Demon-Possessed Witch: ‘We Saw You At The Graveyard & Know What You Did!’

There was one encounter that I will never forget. I was attending a Christian camp.

A friend and I were in a room to the side of the camp’s central meeting place when no services were happening. As we were inside praying, a lady walked in, praying strangely and loudly. It made the two of us feel very uncomfortable.

She approached us and said, “I’m going to lay hands on you.” I immediately responded with a polite, “No, thank you.”

However, she proceeded to lay hands on Matt, and he sat still as she spoke loudly over him in a creepy language. It was not a Holy Spirit encounter at all! When she had finished, she burst into laughter and exited the room.

My friend looked at me and said, “I don’t feel well.” So, I said, “Let’s get you up to your place.”

As we walked, he said, “I felt something come over me while that lady spoke to me.”

When we arrived at his house, he went to the restroom and became sick. Shortly after, his wife came out holding a baby. Suddenly, chaos flooded the scene: the baby vomited on the floor and started screaming, the lights went out, and their stereo popped on, blaring, without any logical reason for doing so.

I immediately ran to find help, but as I did, something came over me, and I began to feel nauseous and upset. People around me asked if I was okay, but I couldn’t reply due to feeling ill.

This next part sounds even more strange, but it is true. One young lady went into my friend’s house to pray for his family, and when she walked through the door, she fell and passed out! This wild experience continued until a different and seasoned minister friend caught wind of what was happening, went into the house, and spoke the Word of God over it. Suddenly, it all stopped.

I got up off the sidewalk outside and found my way to a bed. Laying there, I felt hatred and anger pressing me to a degree I had never experienced before. Finally, I opened my mouth and said, “The victory is the Lord’s, and I resist this, in Jesus’ name!”

Everything I was feeling swirling around me—the anger, hatred, and sickness—left instantly! I got up as if nothing happened other than feeling very dehydrated and weak.

The friend who had those demonic hands laid on him was rushed to the emergency room. I went to see him with a couple of guys, and I will never forget that as we were walking along the street, a person shouted, “Jesus Christ,” from across the street while glaring at me. My friend’s dad said, “Nope! Sorry, just one of His followers!”

We got to the hospital room, where my friend was in bed receiving IV fluids. My friend said, “I had something come over me like dark- ness.” We prayed for him, and he got better.

This experience impacted me greatly, and I decided I would never be a victim of something like that again. So, I began to read the Word of God even more and it put steel inside me! I can remember thinking, There is nothing like this Book! The more I read it, the stronger and more secure I became.

Not long after this, the same lady was standing in the back of one of the meetings. This was a time of ministry when I was involved in praying over people. This lady came toward me, and I felt strength and authority rise inside me as she approached.

She was only a few steps from me, and she raised her hand as if to reach out and touch me. On the inside, I rose and lunged at her in faith and power. I laid my hand on her and commanded whatever was working through her to leave. She fell like a dead person and just lay there.

Calling on Angels

Various people who struggled with demonic issues would come to the prayer room at the camp. I would pray for them, and demons would come out screaming. One young girl, who had been part of occult practices, had a voice speak through her, saying it would kill her and me. I was young and didn’t know what to do, but there I was.

She wildly manifested demons and attacked me. Wow, she was strong! Her voice even changed. As she tried to harm both herself and me, I commanded the evil spirits to leave. However, this only made her behave more violently.

I read in the Word of God that angels obey the voice of the covenant—God’s Voice working through me. A better way of saying it was that I prayed the Word of God out loud. After this and not knowing what else to do, I called on angels for assistance. Immediately, she was pinned to the floor like a starfish. It looked like someone had tackled her and thrown her to the floor in a velcro suit! She was stuck to the floor and couldn’t move. I said, “Thanks, angels!” It wasn’t long before that girl was completely set free.

Another time, a young lady and I were riding in the backseat of a car moving fast down the highway. Along the way, she manifested a demonic voice and said, “I need air.” After rolling down her window, she lunged out the opening and almost got all the way out!

Her hair was blowing hard in the wind, and I went out that window nearly as quickly as she had. I grabbed hold of the back of her belt but could not stop her hands from striking the ground at highway speed. It was awful. I was working hard not to let her arms and head hit the ground. It all happened so fast, but I was able to pull her back through the window. After arriving at our destination, we cast that destructive spirit out of her!

These types of experiences were routine throughout the second half of that summer of my 15th year.

Graveyard Encounter

I encountered two voices that tried to speak to me at a young age. One was the Voice of God, and the other brought fear and uncertainty. I discovered that this was the voice of darkness that took the form of a spirit and was allowed to operate in the members of my family and on our property. The working of that spirit was a regular occurrence, and it was intimidating. However, at the age of 16, I put a stop to that fearful voice.

I was home following the summer of the supernatural experiences I previously wrote about and began to seek God. I had been leading people to the knowledge of Jesus at my school, even praying over people who received healing. One night, while I was praying, I took a significant turn.

Being prompted by the Holy Spirit at around midnight, I felt the urge to go to my paternal grandfather’s grave. I felt little hesitation in my heart, even though it was a peculiar thing to be prompted to do. However, I recognized it as the same prompting that led to my discovery of the white stone. That had turned out well, so I obeyed!

The sense I had was that the Holy Spirit was instructing me to go to the cemetery to cut off every curse over my life so that it could no longer influence me or affect my future family. I was to draw a line by making a declaration that would stop the progress of any evil thing that had ever happened in my family history.

My heart thought, Who am I to disagree with this prompting? So, I responded, “Yes, Sir,” got into the car and pulled into the country cemetery within a half hour, arriving somewhere between twelve-thirty and one o’clock in the morning.

It was completely dark. There was no light except the soft glow of the moon filtering through the trees. Usually, the black-as-ink darkness would have stopped me from proceeding, especially in a creepy cemetery. But this night, the Spirit of God came upon me with peace and authority.

Without hesitation, I shut off my car’s headlights and confidently made my way to my grandfather’s grave, weaving in and out among the tombstones, with only that faint light of the moon to guide me.

Finally, I stood in front of my grandfather’s headstone. Poised in silence for a few minutes, a boldness for my legacy and future family rose inside me, accompanied by righteous and indignant anger. Rather than fear—being in an eerie graveyard barely one lumen above pitch black—I felt an attitude of aggression against the things that had held my lineage bound.

I passionately declared that every curse was broken: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! In the name of Jesus, no physical or spiritual curse will follow me from this day forward!” I boldly drew a line in the spirit realm. I made many such declarations for what seemed like a half-hour, first to the Lord, then to the kingdom of darkness, as I informed it that this was now my legacy and that Jesus would be glorified through my family after me.

I did this with a heart of love and respect for everyone before me who had simply lived in all the light they had. However, it was imperative that I cut off anything and everything that was ungodly from the past behavior of any of those from whom I was descended. I rejected abuse, sexual wickedness, addiction, witchcraft, violence, etc.

This was the point in my life where all the negative spiritual traffic instantly ceased. The intense things I had heard as a boy were permanently silenced. From that moment forward, the only voice I developed a sensitivity to hearing was the Voice of the Holy Spirit. Other things attempted to knock on my door, but Jesus and the Word of God answered.

About a week after the cemetery experience, I walked into a youth meeting held at the church I attended. This particular evening, I arrived late, and when I walked in the door, a young lady saw me and instantly manifested demons. She went into convulsions and fell to the floor. Whoa, I thought, what’s happening? Yet it was obvious to me that it was full-tilt demonic.

Now it’s important to understand that this was a seeker-friendly church. The culture was, “Let’s play music, play games, and maybe do a drama or puppet show to reach people for Jesus.”

A demonic manifestation was not the norm and was a radically new experience for this crowd. The young people responded by crying and panicking, not knowing at all what to do when a demon manifested. Some of the kids ran away while others encircled the girl, trying to calm her down. It was chaos!

Yet the Spirit of the Lord came upon me with an overwhelming sense of peace. I walked over to her and calmly said, “You come out of her, in Jesus’ name.”

She replied, “The voices saw you; they told me not to talk to you!”

“Okay, I don’t care about the voices,” I replied. “They can go now, in Jesus’ name.” With all the demonic theatrics you can imagine, she told me the names of two entities that were speaking through her.

“I couldn’t care less what their names are,” I said. “Now leave!”

In one final attempt to stay, these demonic voices piped up through the young lady with gnarly voices, saying, “We saw you in the graveyard—we were there! We know you, and we know what you were doing!” They laughed and mocked me.

This really got my attention! Holy anger came upon me, and I snapped back, “Who cares where you were and what you’ve seen? Now get out of her, and leave this place!”

The girl sat up and turned her attention to my friend, who was not in the Word, and like so many of the others, had just come for a “seeker-friendly” meeting.

With a mocking demeanor, she said, “He doesn’t believe. He is afraid.” So, I sent him out of the room.

Then I said, “I believe in Jesus, and you are beaten. Now get out of here, and I don’t want to hear another word from you.” In that instant, the girl went limp, and fell back to the ground, and the two demons left.

After she had recovered, she explained to me that she was a young witch who was part of a coven that came to disrupt the service. After our encounter, she abruptly left.

I thought it was thrilling that the kingdom of darkness had been impacted by what the Spirit of God led me to do a week earlier. It was confirmation to me that my offensive attack against the darkness in my family had worked!

Joseph Z

Joseph Z is an author, broadcaster, Bible teacher, and international prophetic voice. Before the age of nine, he began encountering the voice of God through dreams and visions. Joseph has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel around the world. He and his wife, Heather, are founders of Z Ministries, a media and conference-based ministry in Colorado.


Kundalini vs. Holy Spirit: Discerning the Deception of Demonic Practices


Make Demons Tremble! How to Stand Against Demons & The Occult