This Decree Activates Angelic Holy Spirit Outpourings

We decree angels assisting the Holy Spirit and fresh outpourings—be loosed. We ask You, Lord, loose Holy Spirit’s fire among us. Loose it today. Loose it here.

Acts 2:3 says on the day of Pentecost, cloven tongues of fire sat upon everyone in the upper room.

All 120 had a flame over them, a cloven tongue of fire. Now remember that a divine shift was taking place as the church was transitioning to a different level. It was moving from the old covenant to a new level of authority and ministry. When that shift began, cloven tongues of fire, accompanied by the Holy Spirit, sat upon them. Angels ministered this fire to each believer so they would be empowered for the new campaign. Angels accompanying Holy Spirit were firing up the saints to move. This was to be a fired-up movement. The key to any movement is movement. Holy Spirit and His angels were clearly saying, “Fire up and move!”

This is what has been happening in recent times with increased angelic activity. Angels are even now ministering to help release a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. One of their assignments is to bring fresh fire to believers under Holy Spirit supervision, to spiritually set them on fire. Ezekiel 1:13 begins this doctrine by describing angels as having the appearance of burning coals of fire, like the appearance of lamps that went up and down among the living creatures. The angels appeared as flashes of light, or pur, cloven tongues of fire. The Bible in Basic English says that between the living beings it looked as if flames were chasing after each other across burning coals of fire. This is exactly what it looked like on the day of Pentecost as bright fire flashed on top of the 120 believers! What was happening? Angels were ministering fresh fire from God’s altar upon them. The angel network was accompanying the Holy Spirit, the other “self” of Christ, assisting in shifting the church to a new level of ministry.

It is time for a new outpouring. It is time for the church to receive fresh power from on high. It is time for fresh fire upon all believers. It is time for a divine shift to take the church to new levels. It is time for the apostles and believers to begin affecting their regions with the Gospel, as angels under Holy Spirit supervision network with the church. They are moving now upon fresh Holy Spirit winds to assist the saints to do the same works Jesus did. They are flashing about as lightning.

We are entering into the greatest time in human history, in which the remnant is about to see God activity as it has never been seen before. The days that we have been praying forth for years have already begun; thus, we must get into step with them. We are not waiting on God; He is waiting on us. When the angel touched Isaiah’s lips, the question was, “Who will go for us?” All God is listening for is, “Here am I, God. I’ll go.” Like the 500 who were instructed to gather in the upper room, you have to choose to either participate in God’s Kingdom extension on the earth or to miss out on the greatest revival the world has ever seen.

Lord Jesus,

As a fresh move of Your Spirit is being poured out on the earth, loose Your angels to partner with what Heaven is doing here and now. I ask for a fresh touch of Your fire to fall upon me, my family and my region. I long to participate in what You are doing. Come, Holy Spirit!

Tim Sheets

Dr. Tim Sheets is an Apostle, Pastor, and Author based in southwestern Ohio. He ministers nationally and internationally at conferences, churches, seminars, and Bible schools. He is a graduate of Christ For the Nations Institute and has a Doctorate of Divinity from Christian Life School of Theology. He is the author of Angel Armies, Angel Armies on Assignment, Planting the Heavens, Heaven Made Real, The New Era of Glory, Ninjas with Feathers, and the newly released Prayers and Decrees that Activate Angel Armies.

Dr. Sheets is the founder of AwakeningNow Prayer Network and travels throughout a 10 state region holding prayer assemblies and establishing 24/7 prayer in local churches. He is also the Pastor of Oasis Church in Middletown, Ohio.

He resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. They have two children, Rachel (Mark) Shafer, and Joshua (Jessica) Sheets, and 7 grandchildren (Madeline, Lily, Jude, Jaidin, Joelle, Sam, and Grace).


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