He Died & Met Satan in Hell Before Seeing God in Heaven

Ivan Tuttle was a rowdy 26-year-old whose mother had been praying for his salvation. Then, tragedy struck.

A blood clot formed in his leg and traveled to his heart, causing instant death. What happened next is something out of a horror picture as decaying demons tried to consume Ivan. And then Ivan saw another figure unlike the others - it was Satan. He struggled to get free and then the Spirit of God emerged, telling Ivan that the prayers of his mother had been heard, and suddenly Ivan found himself in Heaven. His glorious journey in Heaven included a time where God revealed to Ivan the creation of the world. Several other sights and revelations are sure to inspire and amaze you as you watch this video. #Heaven, #Hell, #Jesus, #Afterlife, #IvanTuttle

A Journey to Hell, Heaven, and Back by Ivan Tuttle (Author), Sid Roth (Foreword): https://tinyurl.com/bdhypd4m

Ivan Tuttle Ministry Page on Facebook: https://tinyurl.com/yz8th62p

Ivan Tuttle Ministries Website: https://www.ivantuttle.com/

Revelations From Heaven: https://amzn.to/31RKSPf

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Ivan Tuttle

Ivan S. Tuttle has been a business owner, vice president of a large corporation, a manager, and an ordained minister. He has served the Lord for many years and his proudest accomplishment is speaking at churches around the country about his death experience and seeing people turn their lives over to the Lord.


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