Make Demons Tremble! How to Stand Against Demons & The Occult


No matter what demonic strategy may come against you this day or how many demons are assembled together for your destruction, you never have to go down defeated. Jesus plundered the enemy when He rose from the dead! So when you look into the mirror, you need to learn to see yourself as one who already has the victory. You already possess the authority necessary to keep Satan under your feet where he belongs. Remember, you are no longer a victim — you are a victor!

Sparkling Gems From the Greek, Volume 1

James wrote that demons “tremble” at the thought of Jesus. That word “tremble” is from a Greek word that means to bristle, as when the hairs stand up on a person’s neck when he is suddenly “spooked” or startled by an unexpected noise. This means that when demons find themselves in the presence of a believer who is exercising his authority in the name of Jesus, it sends them into shock, panic, and dismay. Figuratively, it causes the hair to stand up on their necks. It terrifies them! Since you have the Holy Spirit living in you and you have the name of Jesus Christ to use at your disposal, it means you are in a position to make demons tremble!

Sparkling Gems From the Greek, Volume 2

Demonic hordes are tasked with bombarding people’s minds with the goal of modifying their thinking and leading them, through deception, into destructive behaviors and regretful decisions. Only demon spirits could propagate evil on such a wide scale — which is precisely what the Holy Spirit prophesied in First Timothy 4:1.

How To Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy

If you really know Jesus as your Lord and Savior — if you are in Christ — you can be sure that you have authority over demonic powers in the power of His name. You are empowered by the Holy Spirit, and you have been given the name of Jesus to take authority over and to cast out demons. You are empowered by the Spirit of God and have real God-given authority in the spirit realm!

Sparkling Gems From the Greek, Volume 2

Doctrines of Demons

It was prophesied long ago that seducing spirits with doctrines of demons would lead masses into deception in the last of the last days. That is the time frame we find ourselves in, and in fact, we are observing society throwing off the voice of Scripture to create a new world with a new moral code that is both messy and chaotic.

How To Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy

Seducing spirits with doctrines of demons have gradually lured believers away from a rock-solid position on Scripture so that they will accommodate the moral mess in the world rather than be motivated to change it.

Last-Days Survival Guide

 As God’s people, we must be alert to the fact that Satan is loosing hordes of seducing spirits with doctrines of demons in these last days to lead an entire generation into delusion. Satan has launched a covert operation to seize minds — especially young minds — to lead them off track.

How To Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy


The word “occult” is associated with secret knowledge. Nearly all occult practices are designed to enable one to pry his way into the spirit realm and, apart from God’s help, access the spiritual world in order to obtain information and knowledge. In short, the occult is man’s attempt to obtain insights about the future or to access the spirit realm on his own initiative, but one should never forget that if you cross a threshold that is not opened by the initiative of God, it will likely open the door to evil dimensions. If one chooses to open the door to another realm by his own volition, he needs to know that the devil is happy to provide him with an experience that is diametrically opposed to the teachings of the Bible.

Apostles and Prophets

If you are in Christ and walking in obedience to God’s Word, you are safe, secure, and sealed in the protective blood of Jesus — and the power of that divine protection can never be breached by someone operating under, or in cooperation with, the powers of Satan. You need never be fearful of any curse assailed against you or your loved one, no matter how dark or “powerful” the vessel through which the curse tries to come. The occult has never been, and will never be, a match for the power of God that is inside a believer.

Sparkling Gems From the Greek, Volume 2


In the midst of a current worldwide shift toward lawlessness, we are witnessing evil spiritual forces setting an entire spectrum of destructive fires, which are designed to consume as many lives as possible. This highlights with even greater force how crucial it is that we stick with the Bible and hold to the authority of Scripture in this late hour.

How To Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy

Because of Jesus’ death on the Cross and His resurrection from the dead, the forces of hell are already defeated. However, even though they have been legally stripped of their authority and power, they continue to roam around this earth, carrying out evil deeds like criminals, bandits, hooligans, and thugs. And just like criminals who refuse to submit to the law, these evil spirits will continue to operate in this world until some believer uses his God- given authority to enforce their defeat!

Sparkling Gems From the Greek, Volume 1

If not restrained, evil in any generation will become more and more bold, brazen, and aggressive.

How To Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy

Very often, evil finds access into your mind and imagination through your eyes, so make a covenant with your eyes as part of your deliberate plan to build a wall of protection around your life. Psalm 101:3 says, “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes….”

Last-Days Survival Guide

When God’s power arrives on the scene, evil spirits swiftly go out — and when they depart, the physical and mental afflictions caused by those spirits leave with them. Evil spirits are literally ejected or evicted, just as an unwanted person would be ejected or evicted from a house.

A Light in Darkness

The floodgates of evil are swinging open wide as society races toward a cataclysmic collision with crises of a magnitude never before seen, and societal attitudes and moral standards have shifted and plummeted to depths that are almost unimaginable.

Last-Days Survival Guide

Evil is always lurking in the shadows, waiting for us to drop our guard and fall asleep on the job. In those vulnerable moments of lethargy, the enemy is positioned to seize his opportunity and attack, often with devastating consequences. Therefore, it is essential that we are always on guard — diligent, wide-awake, and doing our part to protect ourselves from the evil that is in the world.

No Room for Compromise

You cannot avoid the fact that you will sometimes face unpleasant situations in which you feel mistreated, abused, or discriminated against. As long as you live in a world where the devil operates and unsaved people have their way, evil and injustice will touch your life from time to time.

Paid in Full

Even the strongest believer can be worn down by the constant onslaught of evil surroundings.

Last-Days Survival Guide

Rick Renner

Rick Renner is a prolific author of more than 30 books and a respected Bible teacher and leader in the interna­tional Christian community. Rick is the senior pastor of the Moscow Good News Church. He is also the founder of Rick Renner Ministries and Media Mir, a media outreach in the former USSR, and the host of his TV program seen around the world.


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