“Demonic Smoke Burned My Tongue During Deliverance’’

Beyond seeing and hearing, there are other spiritual senses we can “train” into maturity in the Hebrews 5:14 principle, we consider touch and taste.

Scripture is full of people who receive revelation through the experience of taste!

Taste and see that the Lord is good… (Psalm 34:8).

We read that the word of God is like tasting honey on the tongue and bitter in the stomach, as it was for the prophets who ate the scrolls: “‘Fill your stomach with this’, he said. And when I ate it, it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth” (Ezekiel 3:3 NLT).

We also learn that there are tastes of fruit from our mouths with breath like apples in Song of Songs 7:8. Experiencing sensations when receiving revelation is to be expected. We read that there can be extreme emotional outpourings as we have seen with Ezekiel 1–4, and specifically Ezekiel 3:15: “I sat among them for seven days—deeply distressed.”

In addition, God physically touches and “marks” His people with a name and symbol as signs of their belonging: “…put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done…” (Ezekiel 9:4).

…and I will also write on them my new name (Revelation 3:12).

In accordance with Scripture then, when we experience this feeling it can be an emotional or physical tasting revelation. Be ready to taste honey sweetness when reading or receiving insight through revelation from God.

So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.’” I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour (Revelation 10:9-10).

Expect, on occasion, that you may have an upset stomach from carrying that revelation. You may have a “fire in your bones” like Jeremiah in receiving some revelation as all your senses come alive, awakened in and to the spirit (see Jeremiah 20:9 NLT). I have had numerous occasions when I have felt sick in my stomach, overwhelmed emotionally through receipt of revelation. This is normal in Scripture for the prophets. I have felt and heard the rushing of angels’ wings both around my body and moving past me.

Equally, you may experience the glorious fragrance of aloes and cassia, the perfume of the King from Psalm 45, or the glorious aroma of sweet roses in the spirit, speaking of love and adoration from Song of Songs 4. Enjoy the revelation coming to you through your senses; it is incredibly powerful.

Personally, I have felt the burning of God and its physical pain. I have been marked by the Spirit over the years. There has been a setting apart in that moment of consecration, a holy burning and consuming in the fire of God. The reality of the unseen spirit realm is present in these moments. It is more than just seeing; it is experiencing the fullness of touch in these powerful times. These experiences are open to you as you allow God to awaken the fullness of your spiritual senses.

The Application of Advancing the Kingdom

When we began as a team from Global Prophetic Alliance (GPA), we were working together to pray and anoint a building which was being repurposed as an outreach café. It had previously been a Chinese restaurant. We were invited by the new, Christian owner who felt it needed to be “cleansed” spiritually and then dedicated to the Lord. Immediately upon arriving on site, we became aware of the demonic spirits that had made this place their home.

Happy in our teamwork, we gave cleansing and blessing prayers around the building, room by room. When we reached a storeroom at the back of the building, the repugnance we all sensed in the spirit was extraordinary. God revealed to many of us that there had been historic bloodshed in this room. We needed to pray using prophetic acts of salt, water and oil. Salt is used to cleanse and purify (and is also a sign of covenant to and with the Lord), water to wash the land clean (a symbol of the Holy Spirit) and oil to set the space apart for the Lord (showing as it does an element of consecration, anointing and healing). As we did this whilst simultaneously praying, every member of the team saw actual green sulphureous smoke—not only in the spirit, but physically manifested for us to see with our eyes in the natural! We were all completely shocked.

Because I was praying over the location where the salt was thrown, I unintentionally breathed in the smoke. The fumes caused a horrible bout of coughing and was possibly one of the most unpleasant physical experiences of my life at that time.

When we were confident that the building had been cleansed and dedicated to the living God in Jesus’ name, we left the venue for our team debrief. It was then we realised the bitter, disagreeable aftertaste in my mouth from this “demonic smoke” had left an actual, physical mark on my tongue. Dubbed “demon tongue burn” by us from then on, it appeared the manifested smoke had left what looked like black bruises, clearly visible, on either side of my tongue. It was not painful, but my tongue tasted unpleasant. After much prodding and inspection with a teaspoon, Emma Stark, our leader, decided we would see how it was in the morning and speak then.

I awoke the next day to find my tongue remained black but the taste was slightly less awful. As we discussed over the phone together what the solution might be, we summated that it was a prophetic act that caused the burn. The decision was taken to anoint my tongue with oil, to pray and see what happened! I actually did this whilst we were on the phone together. (I always keep anointing oil at home and in every bag because I never know when I might need it!) While Emma prayed, and as the oil simultaneously touched my tongue, the black marks completely disappeared before my eyes! It was incredible. We all learned in that moment the reality of breaking through from the spirit realm into the natural—and not to stand over the place you are cleansing with salt in future!

We Give You All Our Senses

It is time to give your senses to the Lord and become fully alive and loaded in experiencing the realm of the spirit and the completeness of revelation. As you offer this prayer to the Father, you may wish prophetically to touch your senses.


Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ, I give You access to all of my senses: I give You my eyes in the natural and the eyes of my heart and say, “Open my eyes, Lord.” Lord, I say, consecrate my mouth and tongue to be supersensitised to the Spirit. Awaken me to all that You wish to reveal of the realm of the spirit in tasting Your word. Have my sense of smell, Lord; I give You my nose and its ability to smell. I long to experience the fragrances of Heaven. Open my ears Lord, that I might hear Your voice and the activity in the spirit realm more as You choose to speak to me. I long to feel You, Lord, and touch all that You open to me in the spirit realm. I say, Lord, please activate my sense of touch to You today.

As you pray for yourself and give your senses to the Lord, I say “Amen” for you to come fully alive in Christ, in all your natural and spiritual senses. Together, we pray this is always with the aim and goal of knowing You, God, and Your ways more; rejoicing always in our salvation and knowing we have access through Jesus Christ to the Kingdom of God today. Thank You, Lord Jesus.

Sarah-Jane Biggart

Sarah-Jane Biggart is Director of Prayer at Global Prophetic Alliance (GPA). As Seer Prophet she is anointed both apostolically and prophetically and ordained with Christian International. Sarah-Jane has trained and activated many to see and sense in the spirit. As leader of the British Isles Prayer Watch (BIPW) she also trains and mentors a number of strategic prayer teams and national watchmen at home and abroad.


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