Prophetic Vision: The Third Great Awakening is Here!


The Lord spoke to me concerning a new move of God that is coming.

He said, “I am uprooting religious systems and tearing down man’s ways of doing things. This new move will be marked by My glory and the flow will be pure.”

I had been preaching a series of messages on a new move of God for several months at my church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In May of 2019, I had a dream unlike any that I have ever had. God showed me a divine revelation of the coming move of God and what we’re going to see occur in this great awakening. As soon as I had the dream, I began to prophesy about the coming move of God.

In my dream, the Lord took me to stadiums that were filled to capacity. Jesus and I were standing in the concession area at the top of the stadium, looking down at what was playing out before our eyes. He instructed me, saying, “Watch what is about to take place.” I looked in the direction to which He drew my attention and saw people running to the altars to give their lives to Jesus. And it wasn’t just hundreds of people that I saw aggressively hurrying to the altars. I saw masses responding to His salvation call. What captivated me was they didn’t take their time, politely meandering up to the front. I could see a hunger and desperation for Him in each one of them, unlike anything I have ever seen in my lifetime. It was clear to me that He allowed me to view the scene not only in what appeared to be the physical realm, but also in the supernatural realm. I could visibly see the people being transformed from darkness to light in a moment. This change that was occurring in them was not because of their emotions but a supernatural encounter with the glory of God.

What happened next was beyond anything words can describe. I witnessed a mighty wave of healing sweep over the multitudes. Even now I do not have words to describe the enormity of the droves of people who received healing or the greatness of those who were healed by the miracle-working power of God as His Spirit moved among the people, transforming their bodies and souls. I get emotional now just thinking about it.

As I stood there with my mouth opened in utter amazement, Jesus then said to me, “Look again.” I turned to see what He wanted me to see. I saw among the great myriad of people those captive and the tormented, I was astounded at their great number. I watched in terror due to their awful suffering and agony. They were in horrific bondage. Heavy chains draped around them and the weight of those chains seemed almost unbearable. My heart ached for them as I watched many of them trying with all their might to worship the Lord. The harder they strained to worship Jesus, the more restricted they became, even to the point they could no longer move. I saw the reason for their immobility. Each time they tried to lift their hands to the Lord, demonic forces would come and pull on those heavy chains, causing the captive and the tormented to become even more restricted. As they tried to lift their voice to worship, the evil spirits would muzzle their mouths. Jesus, please help them, I thought to myself. And suddenly, the glory and the mercy of God fell! I saw mass deliverances taking place among the captives and the tormented. God’s power set them totally free. Simultaneously, the heavy chains instantly broke off, the demonic spirits vanished, and the people who filled the stadium began to worship the Lord. The whole stadium seemed to have become one choir; their worship was the most beautiful sound that I had ever heard. They flowed together in such harmony, as if they had been collectively rehearsing it for years. Their worship filled the atmosphere, and the Lord Jesus Christ received all their worship. It was an intoxicating atmosphere.

I was overwhelmed that all of this was taking place in one gathering. Most of the stadium services that I have ever attended were heavily focused on either salvation, healing, or deliverance, but in this one all three were occurring. I turned to the Lord and said, “I have never seen anything like this.” With great excitement and almost what I would deem giddiness, He said to me, “I know. It is a Triple Threat Movement!” It was as though He had been anxiously waiting for this moment to move in such a way.

Later, reflecting on the dream, I was puzzled over the name He gave the move—triple threat. I was accustomed to the term being used in the entertainment industry, describing an entertainer who could sing, dance, and act, but to be used in the move of God baffled me. It was then the Lord reminded me of the spiritual significance of the number three. The Temple was separated into three parts—the outer court, the inner court, and the Holy of Holies. In Scripture, it is the picture of wholeness or completeness, as well as being the number of resurrection. Three is the number of God—Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

God also used the number three to announce another great movement that was recorded in Acts 10 when Peter went into a trance and saw Heaven opened:

But he became hungry and wanted something to eat. While the meal was being prepared he fell into a trance; and he saw the sky opened up, and an object like a great sheet descending, lowered by its four corners to the earth, and it contained all kinds of four-footed animals and crawling creatures of the earth and birds of the air. A voice came to him, “Get up, Peter, kill and eat!” But Peter said, “Not at all, Lord, for I have never eaten anything that is common (unholy) and [ceremonially] unclean.” And the voice came to him a second time, “What God has cleansed and pronounced clean, no longer consider common (unholy).” This happened three times, and then immediately the object was taken up into Heaven (Acts 10:10-16 AMP).

Peter’s vision was an illustration that God desired to bring salvation to both the Jews and Gentiles. He confirmed this to Peter by the great sheet descending three times. In essence, God was instructing to Peter to preach the message of the Gospel to everyone. The vision was a prophetic announcement that God was releasing a movement that would shake the world.

I believe the Lord showed me this Triple Threat Movement as a prophetic announcement that there is a day fast approaching that God will move upon this earth using ordinary people who have been equipped with the Triple Threat Anointing. We will see an army that not only carries God’s glory inside of them but will release His glory through them. These warriors will see God pouring out the oil of salvation, healing, and deliverance! Furthermore, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, saying, “In this Triple the enemy’s tactics will be exposed and the Threat will be God’s people arising to the forefront.” God’s glorious Church will rise up in power and take dominion over the enemy. The hour is upon us to take new ground and put the devil on the run.

Let’s take another look at the number three:

Go through the camp and tell the people to get their provisions ready. In three days you will cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you (Joshua 1:11 NLT).

God ordered Joshua on the “third day” to cross the Jordan and to take possession of territory that God had given them. The Triple Threat will be a “third day” resurrection for the Body of Christ. The Church will experience long-dead promises being resurrected and possessing of territory that God has given the Church. Dead religion is not our portion but rather possessing the territories that God has called us to inherit as joint heirs with Christ.

Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession (Psalms 2:8 NLT).

The Triple Threat Movement that I saw was especially unique and unlike any previous outpourings or revivals. It was not just one, two, or even three particular ministers who were featured on the platform. I saw ministry teams each using their gifts that released the strong flow. There is an army arising that will function much like that of the early Church.

Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all (1 Corinthians 12:4-6).

The alarm is sounding and the bride of Christ is rousing from her slumber. The call of awakening has gone forth. I believe that we are crossing the threshold and into this Triple Threat Anointing that will birth the movement that I was shown. Can you hear the call to come deeper with Him? Do you feel the tug of the Spirit? The Holy Spirit is declaring to you, “There is more.” Will you respond to call of the Spirit to move into the deep?

Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and billows have gone over me (Psalms 42:7 NKJV).

The prophet Joel prophesied about such an outpouring.

And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days (Joel 2:28-29 NKJV).

Joel clearly described the outpouring of God’s Spirit upon all flesh, and Peter quoted him in the Book of Acts on the Day of Pentecost (see Acts 2:17-18). The 120 who had tarried experienced an outpouring and were baptized with the Holy Ghost fire. Everything changed in that moment. I believe that this generation will see another outpouring, a third great awakening that is going to take place. A “this is that” movement. It will be unexplainable, incomparable, but a genuine move of the Holy Spirit.

But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words: For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams (Acts 2:14-17).

You might be looking at those Scriptures and saying to yourself, “Joel’s prophecy was fulfilled and now I must settle for a brand of powerless, nice Christianity.” I boldly declare to you, “No!” God desires to flow through you with the Holy Spirit’s power. The Greek word for the power of the Holy Spirit is dunamis, and from it come the words dynamo and dynamite. This power cannot be contained or hidden. Dynamite is explosive. It is the time for you to move beyond proclaiming the power of the Holy Spirit and begin demonstrating His power. We are on the preface of believers awakening to and walking in their God-given authority given to us through the name of Jesus.

When Jesus appeared to John on the Greek island of Patmos, He revealed that He possesses the keys of authority over the enemy. He said to John, “I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death” (Rev. 1:18). Keys are a symbol of authority. Keys have the assignment to give access to things that have been locked up. Jesus declared that He has the authority over death, satan, and all of hell.

Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:18-19 AMP).

Furthermore, Jesus said the following:

And these miracle signs will accompany those who believe: They will drive out demons in the power of my name. They will speak in tongues. They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous. And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them (Mark 16:17-18 TPT).

Did you see that? The One who has the keys of authority decreed that those who believe in the power of His name will have “miracle signs” through the power of His name. Do you believe in His name? If the answer is yes, then know that He has delegated to you authority to use His name, the name of Jesus. You have been authorized to use His name against sin, sickness, and devils. There are those who have said, “All those things have passed away. Believers casting out devils is done away with. The gift of tongues is not available to the modern-day believer. Miracles and healings no longer happen. Our dependence for good health is regulated to only the doctors who practice medicine.” Let me boldly say to you, “No! God is still the Deliverer, the Healer, and the Miracle-Worker.”

God desires that you not only experience the power of the Holy Spirit through the Triple Threat Anointing in your life, but He wants you to operate in this anointing. He longs for this anointing to flow through you to impact those around you. Are you willing to be a vessel for the Master’s use?

This new move of God will be as a tsunami. It will be unstoppable. The days of relegating the Holy Spirit to the back room are over! His gifts are making a comeback in the Church. This move cannot be manufactured. It is fueled by a radical pursuit of Jesus. Get ready for God’s Triple Threat to be released through believers and change the world!

This is your divine invitation to enter into this anointing. Will you answer the call?

Andrew Towe

Andrew Towe is an emerging prophetic voice! He and his wife, Brooke, are the lead Pastors of Ramp Church Chattanooga. Andrew is also a leader in the Tribe Apostolic Network and is a sought after conference speaker. He has been featured on many leading broadcasts including Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, TBN and CTN. Andrew is regular contributing writer for Charisma Magazine and The Elijah List.


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