Declaration Over These Turbulent Times

A most comforting truth is that God knows all things.

The Bible tells us God knows the end from the beginning. Since we are finite, life surprises us several times each day. God has never once been surprised. Our hearts go out to those who are caught in the crosshairs of a senseless war. Here at home, inflation is occurring at an alarming rate not seen since the '80s. All of us still feel the ripple effects of the recent pandemic.

If God were as surprised as we are by any of this, we would have no hope. But even in times of great need, great pain, and great desperation—especially in such times—by faith we hold onto the God who formed us, loved us, sent His Son to die for us, and authored the plan to redeem us back to Himself. Nothing could be more clear than that this world is nothing like the perfection God created in the beginning.

Yet one day, God will settle every score, exact justice for every wrong, and grant His children rest from every enemy. May Jesus Christ be praised!

Billy Shaw

Pastor Billy Shaw grew up in a Christian home in Charlotte, NC, and though he attended church with his family from birth and heard the Gospel many times, not until he was eight years old did he receive the Gospel for himself. His parents led him to the Lord by his bedside one Sunday night after church. When he was in high school, he sensed God calling him to preach. He did his undergraduate study at Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga, TN, making him the second pastor of Grace Baptist Fayetteville (the first being Rev. Marvin Faile) who attended that school. He completed his MDIV at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. He met his wife Ashley while pastoring his first church in Stanley, NC. Between pastorates, he earned an MBA in Finance from Regent University. Pastor Billy and Ashley were married in July 2012.


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