “Right before the wave hit, I heard this really loud thunder, and it just shook me to the core... I was overcome with conviction and I just felt like, ‘God, I want to survive this. So whatever's not right within me, make it right now.’”

She then saw something supernatural unfold—the waves responded to the thunder. “I heard another roar of thunder, and another crashing wave came in and responded to the thunder. And I said, ‘Lord, what is this?’”

The Lord led her to Psalm 29, which speaks of how the voice of the Lord thunders. “God’s voice is thundering… We are hearing the thunder of God. We’re hearing His voice, it’s resonating within us. We’re hearing the voice of God speak to us—His promises, His intention, His kingdom plans here on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

The Holy Spirit Confirms His Word

Evans explained that when believers begin to declare what God is saying, the Holy Spirit will confirm it. “When we begin to speak what He says… the Holy Spirit will come and confirm it every time. He will come like a crashing wave and He will confirm what the Lord is saying.”

She believes that right now, this is happening in real-time. “The waves are just going to continue to increase. It's going to go global… This is a moment in time. It’s time for the body of Christ—Isaiah 60—to ‘arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord has risen upon us.’”

Signs, Wonders, and Miracles

Evans has seen firsthand how the power of God moves when believers step out in faith. Recalling a recent gathering, she shared how the Lord prompted her to take a risk in faith.

“[In the Bible], it says that Jesus was teaching, and the Spirit of the Lord was present to heal. And I said, ‘Okay, you know what? Then we need to start having our faith to expect the Spirit of the Lord to be present with the teaching and preaching of the word.’”

She acted on this word, instructing those in the gathering, “If you feel any difference in your body, any improvement whatsoever, I want you to stand up out of your seat and wave both hands over your head.” As she read Scripture, a young man began counting those who were standing—people with back, neck, and knee injuries were experiencing healing. Then, something remarkable happened.

“A gentleman came up—no one laid hands on him—and he took out his hearing aids and said, ‘My hearing is getting better. It’s not 100%, but I can at least hear what's happening in the room.’” The miracle was unfolding in real-time.

Radical Obedience and Risk-Taking Faith

Evans believes that a key to walking in God’s power is being willing to take risks. “If we're not worried about our reputation, we can take more risks and not be so concerned about the outcome,” she said.

She challenged believers to step out in faith, proclaiming healing and breakthrough. “Regardless if that person gets healed or not, I believe that I am obeying the word of the Lord… He didn't ask us if we ‘feel’ like healing—Luke 10 says, ‘Make it your habit to heal the sick.’”

Her commitment to obeying the Holy Spirit has sometimes come at a cost, but she refuses to shrink back. “Jesus paid too high of a price on the cross for me to sit back and worry about what people think.”

Evans recalled a moment when she was out of time on stage but sensed the Lord leading her to pray for someone with cancer. “I believe that someone here has cancer and Jesus wants to heal you. He paid for it on the cross.”

As she walked off the stage, one woman in a crowd of 2,000 stood up—her family weeping around her. “And I’m just like, ‘God, just do it.’ If we make room for the Holy Spirit, He will move.”

A Call to the Church: Prepare for the Wave

Evans’ prophetic vision of the tsunami of God’s glory is not just a word for the future—it is happening now. The thunder of God’s voice is shaking the earth, and His waves of glory are responding. Signs, wonders, and miracles are increasing, and the Church must be prepared to move with Him.

“This is our moment. It’s time for the body of Christ to arise and shine. The manifest glory of God is going to be seen in ways we’ve never imagined. Eye hasn’t seen, ear hasn’t heard… but it’s coming.”

Decree, Awaken, and Operate in Heaven’s Holy Fire Power!

Are you filled with the Holy Spirit yet yearning for a greater manifestation of His gifts and power? You are not alone. Many Christians, unaware, keep the boundless power and gifts of the Holy Spirit locked behind doors of misunderstanding. It’s time to unleash the supernatural power source that resides within you!

For over 20 years, Tommy and Miriam Evans have trained thousands of believers around the world to partner with the Holy Spirit and activate His gifts. Building upon the foundational truths in their best-selling book, Decrees That Unlock Heaven’s Power, they help activate the nine dormant gifts of the Holy Spirit within you, transforming feelings of powerlessness into a life of authoritative, Spirit-anointed impact.

With easy-to-understand teachings, potent prayers, activation exercises, and powerful decrees, you’ll flow in new realms of:

  • Revelatory wisdom and prophetic insight.

  • Supernatural healing and miraculous workings.

  • Unshakable, mountain-moving faith.

  • Spiritual vision and discernment.

  • Empowered praying and prophesying in tongues.

Declare, through biblically rooted decrees and prayers, that each gift of the Holy Spirit is not just residing but actively thriving in your life. Embrace your divine inheritance and watch as the supernatural becomes your new normal.

Miriam Evans

Miriam Evans is a revivalist, preacher, mother of five, and wife to her incredible ministry partner, Tommy Evans. Together, they are igniting the fires of revival globally, and are touring the United States hosting revival meetings where the gospel is preached and a demonstration of miracles, salvations and deliverances follow. From an early age, Miriam experienced miracles of healing in her own life and now sees miracles happen regularly, with many being instantly healed in their meetings. Miriam, Tommy, and her children live in Dallas, Texas.  


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