Release Angel Armies for Spiritual Awakening

Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what He is saying (Revelation 2:7 NLT).

The above statement is repeated six more times concerning the seven churches John writes about.

Clearly the Holy Spirit wants His church to hear and understand what He is saying. Thankfully, He is still speaking to His church. An incredible new era is in front of us.

A worldwide revival is beginning to roll through America and the world. It will be, I believe, like the snowball getting bigger and bigger until finally it’s going to roll right over the gates of hell. It’s going to steamroll demon strongholds. It’s going to scatter, shatter, and roll over antichrist governing systems. It’s going to roll right through demonic, cultural, and societal hindrances. We are living in awesome times because we have now entered into the days of Christ’s Kingdom’s surge. It’s going to move through this world in ways never thought possible before.

The church is now going to do some brand-new things in some new ways and hell will now face a New Testament church it has never faced before. One that is based upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, and it will be a church that is functioning in Kingdom of God governing authority right here and right now. There has never been a Kingdom move of God like this Third Great Awakening.

I know that is a big statement but I absolutely believe it. There has never been anything like what I am seeing in all of church history. From glory to glory to glory must somehow mean bigger and bigger and bigger; greater and greater, and greater; stronger, and stronger and stronger; more powerful, more powerful, and more powerful. It cannot mean weaker and weaker and weaker until Christ finally comes back to save us. Like the three Hebrew boys, this church isn’t going to bow to its enemies.

One tremendous aspect of this new era is the converging of the ages. The Holy Spirit has been planning the supernatural convergence of the ages for years. It is coming to pass in our times. This is highly significant. I believe that is why the revelation of angel armies was given to me. We need angels for the convergence of the ages. We need them to assist this awesome move of God. We need angels to help us overcome hell’s strongholds, tear down demonic thrones in regions, and help with the harvest. Jesus said angels assist His Kingdom as harvesters and reapers. You can see that in Matthew 13:39. Angels do all of this and they do so much more. the Holy Spirit knows this and He has begun to supervise the release of millions and millions of angels upon this planet.

When the Holy Spirit began to reveal angel armies to me, it prompted years of study and a journey I am still on today. The Holy Spirit began to download revelation about how angels assist us and He showed me the convergence of the ages. He also revealed to me that King Jesus had issued an order for a new campaign upon the earth, greater than the outpouring in Acts 2. He was coming to supervise and empower a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit coming upon this earth. A new Pentecost would now be released and revival would spread everywhere on the planet. It would not be a local church revival that is only in a few places. This would be a Kingdom revival that is everywhere.

He then said something that really riveted my attention as I was not expecting it. Quite frankly, angels at that time were not on my radar as an extensive Kingdom benefit as they should have been. If you had asked me if I believed in angels I would have said yes. But I did not know how angels help apostles shift their regions and change the culture, something that I now teach and have practiced for years and know works.

I was at the lake praying and I could take you to the exact spot when Holy Spirit captured my attention as He said, “I will now lead another campaign similar to Acts 2 in your times.” But then He said, “This time I am going to be bringing far more of the angel armies.” I remember when it happened I didn’t know what to do or what to say. I sat there for probably an hour saying nothing. I was almost afraid to move because I knew something so big and significant was about to take place.

This was a “wind word” that the Holy Spirit was blowing through the church and is now speaking to the remnant. “This time I am bringing far more of the angel armies.” From that point until today angel activity began to be revealed to me and dramatically so on certain occasions. I saw how the Holy Spirit was using angels locally, regionally, and around the world. Angel activity increased in unexpected and yet very clear ways to me. I began to see their work and their ministry everywhere, even in everyday life. I knew the Holy Spirit was giving me another key to this end-time surge.

It was also during that time that He carved a phrase into my spirit that has become conscious awareness ever since. It sparked faith for me to declare revival even when I saw absolutely nothing. It produced a bold- ness to face demon princes and powers and not back down. It enabled me to face hell’s kingdom with enlightened eyes no matter the odds. Odds do not matter and I had to learn this. God doesn’t look at numbers, He looks at the remnant. The natural number is not the Kingdom number. This enabled me to face situations and evil strategies even when the odds were incredibly against us in the natural. The phrase that was carved upon my spirit has helped us build an apostolic hub that now affects our region. It was, “The greatest days in church history are not in our past; they are in our present and they are in our future.”

The ramifications of this statement are enormous. Something greater than anything ever done is now going to be released. Something greater than any move of God’s Kingdom in all of history is now going to surge. Greater Kingdom power than has ever been seen in church history will now flow out of Christ’s remnant warriors. Again, the world has never seen anything like this before. There is now an alignment of angel armies with the remnant warrior armies. They are coming into a divine convergence together under Holy Spirit supervision to demonstrate that the Kingdom of God is among you. It is right here, right now. The Holy Spirit is marshaling His coalition armies to change history. We are in a historic moment. History is going to be changed by this Third Great Awakening.

Tim Sheets

Dr. Tim Sheets is an Apostle, Pastor, and Author based in southwestern Ohio. He ministers nationally and internationally at conferences, churches, seminars, and Bible schools. He is a graduate of Christ For the Nations Institute and has a Doctorate of Divinity from Christian Life School of Theology. He is the author of Angel Armies, Angel Armies on Assignment, Planting the Heavens, Heaven Made Real, The New Era of Glory, Ninjas with Feathers, and the newly released Prayers and Decrees that Activate Angel Armies.

Dr. Sheets is the founder of AwakeningNow Prayer Network and travels throughout a 10 state region holding prayer assemblies and establishing 24/7 prayer in local churches. He is also the Pastor of Oasis Church in Middletown, Ohio.

He resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. They have two children, Rachel (Mark) Shafer, and Joshua (Jessica) Sheets, and 7 grandchildren (Madeline, Lily, Jude, Jaidin, Joelle, Sam, and Grace).




Man Crushed in Half by Truck, Sees Angels, & Regenerates Organs