Sid Roth Prophesies a Coming Revival of One Billion Young People


I have had the privilege of meeting and becoming friends of many great men and woman of God.

Especially those that operate in the Holy Spirit and His gifts. As a new believer I met and developed a friendship with Kathryn Kuhlman. She interviewed me twice on her national television show. She even offered to mentor me as we met when I was a few months old in the Lord. One my regrets is I did not realize at the time how special she was and I declined the mentoring. After all, what she did was just normal. Normal as defined by the Bible. Little did I know, she had the strongest anointing of her generation and perhaps the strongest since Jesus walked in the flesh! Perhaps this is why I look for those that walk deeply in the Holy Spirit. I pride myself in finding unknowns and giving them a platform to teach and demonstrate their gifts from God to the world.

Shortly, over a billion, mostly young people, will be radically saved. The old wineskins of most churches will not satisfy them. They will be radically saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit and FIRE! The next and greatest move of Gods Spirit in history is upon us. It is called the Greater Glory. It will be 100 times more powerful than Kathryn Kuhlman or any great ministry the world has ever seen. The Greater Glory is like the water that came from Ezekiel’s Temple. First it was at ankle level and gradually the water increased until it was a river. And everywhere it went, fish or people were healed. Right now the Glory is at your ankles. Get hungry for more. It is about to become a mighty river. My hearts desire is for you to be front and center in this Greater Glory outpouring. God is saying,”all hands on deck!” Now is the time to prepare.

One such unknown I have interviewed and will be a great teacher for you is my friend Tracy Cooke. I first met Tracy Cooke in an airport. Then many years later a frequent guest, prophetess, Glenda Jackson said God told her I should interview him. At the same time my main intercessor had to stop praying for me for personal reasons. He had prayed for me for years and I felt the loss. I have always had one main intercessor that prays many hours every day for me. Especially for my Jewish evangelistic meetings. But at the exact same time the first intercessor left, God told Tracy to start praying for me. God is so good!

This is what I know first hand about Tracy. He prays in tongues almost all night. Every night. He is a humble man that walks in the reverential fear of the Lord. He has the keenest and most specific Word of Knowledge ministry I have ever seen. His gift of prophecy is also extremely precise and accurate. He has great intimacy with the Holy Spirit. He carries a degree of the same anointing as William Branham. It is my belief, it will soon be at Branham’s level or higher.

He teaches not from study or intellect, although he knows the Word well, but from the Spirit of God. He does not teach anything he has not walked in for many years. I believe if you apply his revelatory teaching you too will have great intimacy with the Holy Spirit and operate in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

This is my prayer for all that read this book.

“Eye has not seen,

nor ear heard,

nor has it entered into your heart,

the things which God has prepared for you because you love Him.”

(1 Corinthians 2:9 MEV personalized)

Blessings and Global Glory,

Sid Israel Roth

Sid Roth

Sid Roth has a passion for people to experience God’s power for the purpose of having intimacy with Him. He is a pioneer in the convergence of Jews and Christians in Messiah Jesus. His television program, “It’s Supernatural!”, documents miracles and is viewed internationally.


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