5 Demonic Spirits Assigned to Destroy You: Leviathan, Jezebel & Others are Targeting YOU

I had a prophetic dream one night where God showed me that there was a specific cancer or demonic attack assigned to each of the five ministries mentioned in Ephesians 4:11-16.

The revelation and prophetic insight I received has been extremely beneficial in navigating spiritual warfare in my own life and the lives of many in the body of Christ. The following is what I saw in the dream:

  1. Apostles - Leviathan Attack

  2. Prophets - Jezebel Spirit Attack

  3. Teachers - Religious Spirit Attack

  4. Pastors - Discouragement Attack

  5. Evangelists - Vanity Attack

Apostles and Leviathan Attack

I mentioned earlier that the strongest demonic attacks I have endured in my life are when I have planted churches. Planting churches is an apostolic function, so a severe leviathan attack came to destroy the work that God was calling us to establish. There are many apostles in the body of Christ right now whom God is calling to birth new works and establish churches that must be warned about the leviathan spirit.

Many times, leviathan will appear in dreams and visions as an alligator or crocodile. Leviathan is called the “crooked serpent” in the book of Isaiah or “twister.” The nature of this evil spirit is described in Isaiah 27:1 and Job 41. In Job 41:34 (KJV), it is described as, “king over all the children of pride” and it is pride that gives this demonic spirit access into people’s lives. Was it not satan coming as a crooked serpent, full of pride, who sought to twist the words that God had spoken to Adam and Eve?

Leviathan brings false accusation against people, especially those in leadership positions. When apostles birth and plant churches in cities and regions, leviathan will work through prideful leaders and people in order to attack the new thing God desires to do. When God is calling people to transition geographically or when church leadership is transitioning into what God has for them, the spirit of leviathan will operate through pride to bring forth false accusation, twist people’s words, and bring division. “I did not say that,” and, “Yes, you did,” and, “I know what you’re doing,” and, “What are you talking about” are common phrases that come up when the spirit of leviathan is at work.

Leviathan is an enemy moving below or behind the scenes to ruin a person’s life, to devour with words that bite, and to drag their victim down into a death roll—just like an alligator would. Leviathan attacks bring slander, gossip, and verbal abuse. This evil spirit operates through deceitful people in authority who work undercover to destroy with biting words of accusation.

It is very important to remember that the leviathan spirit comes to twist people’s words and call their motives and intentions into question. It brings forth false accusation, slander, and gossip. Church leaders and people who are prideful will attack anyone God has called to birth a new thing or who are trying to transition into their next season. Those who operate in leviathan will stay quiet behind the scenes as they gather information about people and churches. Over time, they will begin to come up with their own narratives that are full of false accusation and lies. Those who operate in leviathan attract liars and bitter people who are harboring unforgiveness.

I have seen firsthand the leviathan spirit ruin the relationships and friendships that people have had for years! For example, God calls someone to move into a new sea- son, to birth something, and all of a sudden the words, motives, and intentions of everyone’s hearts are questioned and false accusations, lies, and slanders are next. Satan has a foothold through pride, and it will eventually become a stronghold if we do not recognize and rebuke this evil spirit at work.

Whenever we stop believing the best about someone, we must seek to build relationship and discover the truth. Waiting months and years to forgive and gain clarity over our concerns opens the door to leviathan. Beware!

Overcoming Leviathan

Why is pride the foundation of false accusation? Because false accusation elevates itself over another person and the truth in order to become judge, jury, and executioner. The evil spirit of leviathan can attack anyone, but it will specifically target apostles as they plant and birth new works. It will call their words, motives, and intentions into question. It will spread lies and false accusation in their region and city in order to prevent people from receiving from their God-given influence.

How does someone overcome leviathan? What do you do when people have believed lies about you and are spreading gossip and slander? We follow the example of Jesus and walk in humility, integrity, and forgiveness. The only way to defeat the prideful and accusatory spirit of leviathan is to not retaliate in pride and accusation ourselves. We must go low, stay humble, and allow Jesus to defend us. This is incredibly difficult, but entrusting ourselves to God and the fact that He knows the truth will give us the grace we need to remain humble and keep advancing the Kingdom of God. As James 4:6 (NLT) says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Prophets and Jezebel Attack

The enemy of the prophetic is the Jezebel spirit. While this evil spirit can attack anyone, Jezebel specifically targets those who dare to speak for God and will do anything in its power to silence and shut down what the Holy Spirit wants to do and say. Jezebel was an evil woman in the Old Testament (1 Kings 16) and in the New Testament (Revelation 2).

Jezebel is a demonic spirit at work in the modern-day Church that has a very specific assignment to keep people from hearing and obeying God. The Jezebel spirit is gender neutral. It operates through men and women. When you say “Jezebel spirit,” people typically think that it is a woman who has a leadership gift on her life and when she starts exercising it, she’s a “Jezebel.” I want to tell you categorically that this is not true and oftentimes comes from individuals who struggle with insecurity and jealousy.

I have cast out the Jezebel spirit of both men and women. I’ve expelled it out of church leaders. How do I know that it is this spirit? Because on numerous occasions when asking the demon its name, it says, “I am Jezebel.” When engaging in deliverance ministry, it’s important that we separate the spirit at work from the person who is being tormented.

The Jezebel spirit uses manipulation. It uses control. It manifests through flattery, seduction, intimidation, immorality, and trickery to seek its own will and way. It operates best in truces and treaties because it hates the truth of God’s word meant to set it free. The Jezebel spirit needs a host to partner with it. This is why King Ahab, who was a passive leader, was the ideal partner for Jezebel. The Jezebel loves tormenting leaders and people who are non-confrontational. The goal of this evil spirit is to oppress and dominate its victims into submission and toleration. Prophets and Christians who operate within boundaries and refuse to be manipulated and controlled infuriate the Jezebel spirit.

The length of time that the spirit of Jezebel has operated in and through an individual will oftentimes determine whether the spirit is immature or mature. For example, an immature Jezebel spirit will manifest in relationships fairly quickly, fast enough so that the potential damage it can bring will be minimized. Control, manipulation, fear, emotionalism, and seduction (to name a few tactics) will be detected almost immediately with an immature Jezebel spirit at work. On the other hand, a mature Jezebel spirit will be very calculated in its approach and relationships. At times, it will take weeks, months, and sometimes years to manifest. Beware, it is plotting, planning, and will not just go away with time.

A mature Jezebel spirit draws its strength from individuals who have come under its influence over time and spins an evil web of confusion around its victims. The strategy is to build an army so that when Jezebel takes out leaders and individuals, its actions are justified by a majority, not a minority, so it doesn’t seem divisive or suspicious.

The spirit of Jezebel is fueled by sympathizers. It loves throwing “woe is me” parties. It attempts to gain an audience with anyone it can find, especially those in authority. Jezebel is magnetically attracted to individuals who are non-confrontational. If you are called as a prophet or as a believer who operates in prophecy, be on guard against the Jezebel spirit and know that it will oftentimes target you and the influence God has given you.

Overcoming Jezebel Attack

When you find yourself dealing with an immature Jezebel spirit, confront it immediately and call for repentance. Many people do not realize they are operating under its influence. When you find yourself dealing with a mature Jezebel spirit, all hands on deck! You are not facing just the person it’s operating through, you are about to deal with all of its minions too! This spirit has most likely already preyed upon all the young people who have looked for a spiritual mom or dad, and they will choose sides—and it won’t be yours.

Take courage, greater is He who is in you, than this evil spirit you are dealing with. You must fight for freedom and not allow this spirit to work any longer. In most cases, completely breaking ties with the person who has partnered with the Jezebel spirit is necessary, no matter what kind of influence it has. Better to be free and have breath than enslaved and suffocated.

Teachers and Religious Spirit Attack

God has given His Church fivefold teachers who instruct the saints on how to study and obey the Word of God. However, when the religious spirit starts attacking teachers of God’s Word, they weaponize the Bible against people and become legalistic, hard, and rigid. Oftentimes, they lose compassion for the hurting and broken and become angry and disillusioned over the sin in the Church. There is a way in which a teacher can minister the Word of God with truth and integrity and allow the Holy Spirit to bring conviction and transformation.

However, there is also a demonic way in which a teacher can minister the Word of God out of a religious spirit and the fruit of it will become a yoke of bondage and slavery among the hearers. Teaching lawlessness is dangerous, but so is teaching legalism. The only path God has called us to walk on as believers is the path of life in the Holy Spirit. Both lawlessness and legalism are extremes that have brought tremendous damage to the body of Christ. When the religious spirit attacks and attaches itself to teachers, they become obsessed with certain doctrines and will not allow other perspective or prophetic insight.

The religious spirit has a form of godliness but denies its power (2 Timothy 3:5). It seeks to tame, domesticate, con- strain, and cripple Christians who pursue the deeper things of God. The religious spirit is the author of cessationism, a doctrine of demons that says the gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased with the Apostolic Age. It dismisses one member of the Trinity, denies the inerrancy of Scripture, discredits the mystery of God, and doesn’t allow followers of Jesus to move from the Cross to Pentecost. It traps Christians in religious routine and invites them into performance and hypocrisy. The religious spirit acts as a gatekeeper for many other demons: it gets in the door and then invites all its friends. This is why so many Western churches have become demon daycares.

Overcoming Religious Spirit Attack

Walking with the Holy Spirit as our greatest Teacher and trusting Him to lead and guide us into the truth will deliver teachers from operating in a religious spirit or even being attacked by it. If you are called to teach God’s Word, be on guard against a religious spirit operating through you that goes beyond teaching the Word to controlling and manipulating people into obeying Jesus. Share truth with integrity and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. In other words, you do your job, and He will do His.

Pastors and Discouragement Attack

There is a specific demonic attack that targets pastors and it’s called discouragement. The truth is that discouragement can quickly turn into depression and even suicide if satan is successful. More pastors are killing themselves than at any other time in history because of this demonic attack.

Discouragement comes to steal our joy, fill us with hopelessness, and remove the desire to praise and worship. Discouragement blurs our vision. If we don’t confront depression, it eventually leads to unbelief, which is sin.

I heard the story that one day the devil was auctioning off his tools. They were highly priced—laziness, pride, hate, envy, and jealousy. One tool was not for sale. Someone asked, “Why is that tool not for sale?” Satan whispered, “I can’t afford to get rid of that one. It’s my chief tool—discouragement! I can pry open any heart with that tool, and once I’m inside, I can do anything I want!”

If we linger in discouragement it can be costly. Its sense of defeat and hopelessness saps us of energy and vision. It can consume a lot of time. It can keep us from doing what we need to do because we don’t want to face it. And discouragement can even be contagious, weakening even other people’s faith.

David asks the question in Psalm 42:11 (NLT):

Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God!

Overcoming Discouragement Attack

There are three primary ways we can have victory over discouragement:

  1. We strengthen ourselves in the Lord.

  2. We focus on what God is doing, not on what we think He is not doing.

  3. We are flexible and remain dedicated to the work He is calling us to do.

Whether you are a pastor growing in influence or know one, I encourage you to pray for pastors. They are constantly plagued and attacked by a demonic spirit of discouragement that wants to put them in depression and lead them to suicide.

Evangelists and Vanity Attack

In Luke 4:18 (NASB), Jesus gives the job description of an evangelist when He says, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed.” In this one verse, we can recognize that evangelists are called to:

  1. Preach good news to the poor

  2. Proclaim the gospel to sinners

  3. Operate in signs, wonders, and miracles

  4. Cast demons out of people

When an evil spirit of vanity attacks evangelists, they stop fulfilling their God-given assignments in the earth and falsely believe that their calling is all about platforms, stages, and applause. By definition, the word vanity means “excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance and achievements.” When a vanity attack has been successful against one of God’s evangelists, they become consumed with the size of crowds, offerings, and more. This dangerous deception keeps them away from their real calling—the highways and byways where the lost can be found, the oppressed can be set free, and the prisons where the demonized can be delivered.

Overcoming Vanity Attack

Evangelists overcome this demonic attack by staying on assignment and not allowing the allurement of social media fame to entice them into sin and compromise. For evangelists, it’s all about the harvest and souls. It is better to be famous in Heaven than on the earth. The gospel has never been about fame or future but rather the invitation to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus. Being content in the sphere of influence God has given you protects you from operating in vanity and delusion.

Jeremiah Johnson

Jeremiah Johnson is the founder of The Altar Global, a movement of Christians who share a common urgency and desire for the return of Jesus Christ and the preparation of the Bride for that glorious day. He is also a best-selling author of multiple books and travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah has been a guest on many popular Christian television and radio shows such as Daystar, TBN, GodTV, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, and The 700 Club. He currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he oversees The Altar School of Ministry and greatly enjoys equipping end-time messengers in every sphere of society. For more information, go to: www.thealtarglobal.com or www.thealtar.school


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