Kundalini vs. Holy Spirit: Discerning the Deception of Demonic Practices

Kundalini meditation and yoga refer to a meditation that is designed to invoke the power of a sleeping serpent that lies coiled dormant at the base of the spine.

The word kundalini means coiled serpent. The root word “kund” means a deep pit or cave. And “lini” means to be overcome with energy. Principally, the purpose of kundalini meditation is to invoke the serpent energy from the deep pit within and encourage it to flow up the spine until it reaches the crown of the head. As the serpent spirit rises up the spine, it awakens the seven spiritual chakras (or energies) throughout the body. Each chakra represents a different focus for awakening as the serpent rises. Those who practice this form of meditation state that “It feels like the life force has amplified itself and has suddenly become even more alive. This is felt in its movement up the spine and sometimes as an electrical or radiating feeling in every cell. This sensation can be uncomfortable or terrifying. Nothing prepares us for this eruption.” Manifestations such as tremors, involuntary movement, and multisensory hallucinations leading to mood swings, grief, fear, and depression are reported as typical.

A story documented in a psychological case review describes the decline of a 24-year-old man who became involved in kundalini. During his treatment, he would present himself as delusional, in poor self-care, and with disorganized speech. He would tell his medical team that his condition was due to his kundalini awakening. Within two years, he had deteriorated so severely that he was forcibly detained in an adult psychiatry ward. According to prominent kundalini instructor Sadhgru, “When kundalini goes bad, it goes bad in ways that cannot be fixed. Kundalini is the most dangerous of all.”

Ava’s Story

Let me introduce you to Ava. Ava is a believer in Jesus and attends church regularly. Her family history and upbringing were like so many: a tumultuous time filled with hardship, trauma, and pain. Along her journey, Ava devoted herself to practices and belief systems that appeared to help her maintain a healthy mental state. She explored Yoga, Catholicism, Christianity, Buddhism, Kundalini, and Transcendental Meditation. Of all of the things that Ava explored, her involvement in kundalini meditation and yoga has had the most profoundly damaging impact on her life.

She described to me the various states of awakening she encountered. “I felt like waves of electrical energy surging through me, causing my body to convulse and tremor.” Ava’s participation in kundalini grew more intense as time passed, and deeper connections were experienced. One of the reasons she pursued this was the promise of mental health restoration and healing in the body. This is one of the false claims of kundalini yoga when, in fact, the opposite is true, as I’ve previously taught. Not long ago, during a particularly hard time in Ava’s life, she found herself addressing past traumas and settling complicated family concerns. She turned to her kundalini instructor for guidance. Then, after intense periods of kundalini meditation, Ava found herself drowning in a state of mental despair.

Suddenly, she was spinning out of control, unable to focus or maintain even a healthy conversation without mentally breaking down. Her mental stability and physical condition only declined as a result of her involvement in kundalini meditation and yoga. Eventually, her ability to maintain a healthy mental state was so significantly impacted that she was no longer able to fulfill her obligations at work. I had the goodfortune of speaking with Ava during this time in her life. I began to explain the root of kundalini yoga and meditation and exposed everything she has invited into her life. Seeing the truth in what I was saying, Ava immediately stopped her involvement in kundalini and began speaking with a professional counselor. Ava is now doing great and on the road to recovery, and though she has a lot of work ahead, her future is bright.

Ava’s story exemplifies the principle of opening doors to the enemy through participation in unrighteous and evil activities. Ephesians 5:11 from the Passion Translation teaches us, “And don’t even associate with the servants of darkness because they have no fruit in them; instead, reveal truth to them.” In Ava’s case, once the truth was revealed and the Gospel was made known in her life. Her decision to turn away and accept God’s gift of freedom led to her victory.

Biblical Response to Kundalini Meditation

For the believer, any willing participation with any demonic spirit, such as kundalini, opens the gates for demonic torment. When we accept the free gift of salvation, the Holy Spirit indwells us, and we have His presence always guiding us. This is how Christians should approach meditation, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, not through serpent spirit demons. Reject all teachings that desensitize and normalize kundalini meditation among believers in Jesus. Kundalini masters and practitioners widely caution that it is the most dangerous of all forms of meditation. Claiming that when practiced without proper focus and discipline, it can completely dismantle your life instantly. The Sai Ayurvedic Institute describes a ranging list of problems known as kundalini syndrome attributed to this type of meditation. These include Involuntary body movements, sleeping disorders, digestive system problems, numbness in limbs, pain throughout the body, random emotional outbursts, increased fear, rage, depression, hearing voices or sounds, mental confusion, and many more.

Believers, we are to steer clear from anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. This is dangerous; do not be deceived. If you have participated in kundalini, I invite you now to repent and renounce participation with this prayer:

“Thank You, Holy Spirit, for Your presence. Lord, I invite You to fill me with Your Spirit. Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, and I believe You died on the cross for me, cleansing me from all sin and redeeming me from death. I acknowledge my participation in kundalini practices, and I repent for and renounce all involvement in this evil practice. Holy Spirit, I invite You now to cleanse my mind, my body, and my emotions from any evil spirit that may have come into my life. I speak to my body and my mind, and I command all effects brought on through kundalini be broken off of me now through the name of Jesus. I tell my DNA to forget the trauma brought on me when I partnered with these demons. I receive the blessings of the Lord, I am created in His image, I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and I am called to righteousness. And now, I receive the freedom from demonic attachments in my life, and I command every demonic spirit to GO NOW in Jesus’s name. Thank You, Jesus, I am free!”

Place your hand on the base of your spine, and in a prophetic act, pull it out, throw it to the ground, and crush its head!

Is Kundalini Meditation Redeemable?

All aspects of kundalini meditation and yoga are irredeemable. Believers must not participate in this demonic form of meditation. Some teachings have tried to link the Holy Spirit with kundalini in an effort to legitimize the practice within Christianity. Believers are indwelt with the Holy Spirit at the moment of our salvation. As we seek and receive the Holy Spirit, we can be confident that His power and glory will be evident in various ways, including the remarkable gift of speaking in tongues.

The difference is that, unlike the kundalini, the Holy Spirit is not dormant, awaiting a moment of awakening. He is always present and speaking. Additionally, the power of the Holy Spirit has been promised to all believers, not just those who choose to awaken the demonic power of a dormant spirit.

The glory of the Holy Spirit brings joy, peace, patience, kindness, virtue, faith, gentleness, and strength of spirit. In contrast, the fruits of kundalini worship manifest the opposite. For believers to truly align their minds, hearts, and bodies, it is absolutely crucial to meditate in line with the Holy Spirit. This practice allows the fruits of the Spirit to manifest in our actions and behavior, ultimately leading to a fulfilled life of purpose.

Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you (John 14:17 ESV).

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8 ESV).

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words (Romans 8:26 ESV).

Jareb Nott

Jareb Nott is a teacher, author, and co-founder of Engage Deliverance & Training. His focus is on equipping others for a transformative journey toward freedom and purpose through dynamic teaching and activation. Since 2010, he has operated in the realms of biblical teaching and training, personal deliverance, and strategic spiritual warfare. Along with his wife, Petra, he is the co-author of Engage your Destiny and The Science of Deliverance. Jareb currently oversees meetings and teaches regularly at Christian Harvest International in Colorado Springs, founded by Becca and Greg Greenwood.  


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