5 Biblical Signs of Glory: Manifestations of the God’s Glory

What are the physical and visible manifestations of the glory of God on earth?

Can we see the glory of God or only feel it? These are two of the most frequent questions people ask. First, I must say that the glory of God is visible and tangible in the natural realm. That means that we can perceive it with our natural senses. Let us look at some biblical examples in which the people of Israel experienced the manifestation of the glory of God visibly and tangibly.

As a cloud:

Now it came to pass, as Aaron spoke to the whole congregation of the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and behold, the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud (Exodus 16:10).

Here is a clear example of the manifestation of the glory in an element of nature: a cloud. This cloud was before Israel the entire time they were in the wilderness. The same glory that brought them out of Egypt led them into the promised land.

As fire:

When Moses led Israel out of Egypt, he encountered God alone in the wilderness, but the people could see from afar the radiance of the glory of God surrounding Moses.

The sight of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on the top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel (Exodus 24:17).

As water:

And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east. His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory (Ezekiel 43:2).

Here, the prophet compares, in the natural, the sound of the glory to the sound emitted by many waters. It means that the sound of glory can be heard with our natural ears.

As a bright light:

When Paul was persecuting the church, the glory of God appeared to him as a bright light that blinded him.

Now it happened, as I journeyed and came near Damascus at about noon, suddenly a great light from heaven shone around me. …And since I could not see for the glory of that light, being led by the hand of those who were with me, I came into Damascus (Acts 22:6,11).

We know that Christ Himself spoke to Paul from that bright light.

As blood, fire, and vapor of smoke:

Paul himself, quoting the prophet Joel, spoke of the glory of Christ, saying: “I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath: blood and fire and vapor of smoke” (Acts 2:19). Also, Apostle John describes the glory as smoke.

The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power, and no one was able to enter the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed (Revelation 15:8).

This is part of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and will be a sign of the end times.

In our ministry, we have been experiencing the glory of God for more than ten years. During that time, we saw certain manifestations but not the fullness of the latter glory. It was a taste of what we would see at this time. It was glorious, but at the same time, it was something I didn’t quite know how to handle. Now, more mature in the Lord, knowing better His ways and what He is capable of doing, I understand what comes with the manifestations of the latter glory. The Holy Spirit has enabled and trained me—and continues to do so—to fulfill God’s purpose.

The manifestations of the glory of God are spectacular and unique; however, they are not the glory, nor are they God. They are not there to be worshiped or to receive the attention, honor, and recognition that only God deserves. Some of the more impactful manifestations we have seen in our church during the past ten years are gold dust and diamonds falling from the glory cloud, money appearing in bank accounts or wallets without rational explanation, debts of several thousand dollars that miraculously were canceled, instant weight loss in some cases and rapid weight loss over a few days without dieting in others, etc. The creative miracles we have seen most frequently are the appearance of organs that had previously been surgically removed, the appearance of teeth and molars that had been extracted, the appearance of bones, muscles, and skin where there were none before, new hips where there was a prosthesis before, and much more.

However, all these demonstrations have been like a foretaste of what is happening now. This is almost the norm in our services and events today.


As the darkness increases, we are experiencing greater levels of the radiance of the latter glory of God manifesting in all areas of human life. Miracles that used to take decades to unfold now happen in a few months. For example, an electrical contractor, Stalin Sierra, testified:

At CAP—our ministry’s Conference of the Apostolic and Prophetic—I believed the Lord and made a vow with God for my first million-dollar contract. At that time, I only had a small electric company. My covenant was for one thousand dollars—all I had in my bank account then. Three months later, I signed my first contract for 1.8 million dollars. This year, my business partner gave me his share of the company. Today, I am getting contracts of five to seven million dollars. God has allowed me to buy a new house and car, and my family is blessed. Now I can bless others and sow for the advancement of the Kingdom because the glory of God has been manifested in my life and has multiplied that vow many times over.


Lord, Almighty God, King of glory, King of kings and Lord of lords, You who dwell in unapproachable light, receive my worship today and let Your glory cloud descend upon me. May the fire of Your glory burn up all sin, and the water of Your glory cleanse me from all iniquity. I long to see Your glory at the end of this time. May the light of Your glory illuminate the way of truth amid so much darkness. Deliver me from sinning against You; save me from getting lost in the darkness invading this world in all areas. Make me a light amid the darkness, that I may shine with the light of Your glory. Manifest Yourself, King of Glory!

Practical Application for Life

The time of the manifestation of the latter glory has come. If you want to be part of that remnant that will see and manifest that glory, follow these tips:

  • Examine your mentality, the intentions and motivations of your heart, and observe your actions and habits. Acknowledge before God any hindrances in these areas for the glory of God to be manifested. Do you have a religious mentality? Do you have selfish motivations not aligned with the will of God? What actions in your life led you to sin? What are the habits that prevent a total transformation in your life?

  • Begin to do the corresponding work. Repent and take the first steps toward change. Let the glory of God illuminate every darkness and bring to light everything that needs to change.

  • Pray to the Holy Spirit for supernatural help and power to change.

  • Expect the manifestation of the glory in your life every day.

Guillermo Maldonado

Active in ministry for over twenty years, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado is the founder of King Jesus International Ministry —one of the fastest-growing multicultural churches in the United States— which has been recognized for its visible manifestations of God´s supernatural power. Apostle Maldonado is a spiritual father to 450 churches in 63 countries, which form the Supernatural Global Network, representing more than 706 thousand people. Also, he is the founder of King Jesus University (KJU). Apostle Maldonado holds a doctorate in Christian Counseling, a doctorate in Ministry, a doctorate in Divinity, and a master's degree in Practical Theology. He resides with his family in Miami, Florida.


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