The Antichrist Agenda: Signs Proving We’re Living in the End Times

Excerpted from End Times in Real Time.

You have been born into an unprecedented crossroads in history, where the “end times” is intersecting with “real time.”

Events prophesied in Scriptures thousands of years beforehand are now coming to pass. The most defining example is the rebirth of Israel in 1948. But there are many more examples. Some of them are occurring right before your eyes.

For this reason, billions of people around the globe are coming to embrace an extraordinary conclusion. We are now living in an era described in the Bible as the “time of the end” (Daniel 12:4 NKJV) or the end times.

In Matthew 24, Jesus shared that the culmination of the end times would bring the emergence of birth pangs, gradual at first butincreasing in frequency as the great crescendo draws close. From Isra- el’s war to President Trump’s near-assassination, the urgency of the hour is clear. Our role to advance His Kingdom in the midst of these birth pangs is a primary focus of this book.

That said, the following are just a few challenges we face today:

  • Hypersonic bombs bursting in air. Key Bridge collapsing—cyber warfare? Fabricated virus, tainted vaccinations. Compromised borders, mass migration. Terrorists and gangs cross us virtually unchecked. Illegals are covered while our veterans are wrecked.

  • Compromised sovereigns, stolen elections. Weaponized government, global deception. China, Russia, Iran all take aim. United Nations rule that the Jews are to blame. Deep fakes, deep state, Nazi propaganda brings a holocaust fate.

  • Chip in your brain makes a virtual feast—humanity’s gain or the mark of the beast? AI tracks you with its all-seeing eye. Tower of Babel, are you now on the rise? Flash from Amazon, across from the Pentagon.

  • Trafficking. Trauma. Fentanyl. Obama. Hollywood occultists as cinematic priests, luring our children to their ancient beasts. Girl or boy, you must decide by first grade. Cancel mom and dad, they alone block the way!

  • Tabernacle down, call 911. Trusted pillars tumble, smashing all the humble. Compromised church, compromised state, compromised leaders, great falling away.

  • Who will repair the breach?

End times in real time—my best lyrical summation. But that’s just a little of what’s actually before us. Jolene and I are spiritual watchmen. Our counterparts in the intelligence world have been facing down Armageddon-like scenarios at an increasingly frequent basis, trying to avert a magnitude of destruction that sometimes now seems inevitable. We owe them our prayers!

Biblically, where are we on the last-days timetable? How can we know for sure? What is the role of prophetic ministry through the end times? What is the role of strategic prayer? And the big ques- tions—how much of the antichrist agenda, so clear in our present hour, can we actually defeat?

Then there’s you. Why is it that the God who frames history somehow decided to inaugurate you into His timeline for this era? Right here, right now?

What role do you have to play?

End Times in Real Time

Jon & Jolene Hamill

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

Jesus the Son of God was once cradled as a baby while His earthly parents fled the wrath of kings. He is returning to fully liberate humanity from their grasp. The war is first spiritual. Revelation 19:11 (NASB) conveys the procession of a freedom movement as Jesus Himself bridges dimensions between Heaven and earth.

And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.

We are all praying for our eyes to fully see the glory of His coming. Yet before His Throne and in the battlefields of our spheres, already His freedom movement is at hand. Already the God who identifies as Love is rendering His righteous sentences, and making war to uphold them.

Already it is glorious.

It’s hard to imagine the White House as a portal for end-times revelation. But the truth is that prophets, presidents, students, and scientists are all wrestling through global challenges that have been accurately prophesied only within the scrolls of Holy Scripture.

All who seek shall find. Including you. The Bible remains the best source of intelligence that can be gained. Followed directly by authentic, real-time prophetic revelation gained by the Spirit of God.

Across from the White House on a bone-chilling November morning in 1861, the Willard Hotel glowed gray by dawn’s early light. A sleep-deprived abolitionist reached for a stubby pencil and raced to capture prophetic truths that were suddenly flooding her heart. The result was a defining vision of Jesus entering into America’s freedom struggle. He took the lead. Even through the end times.

Just before Abraham Lincoln was sworn into office, the Willard Hotel played host to America’s final, failed summit to avert the Civil War. Division succumbed to open insurrection. America was poised to be X-ed out. But the Lord of hosts chose to re-enter this same portal to unseal a verdict of His divine intentions, which power and politics had failed to gain.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord! He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. He has loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible, swift sword. His truth is marching on!

Abolitionist writer Julia Ward Howe received what we today would call a prophetic song. “As I lay waiting for the dawn, the long lines of the desired poem began to twine themselves in my mind,” Howe recalled. “I said to myself, I must get up and write these verses down, lest I fall asleep again and forget them!”

With this, the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” was birthed. Even though it wasn’t ready by Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration, in many respects it became his inauguration song. The stanzas formed an astonishing picture of Jesus—at war, for freedom, securing His original intentions for America. Even through the end times.

Instantly the imagery became iconic. The freedom mandate within the Civil War began to be seen more clearly—for both sides. And for more than 160 years, the “Battle Hymn” has mentored hundreds of millions of Americans through generations—on the end times, on Jesus’ return, and even His engagement to redeem our freedom nation.

What a priceless gift. Can you imagine what would have happened—or worse, what would not have happened—if Julia Ward Howe had decided just to sleep in? No “Battle Hymn”! Take her wisdom to heart. Write down your revelation from the Lord the moment you receive it. Take seriously your impressions, your dreams, your visions. Record them. Create a system so that you can access your words, pray into them over time, and celebrate when they come to pass.

And further—never underestimate the power of a prophetic song! This one changed the trajectory of the entire conflict, and still shapes our nation today.

I have seen Him in the watchfires of

a hundred circling camps;

They have builded Him an altar in the

evening dews and damps;

I can read His righteous sentence by

the dim and flaring lamps;

His day is marching on….

The scrolls you are opening are in many ways an overflow of this hymn. Through both waning light and fiery circumstance over the previous few years, the Lord has endeavored to unveil His righteous verdict. We have endeavored to perceive it, write it, and pass it on to you.

The End Times—When?

The “Battle Hymn of the Republic” was released in an era when most Americans were Christians. Culturally at least. Biblical scholarship was fundamental to any education. When the bright embers of the Second Great Awakening succumbed to the mass bloodshed of the Civil War, many Christians concluded that the final days were at hand.

“If America is lost, the world is lost!” thundered a prominent Bos- ton minister in 1863, in a Thanksgiving message titled “The War and the Millennium.” Like many of his peers, his understanding of the times may have been a bit off. Yet his core message is even more accurate today.

Let their example instruct you. It’s wise not to presume too quickly regarding the times we are in. Yet God wants us to be like the sons of Issachar, by His Spirit understanding the times (1 Chronicles 12:32). Further, we are clearly commanded by Jesus Himself to yearn for His coming, and even keep watch as though His return is immediately at hand (Matthew 25:13).

It is hard to live with real-time expectations of a future reality. Engage anyway. There is tremendous intentionality behind Jesus’ directive, forging within you an unyielding hope that will in time be overwhelmingly fulfilled.

“Jesus is coming—look busy!” This sage advice from a 1990s bumper sticker is second only to the “Battle Hymn” when it comes to end-times Americana. It actually begs a few questions. How would you live differently if you absolutely knew you were living in the end times? How would your priorities shift? Would you try to make every moment count? What would you pursue?

What would you stop?

I ask this because Scriptures clearly confirm that you are actually living in the end times. Very likely more toward the finish line. According to the Bible, the dispensation between Jesus’ birth and His return is defined as the end times. How do we know? After Jesus was resurrected, Holy Spirit blew through Jerusalem during Pentecost. The apostle Peter framed the experience as a fulfillment of a promise for “the last days” by quoting the book of Joel:

“And it shall be in the last days,” God says, “That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters will prophesy…” (Acts 2:17-18 NASB).

Paul the apostle adds understanding in his epistle to the Hebrews. He sees the inauguration of Jesus to redeem mankind as the demarcation of the last days:

God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things… (Hebrews 1:1-2 NASB).

Wait a minute. The last days began with Jesus? Not with Nero, Hitler, September 11, or the rise of the Deep State?

Honestly, it was a shock for us too. But from these passages and many others we can see that the dispensation the Bible refers to as the last days actually began with the birth, death, resurrection, and inauguration of Jesus Christ as King, followed by the release of Holy Spirit to mankind. It culminates with Christ’s second coming.

Needed: Real-Time Revelation

Prophetic Scriptures provide clear signposts of the end times and instruction. But they don’t necessarily fill in the details. Instead they provide a plumbline of truth for direction to be gained from the Lord through real-time revelation.

For a deeper understanding, dive into our book—End Times in Real Time—and gain the discernment to recognize the signs of the times and dismantle the Antichrist agenda.

Seize Your End-Time Assignment and Shape the Future

Do the words “end times” grip you with fear, anxiety, or a sense of helplessness? Perhaps you've resigned, thinking the world's descending into chaos and there’s nothing you can do about it. This isn't the time to hunker down and wait for divine rescue.

Seasoned ministers and intercessory watchmen Jon and Jolene Hamill invite you to break free from defeatism and step into your God-ordained assignment. Now is the time to rise up, pray, and partner with Heaven to shift the atmosphere and bring divine intervention.

Within this powerful guide, you will be equipped to:

  • Decode current events through a prophetic lens.

  • Redirect news cycles into focused prayers, unleashing the King’s power.

  • Thwart satan’s apocalyptic scheme to steal, kill, and destroy your generation.

  • Expose and neutralize the antichrist deceptions creeping into today’s society.

You are key in the counteroffensive against the kingdom of darkness. It’s a time to stand up, pray fiercely, and collaborate with God’s unfolding plans. Equip yourself with this timely revelation and find your frontline assignment in these perilous yet promising times.

Jon & Jolene Hamill

Jon and Jolene Hamill are passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Based in Washington DC, they have witnessed firsthand the power of biblical equipping, watchman prayer, and prophetic ministry to catalyze God’s intended turnaround. They are popular speakers nationally and internationally and are active in media, producing an online blog that reaches many thousands weekly. The founders of Lamplighter Ministries, Jon and Jolene have authored four books.


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