Bill Johnson: ‘This SHOOK Me to My Core’

The first time I heard Mario Murillo preach, my world was shaken to the core.

The year was 1971. The hippie movement was well underway, and a generation had severed itself from the moorings of their parents’ values and dreams. In the absence of moral absolutes, there arose a cry for identity and direction. It was a cry for leadership; it was a cry for a voice. But that voice had to be one that wasn’t overwhelmed by the magnitude of sin, yet would never shrink away from confronting ideals built by the spirit of deception.

Mario became that voice. Both his passion and message were new to me especially from someone so close to my age. As I watched and listened, I became hungry, attending every meeting where Mario preached that was anywhere close to my hometown of Redding, California. My heart began to soften. My heart began to burn.

I’m thankful that Mario ministered to the church; otherwise, I may have never heard him speak. But Mario’s heart was ultimately for the lost. As a result, he targeted the bastion of demonic thought and moved to Berkeley, California, to reach my generation. But to touch this group effectively, there had to be more than good ideas. There had to be power. The apostle Paul must have ministered in similar situations, as his proclamation to the church at Corinth was, “My message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and power” (1 Corinthians 2:4 NASB).

My generation, also, would not be won with fancy talk on Christian ideals. They had experienced the spirit world through the dark side. They could now only turn if someone came along with superior power to rescue them from the increasing peril. That is exactly what Mario did. He became one who helped to lead what is now known as the Jesus People Movement. Young people by the thousands heard and surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ through his ministry. They experienced God’s love and His power. Addictions were broken off instantly, and a lifetime of torment was gone. The same gospel of the Scriptures was put on display through Mario’s preaching. Late one night, I surrendered to the all or nothing gospel that Mario carried. It was an absolute yes, without any possibility of reconsideration. It seemed as though all my future decisions were wrapped up in that one yes. The cost no longer mattered.

The voice that rang so clear during the ’60s and ’70s is even clearer today. Mario has an unusual gift to discern the times we live in and speak prophetically to this generation, both to the lost and saved. The miracles continue to increase and validate this wonderful gospel. The mantle that rests upon Mario’s life is one of extraordinary power. His words cut to the heart of every issue, and the power of God is displayed, bringing deliverance and healing to lost and broken people. But there’s another thing born out of the lives of those who carry the revivalist mantle—books. And this is one of the best.

Critical Mass gives the reader an unusual opportunity to get inside and mind of a modern-day revivalist. The wisdom revealed in these pages is stunning. His words are calculated, carrying the weightiness of a Holy Spirit-anointed strategist. It is such an important book for us that it is required reading in our Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, where our main goal is to raise up thousands of true revivalists. This is an absolute must read for anyone who has a heart for the last days revival. The impact of this message has forever changed my life.

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson is the Senior Pastor of Bethel Church. Bill is a fifth generation pastor with a rich heritage in the things of the Spirit. This apostolic network has crossed denominational lines in building relationships that enable church leaders to walk in both purity and power. The present move of God has brought Bill into a deeper understanding of the phrase, "on earth as it is in heaven." Heaven is the model for our life and ministry. Jesus lived with this principle by only doing what He saw His Father doing. Learning to recognize the Holy Spirit's presence, and how to follow His lead will enable us to do the works of Christ, destroying the works of the devil. Healing and deliverance must become the common expression of this gospel of power once again. Bill and the Bethel Church family have taken on this theme for life and ministry. Healings, ranging from cancer to broken bones, to learning disorders and emotional healing, happen with regularity. This is the children's bread. And these works of God are not limited to revival meetings. The church is learning how to take this anointing to the schools, workplace, and neighborhoods with similar results. Bill teaches that we owe the world an encounter with God, and that a Gospel without power is not the Gospel that Jesus preached.


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