Rick Renner & Tim Sheets: ‘God Told Me This is Coming!’

A fierce storm is coming, but so is the greatest supernatural era the world has ever seen.

This is the prophetic revelation given to Rick Renner and Tim Sheets as they declared what the Lord is speaking about 2024, 2025, and beyond.

“This is War”

While returning from a meeting with Rodney Howard-Browne in London, Rick Renner sought the Lord regarding what was coming next. “I said, ‘Lord, what do you want to say to me for our friends and our partners for the rest of this year and for 2025?’ And immediately I heard the Holy Spirit say, ‘This is war. Batten down the hatches.’”

Renner heard the phrase a second and a third time, recognizing the urgency of the message. “The Lord said to me that we were headed for a very stormy season, but that it would be fine. To tell people they need to be prepared—they need to batten down the hatches,” he shared.

He described a season where things would seem fine and then suddenly shift, back and forth like the turbulence of a storm. “Some people will even perceive it as a season of war. But we will be okay because we’ve got the promises of God, the power of God, the Spirit of God, and the armor of God.”

Even in the midst of upheaval, Renner emphasized the unshakable victory that belongs to the body of Christ: “Even if it looks like the enemy is winning, don’t be moved by that because God sits in the heavens and He laughs at the plans of men. God will have His way and will lead the body of Christ into triumph.”

Fallen Angels, Giants, Monsters and the World Before the Flood

Rick Renner

A New Supernatural Era

Tim Sheets confirmed the word, revealing that God had spoken to him about a fierce war season as well. But alongside this war, the Holy Spirit had given him another promise: “I will now lead My most supernatural era.”

“Yes, it’s difficult. Storms are rising,” Sheets acknowledged, “but Holy Spirit is on the move.”

Sheets revealed that this era will see an unprecedented synergy of past moves of God, all converging into one. “He talked to me about this era being an era where all the previous moves down through history will synergize into this one. In other words, all the important aspects of—even back to the book of Acts—will be synergized.”

This divine orchestration is setting the stage for an outpouring of signs, wonders, and miracles unlike anything seen before. “We’re moving into that. The team I’m working with is moving into that. And I’m believing that visible signs and wonders are going to be stirred, even in the midst of a great shaking,” Sheets declared.

A Time of Shaking, A Time of Revival

Both men agreed that while the coming season will be turbulent, the kingdom of God remains unshaken. “We’re promised that shaking is going to happen, but we’re not to be shook,” Sheets said.

He emphasized that the Holy Spirit has been brooding over a move of God for decades, preparing the way for this moment. “Hundreds, probably thousands, of prophetic words from the last 10 years…are now intersecting their moment. It’s all happening at once.”

This move of God will not be localized like past revivals. “This time, you’re not going to have to drive a thousand miles to get in revival,” Sheets prophesied. “The ekklesia hubs that He’s been preparing—they’re going to flow in the dimensions of the Holy Spirit like we’ve not seen before!”

Angel Armies and Divine Intervention

Sheets also shared a powerful prophetic word he received 15 years ago regarding angelic activity. During a time of great personal crisis, he cried out to God for direction. At 3:00 AM, the Holy Spirit spoke to him clearly: “I will now lead another campaign for the King. Only this time, I will be bringing far more of the angel armies.”

This word led him into thousands of hours of study on angelic activity, revealing that a supernatural intervention was coming. “What all of that is about is now! We are in a divine moment. It’s a prepared-for moment. The devil’s not a better planner than the Holy Spirit.”

Sheets emphasized that God has been setting this moment in motion for over 2,000 years, leading up to an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit. “One day would come where the Holy Spirit would be poured out in measures like never seen before on all flesh. Two-thirds of the Godhead came to verify it and activate it. The Holy Spirit came. Jesus came. And they didn’t come to lose. They came to win!”

The Real Church Will Prevail

Renner and Sheets made it clear: dark times may be ahead, but the true church will not be defeated. “Great, fierce times are coming, but the real church is going to win,” Sheets declared.

“This is our moment,” he continued. “This is a powerful moment!”

As the world moves into turbulent times, the body of Christ is being called to stand firm. “Rather than lose your peace, just rejoice that you’re going to get through it,” Renner encouraged. “We have everything we need to go into triumph.”

The prophetic word is clear: the greatest days in church history are not behind us—they are ahead. The storms will rage, but the Holy Spirit is leading His people into an era of supernatural victory. The real church will not just survive. It will thrive.

Do You Have Questions About the World Before the Flood? Does the Bible Really Explain the ‘Unexplainable’?

Are we really living "in the days of Noah" as some prophets have said?
How are the events of Noah's Ark and the Flood relevant to the last days?
Are rebellious, fallen angels masquerading as aliens and UFOs today?

In this book, Rick Renner ― historian and Bible teacher with extensive knowledge of New Testament Greek ― clears up some rampant erroneous theories while uncovering brand-new revelations from the Bible. He uses archaeological findings, the writings of Church fathers, trusted historical documents, and Scripture to answer these and other questions, such as:

  • When was the first recorded rapture? What does it tell us about the rapture of the Church?

  • Are the "“sons of God” in Genesis and the fallen angels the same thing?

  • Who were the watchers God assigned to guard mankind after the Fall?

  • Was Methuselah’s life a prophetic demonstration of God’s longsuffering that preceded judgment?

  • What did God’s promise of “120 years” really mean?

  • Where is Noah’s Ark today? And why did God save only Noah and his family?

  • Are there any consequences of unholy living today?

Using photos from his own expeditions in the lower Ararat mountains ― along with other empirical evidence of the Ark’s location ― Rick captivates readers in this book and brings the Bible to life concerning this favorite childhood story. Containing hundreds of photos, illustrations, and endnotes, Fallen Angels, Giants, Monsters, and the World Before the Flood is “a museum in a book” and a must-have edition to refreshand refire your walk with God!

Rick Renner

Rick Renner is a prolific author of more than 30 books and a respected Bible teacher and leader in the interna­tional Christian community. Rick is the senior pastor of the Moscow Good News Church. He is also the founder of Rick Renner Ministries and Media Mir, a media outreach in the former USSR, and the host of his TV program seen around the world.


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