7 Keys to Secure Your Breakthrough

The Bible says that you have become seated with Christ “in heavenly places” (Eph. 2:6 KJV).

Ponder this for a moment. Whether you were born in a mansion or a cave, you have been born again into a throne of authority that ultimately surpasses every king in the earth!

You have become royalty. Literally born of royal blood.

Note that this throne of authority was conferred the moment you were born again. Both in the spiritual realm and the natural world, thrones are established by covenant. You gained a seat before God’s throne the moment you entered into covenant with Him. And it is this covenant which determines both your ultimate legitimacy and your ultimate authority.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this precept. It has the potential to dramatically impact the course of your life.

And it has the potential to direct the course of the nation. Our founders entered into covenant with God. This covenant has been wholeheartedly renewed from generation to generation, including now. Follow this with me. Covenants establish thrones of governance. Therefore, the thrones of governance of this nation belong to God.

Your Pleas, God’s Decree

How do you reign from this throne? Actually, the very same way by which other kings exercise their rulership—by making decrees. The first step is always to seek the Lord until His decree becomes clear. Following the example of the apostle John, enter in to the presence of the Holy Spirit. Declare your position before God’s throne, seated with Christ in heavenly places. In Jesus’ Name, take your seat! And receive His directive.

The Bible says, “If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him” (1 John 5:14-15). In every God-ordained prayer project, there comes a moment when what you’ve contended for comes to pass.

Sometimes it is immediate. But as mentioned, in bigger projects especially, there is often a time of contending for these scrolls to be released. John wept. The prophet Daniel fasted and prayed for 21 days until the angel of the Lord broke through, and Heaven’s message was delivered. Many times, throne room decrees become revealed only as our prayer project comes to completion. The Lord may even direct you to a specific place at a specific time to declare His breakthrough word.

Securing God’s turnaround often requires intentionality that sometimes even transcends time. Watch though—there is great blessing in the process!

Even as you read this, the anguish many of you have suffered in previous seasons is finally giving way. You will see with new eyes how the Lord is now moving to protect you even while building you up. Most importantly, you are being freed to grow in greater intimacy with the Lord. That’s the most precious turnaround for all of us!

It’s important to note the challenges you are facing are first inherently spiritual. Neither political dominance, economic dominance, media dominance, or religious dominance carries the power to prevail. Only the supernatural power unleashed by God’s intervention in our midst can restrain evil and genuinely secure His turnaround.

And that power, my friend, is again first accessed through prayer. The good news is, as you and I make our appeal to Heaven, the Lord stands ready to respond. Your plea will be met with His decree!

Keys to Aligning for Breakthrough

God has ordained that you rule with Him as a king and priest over your spheres. Again, this rulership is largely accomplished through praying, then making decrees that are carried out in the spiritual and natural realms.

As the psalmist said, “I will announce the decree of the Lord!” (Ps. 2:7). In our own ministry, receiving immediate, substantive, longstanding breakthroughs through the release of God’s decrees is now by far the norm. It is our most consistent pattern of results. Why? Because primarily, receiving consistent breakthroughs is a matter of gaining proper alignment with God’s throne. Then these breakthroughs have free course.

Here are seven factors to consider.

1. Is the decree God’s will or presumption?

When we experience a delay, the first question is always whether or not we are fully in alignment with God’s revealed will—by His Spirit and by His word—or simply operating in presumption. This is such a key question. Because decreeing out of personal desire or presumption can actually be equated to witchcraft.

2. Timing.

Is our expectation properly aligned with God’s timing? For instance, Isaiah decreed the birth of Israel’s Messiah, but the manifestation of this miracle was actually some seven hundred years away. When seeking God’s turnaround, it’s important to perceive where you are in the birthing process.

3. Legal access to restrain.

It is vital to explore with the Lord where the enemy may have gained legal standing to withhold a breakthrough the Lord intends to grant. Breaches of covenant through sin—especially the sin of idolatry, either presently or generationally—are by far the primary blockages. Which is why it is so vital to learn how to partner with God to repair the past, so we can unlock His best for our present and future. We explore this more in our book, Turnaround Decrees.

4. Go to the root.

“If the root is holy, so are the branches” (Rom. 11:16). Sometimes you have to deal with issues the way a surgeon deals with skin cancer. You must pull back the layers until the true root is exposed. Then things shift!

5. Check your giving.

Alignment with God’s directive regarding the divine exchange of tithes and offerings, as recorded in Malachi 4, is not an option—at least if you want the heavens to open and the devourer be rebuked.

6. Authority to decree.

A fifth factor to consider is a person’s standing before the Lord to make the decree. As with any governmental structure there is authority in the Kingdom. Genuine turnaround decrees are sourced from the throne of God, and stewarded through His appointed authorities. Of course, God’s appointees are often different from man’s. Just look at David! As a shepherd boy, he took down the giant that had paralyzed both the king and his top warriors.

7. Apostolic alignment.

My counsel for everybody is to move with what God has put on your heart, collaborating with godly mentors and allowing His dream to mature in you through the process. Believe in yourself. Believe in the godly mentors the Lord has placed in your path to help you advance. And believe in the sacredness of what God has deposited in your heart!

Dynamics of God’s Decrees

“And thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee. And the light shall shine upon thy ways” (Job 22:28 KJV).

There are a few dynamics related to decrees. A decree is more than a strong declaration spoken with enough volume and confidence to make it seem believable to those listening. Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt many times myself! Yet most often, the results simply failed to fully materialize.

Decrees are actually issued from two classifications of authorities—either from appointed governors such as kings, presidents, and lawgivers, or from judges via courtroom verdicts. The stewards of God’s Kingdom decrees must in the same manner be cultivated, appointed, and validated by God.

Again, I’m not trying to disqualify you here. Instead, you’re going to discover in these pages the extraordinary lengths God Himself has gone to qualify you to attain this authority, functioning as a king and priest before Him. But it’s vital to understand this governmental authority is both conferred and earned. You have a crown to gain, and a throne of rulership to steward. And as in every other expression of increase in God’s Kingdom, you have been afforded the potential to gain in earned authority as a governor of His decrees.

You can explore more about the dynamics of decrees and become equipped with the Turnaround Decree of the Lion of Judah through our book, Turnaround Decrees.

Jon & Jolene Hamill

Jon and Jolene Hamill are passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Based in Washington DC, they have witnessed firsthand the power of biblical equipping, watchman prayer, and prophetic ministry to catalyze God’s intended turnaround. They are popular speakers nationally and internationally and are active in media, producing an online blog that reaches many thousands weekly. The founders of Lamplighter Ministries, Jon and Jolene have authored four books.


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