Demonic Agenda Exposed! Don’t Fall for the Deception!

Prophetic voices are sounding the alarm in this season of shaking and exposure.

Pastor and broadcaster Larry Ragland joined Joseph Z for a powerful conversation, declaring that we are in a time of immense spiritual and global disclosure—one where hidden agendas, supernatural realities, and governmental deception are being brought into the light.

A Great Shaking and the Role of the Remnant

Larry Ragland boldly declared, “There’s a shaking, a shaking—a whole lot of shaking going on. Hebrews 12—that’s where we’re living right now. Everything that can be shaken is being shaken.” According to Ragland, the remnant of God’s people will remain standing through this shaking, positioned by God for such a time as this.

“We are part of this moment. In all the history of the world, God trusted us. That’s an honor, man, it’s a privilege,” he added.

Joseph Z echoed the urgency of the times, emphasizing that this shaking is not just political or economic but deeply spiritual. The enemy is working overtime to manipulate narratives, leading many to question their identity in Christ.

Alien Disclosure and the Great Deception

One of the most intriguing topics discussed was the global fascination with alien disclosure. Ragland pointed out that the increasing government conversations about UFOs, biological entities, and extraterrestrial technology are not coincidental.

Breaking Hell’s Economy

Joseph Z

“I literally started a series at my church last Sunday called ‘Alien Disclosure in the Bible’,” Ragland shared. He emphasized that the Church must address these topics with biblical clarity or risk allowing the enemy to shape the narrative.

“If the Church doesn’t have the answer… then the enemy’s lined up with their definition of it,” he warned.

Joseph Z agreed, recounting how he had been censored for addressing this topic on a major broadcast. “I said, ‘Look, I don’t believe in aliens, but people are seeing something. What are they seeing? What are these creatures?’” To his shock, the program was pulled.

Ragland then explained his theory: “They have developed the ability to create with DNA… tampering with it to develop Earth suits.” But he cautioned believers not to get lost in how it’s happening but rather focus on who is behind it.

“The goal is not to understand how they do it—the goal is to understand who they are,” Ragland declared. “When you understand who they are, it doesn’t matter how they do it. You have authority and power over them.”

The Long Game: A Deceptive One-World Agenda

Ragland believes this is all part of a long-game strategy by the enemy. “This whole thing about disclosure is part of the long game of the enemy. It has been planned since the garden.”

The ultimate goal? To rewrite humanity’s identity.

“The agenda is to change who you know you are in God. It started in the garden. It’s the seed war,” Ragland warned. “These beings are going to be introduced by our government, probably by the United Nations. I can almost see it—some lady standing at the UN podium, saying, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, we want to introduce you to the beings we’ve been in contact with for generations. They have something to tell you.’”

Ragland continued, “They’ll say, ‘There’s an asteroid coming, and we can stop it. We have the answer to cancer, to climate change, but you have to understand—we made you. We need your allegiance.’”

According to both men, this false savior narrative is the great deception Jesus warned about in Matthew 24. “It’s the great deception. It’s the false prophet. It’s the antichrist system being set up,” Ragland declared.

CERN and the Thinning of the Veil

The discussion then shifted to CERN, the European research organization operating the Large Hadron Collider. Ragland issued a dire warning: “I am deeply concerned about CERN. It’s not about trying to find a God particle—it’s about replacing God.”

He shared a little-known fact: “The worldwide web was invented at CERN. The web doesn’t kill you—it traps you.”

Ragland believes CERN is working to thin the veil between dimensions, allowing greater demonic activity in the earth. “I believe that CERN developed the web and, through that collider, is trying to thin the veil between the two dimensions so that they can invite these demons in.”

Z agreed, pointing to increased supernatural manifestations, unexplained sky phenomena, and strange weather patterns as possible evidence of this activity.

2025–2026: A Season of Spiritual Disclosure

As the conversation turned to the future, Ragland prophesied that 2025 and 2026 would be years of “exponential explosion.”

“This is the year of spiritual disclosure. The enemy is trying to control the narrative of that word, but God is about to release a true disclosure,” he declared.

Referencing the biblical story of Elisha and his servant, Ragland proclaimed, “Lord, open their eyes that they may see what is really going on—the big picture of what is really happening. The battle that is really being fought.”

He urged believers to prepare for what’s ahead: “Put on the whole armor of God! You’ve been trusted by God to be alive in this moment.”

A Call to the Remnant

The message is clear: exposure is coming. Spiritual disclosure is unfolding. And the remnant must stand firm, armed with the truth of God’s Word, ready to confront deception with unwavering faith.

The shaking has begun. But what cannot be shaken will remain.

“This is remarkable!” —Rick Renner, author of Sparkling Gems from the Greek

Thriving in God’s Supernatural Economy

There’s a war being fought over you! The Kingdom of God offers you divine provision while the Kingdom of Hell fights for territory in your life as a crisis looms on the world’s horizon.

Will you break free of Hell’s economy? International prophet and Bible teacher Joseph Z say it’s urgent to break free now as we rapidly plunge into global difficulties involving worldwide market collapse, bank closures, a digital one-world currency, power grids failing, cyber war, medical deception, natural catastrophes, and unprecedented international conflict.

In Breaking Hell’s Economy, Joseph makes it clear that we’re at a destination in history that requires a revelation of God’s supernatural economy—your ultimate defense against rising darkness. Arm yourself with revelation empowering you to…

  • Operate in God’s last-days economy

  • Understand the ultimate end-time wealth transfer

  • Engage the 30-, 60-, 100-fold return to break Hell’s yoke off your life

  • Debunk religious myths about Jesus and wealth

  • Release the same miracle power of a widow’s jar, desert manna, a coin in a fish’s mouth, food multiplication, and a floating axe head. God is ready to do it all again for you!

Lay hold of this revelation, defy Hell, and live your life knowing you are destined to thrive in the last days!

Joseph Z

Joseph Z is an author, broadcaster, Bible teacher, and international prophetic voice. Before the age of nine, he began encountering the voice of God through dreams and visions. Joseph has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel around the world. He and his wife, Heather, are founders of Z Ministries, a media and conference-based ministry in Colorado.


Prophetic Dream: ‘God Warned Me of This!’