Prophetic Word: Angels of Alignment, Birthing Season, and Greater Glory!


The Lord gave me this message: “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

“O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!”

The Lord replied, “Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, “Look, I have put my words in your mouth! Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. Some you must uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow. Others you must build up and plant.”

Then the Lord said to me, “Look, Jeremiah! What do you see?”

And I replied, “I see a branch from an almond tree.”

And the Lord said, “That’s right, and it means that I am watching, and I will certainly carry out all my plans”

(Jeremiah 1:4-12 NLT).

When Jeremiah was a young boy, God told him that prophetic words can uproot, tear down, destroy, and overthrow nations and kingdoms, but they can also build up and plant them.

God also said, “Jeremiah, My prophetic words will carry out My plans. I have watched over My words to perform them.” Other Bible translations state verse 12 this way:

  • “I am alert and active, watching over my word to perform it” (AMPC).

  • “Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it” (KJV).

  • “I’ll make every word I give you come true” (MSG).

My Experience

I want to describe for you a particularly supernatural weekend that I experienced recently in Ann Arbor, Flint, and Detroit, Michigan. I’ve witnessed great miracles and healings—blind eyes opened, cripples walking, and diseases healed. Those are awesome in their own special way, but this was much different than anything I’ve ever seen in my life.

Back in 1994, Apostle Barbara Yoder and Prophet Chuck Pierce were doing a conference in Flint, Michigan where Prophet Chuck prophesied that the match for the greatest movement of God ever seen would be struck. He prophesied that when the match was struck, a revival fire would begin, traveling around this nation and continuing around the world. A Kingdom burning with glory would expand and then gain momentum, going from glory to glory.

Now, nearly 20 years later, God was again saying to go to Flint, strike the match, and do it before the end of the year, so we were scrambling to do this. The conference would be called “Strike the Match,” and I was going to be there along with Apostle Barbara Yoder, Prophet Chuck Pierce, and my younger brother, Apostle Dutch Sheets. Neither Dutch nor I had ever heard the word Chuck had prophesied in 1994, but we trusted him and Barbara when they said that it was time to strike the match.

We started the weekend by first ministering at Apostle Barbara’s church, Shekinah Church, in Ann Arbor, about 50 minutes from Flint. I spoke four times at Shekinah on how prophetic words intersect their moment, and how Holy Spirit uses angels to assist the words to come to pass. This has been a recurring theme of the Holy Spirit for several years now in my life, and I had been releasing this word throughout the nation. I knew it was to be declared everywhere I could, to prepare us for a new era. Thousands of prophetic words are connecting to their moment. It’s not off in the future anymore. Heaven and the Kingdom of God are amped up and it’s time that we get amped up, as well. I referred to the Strike the Match event as I taught, even though I didn’t yet have a clear picture on the details of what we were going to do in Flint.

After ministering at Shekinah Church, we drove to Flint for the Strike the Match conference where I would finally get to hear Prophet Chuck’s prophecy from 1994. Upon arriving at the conference, I began to sense Holy Spirit saying this would be a very strategic evening. I went on high alert in my spirit, as I felt that something of great significance was going to occur. You know when you have that feeling deep inside that something big is up—I had that sense.

Biblical Foundation

Allow me to set this up from these verses in Isaiah in order to set a biblical foundation before we get to the details.

“I don’t think the way you think. The way you work isn’t the way I work.” God’s Decree. “For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think. Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don’t go back until they’ve watered the earth, doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry, so will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed. They’ll do the work I sent them to do, they’ll complete the assignment I gave them” (Isaiah 55:8-11).

Notice that God’s prophetic words, dreams, and visions to us have assignments that He has breathed upon them and they are empowered to do what He says when His people stand in faith for them. Prophetic words are connecting to their moment, corporately and individually. It is true for your life, your family, your business, vocation, and ministry; it is across the board. God’s promises will connect to their moment.

In Daniel 9, we see this principle of prophetic words intersecting with their moment as prophetic prayers, strategies, and instructions concerning a new era play out in an extremely dramatic way. It’s a prayer of Daniel that is instructive as well as fascinating. This is a prayer that absolutely changed history by changing a nation. It activated prophetic promises and caused Heaven to respond, and it caused the release of angel princes and their armies from Heaven. It is a prayer that bound a demon prince and overthrew his reign over an entire region. This is also exactly what we experienced in Flint.

We must understand that the Bible is not only a history of what has happened but is also instructive for today. We are in Holy Spirit times, just like Daniel or any of the prophets or apostles. They were not a different class of people than we are. They were in a spiritual realm that is available to us, as well. They were God’s people, just as we are. Respect them, absolutely, but do not deify them. As born-again ones, we, too, are in Holy Spirit times of God-appointed, powerful angelic assistance. We can, and we should, experience supernatural Kingdom of God activity. Actually, because of a new covenant and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we should experience it even more so.

Remember, Daniel was praying for wisdom concerning his nation and the future. God heard his prayer the first day he started praying and sent the angel, Gabriel, with the answer to that prayer. Gabriel said, “I’m here to help you understand the strategy that the King has for your future. There is a future and it is good. I’m here to assist and answer your prayers.” Clearly, God assigns angels to answer prayers. They organize around the prayers of God’s people, helping to bring them to pass—especially the prayers of an Ekklesia for a region or nation. Angels engage in spiritual warfare against hell’s principalities and powers. They help us battle to bind princes that are trying to stop prayer, prophetic words, or the strategies of God for a new era.

Back to Flint

We were there to strike the match, as God had said. The service began and immediately started to get deep. The worship was so powerful and bold. I was seated on the front row between Prophet Chuck and Apostle Dutch, with the pulpit being only 15 or so feet away. The place was packed, holding around 500 on the main level, and it also had a balcony.

I began praying in the spirit and asking Holy Spirit, “Why am I here? I understood the assignment to teach in Ann Arbor, but why am I here? What am I to do? Am I to pray something? I’m available and I’m listening.”

As I was praying this, the worship leader switched to a song about the Great I Am and the Great Awakening. The last line of the song was, “Why not here? Why not us? Why not now?” About the second time through the song, I looked up and saw the largest angel I have ever seen—just enormous. He was a huge angel prince of Holy Spirit and glowed with such power and God’s glory.

The angel was dressed in gold and white apparel with a purple, or wine-colored, sash that wrapped around his neck, over his shoulder, and hung down below his waist. From studying angels and prophetic colors for the past decade, I knew what these colors meant. They are the colors in Scripture of government, power, authority, or dominion. This was a mighty angel prince, a being of great power of the Kingdom of Almighty God, that was now in our midst. I recall seeing his face glow with radiant confidence and commanding authority. His eyes were piercing and boldness was all over his countenance.

The angel was dressed in gold and white apparel with a purple, or wine-colored, sash that wrapped around his neck, over his shoulder, and hung down below his waist.

As I watched, this mighty angel dropped a very large plumb line over top of us. It was like a carpenter’s plumb line, only much bigger, perhaps 20 feet long. Imagine a typical plumb line, magnified about 20 times. When the angel dropped the plumb line, I felt the whole place shift as if it had jolted into alignment. I knew that it was shifted in the spirit realm, but somehow I felt it in the natural. This is a concept I don’t fully understand, but I felt it even though I knew it was in the spirit. I looked over at Prophet Chuck and said, “That huge angel just dropped a plumb line over us.” He looked around and started shaking his head, saying, “I felt it come in. I felt it come in. The host is here. The host of heaven has come in.”

The Demon Prince and the Spirit of Fear

Worship continued and I wasn’t sure what we were to do with this, but I knew something was about to happen. The whole place was electric at this point. Prophet Chuck got up to speak and began to share about the 1994 prophetic word. He described how his teaching that night had been about deliverance from demon curses, with one curse being the curse of death or a spirit of death. He talked about how, when he reached that point in his teaching, the spirit of death had attacked him by grabbing his throat, and he literally couldn’t speak. The demon prince entrenched in Flint, Michigan tried to kill Prophet Chuck in front of everyone. All he could do was wave to Barbara, who was sitting up front, to come pray for him. She jumped up and ran to him, taking authority over the attack in Jesus’ Name until he was free. Hundreds of people had seen this happen, and some of them were actually in attendance again on this night.

When Chuck was freed from the attack, he could then prophesy the word of the Lord with liberty in the region, and that word he prophesied in 1994 was, “A match would be struck in Flint and it would start a movement in the world that would not stop. A revival would begin to burn. A movement begins.”

After Chuck shared what had happened in 1994, he called me up to share about the huge angel I had seen just a few moments before. As I described how the angel had dropped the plumb line over us, shifting things in the spirit realm, there was a shout that rose up from the leader who had organized and secured the location that we were using that night. Others who attended this church also began to shout. I had no idea what was going on, but they were certainly excited.

We discovered he was one of the pastors who had been on staff at that church for years, but had left in 2013 to travel America and other parts of the world, including China, because Holy Spirit told him to go and drop a plumb line in major cities declaring, “Come into alignment with King Jesus.” He had been doing so for the past five years and had just returned from that assignment. He stood up and held up a plumb line that he carried in his pocket.

Of course, I had no idea and had never met this man, but a prophetic decree—a prophetic word, a prophetic act—was intersecting its moment and Holy Spirit and His angels were activating it. I knew in my spirit this word had just connected to its moment. You can’t make this up; it was simply amazing.

After telling about the angel, I sat down and Prophet Chuck continued to speak. All of a sudden, this spirit of death attacked him again, like it did back in 1994. This demon prince, rooted in Flint, attacked him right in front of all of us and we watched it happen. Prophet Chuck grabbed his chest and throat area and he couldn’t speak. He began to wave his hands again, like he had in 1994, for Apostle Barbara to come up. The only words I heard him say were, “It’s happening.” Dutch and I looked at each other and we were like, “Whoa!”

I want to emphasize that there was absolutely no fear in the room. It was like an atmosphere of faith and boldness had entered in. A bold confidence came into the room, like the fierce confidence that I had seen on the angel prince’s face just a few moments earlier. We even talked later about the lack of fear. Our thinking was, “Oh, we’re going to take care of this. You are done for in this region. You are going to be bound tonight. This demon attack will not stand and it’s going to stop.”

Apostle Barbara ran up to Chuck and began praying in the spirit and then binding that demon spirit in Jesus’ Name as we all joined in. As we were praying, I heard the Holy Spirit say to me very clearly (it might have been out loud, I don’t know; it was loud to me), “The windpipes of the prophetic must open and sound forth like a trumpet.”

I ran up the steps, touched Prophet Chuck’s throat, and prophesied the word of the Lord: “The windpipes of the prophetic are now being opened to sound forth like a trumpet. The prophetic will now sound forth in the land at new levels like a trumpet. Open, open, open.”

Then Apostle Barbara began to prophesy: “Hell will not shut the prophetic up and it’s all going to go to a new level.” While she was prophesying, I reached over and took the plumb line the former pastor was holding out to me and I held it over Prophet Chuck’s head. He had his head back, as if he was looking up, but his eyes were closed.

At the end of the prophecy, he opened his eyes and saw the plumb line. He couldn’t have missed it because it was right between his eyes. He shook his head back and forth and started prophesying into the new era, and then he started commanding the match to strike, commanding a new movement to move and burn. Apostle Dutch then came up and began declaring that the word of the Lord has come to a fullness of time, and he just kept talking about it—we’re in the fullness of time. It was incredible; it was Bible; it was supernatural. We then took a huge match (about a yard long) that someone had made for the conference and we struck it, declaring, “A movement begins. Let revival fires burn. A revival fire will go forth until it goes around the world.”

As we were doing this, the power across the river from where we were meeting went out. This was an area, known to Apostle Barbara and those that live there, that is notorious for its witchcraft. It actually has altars built to demons and satanists worship there. As we struck the match, the power in that part of town went out, while the rest of the town was fine. It made the news that night and they even said, “At this point, we do not know the reason for the power failure.”

Afterward we all just looked at each other like, “Did that just happen?” I kept telling myself that this had actually happened; I was there. I told my wife, Carol, at least 10 times that no one was going to believe me. It was absolutely amazing.

The Angel and The Plumbline Prophecy

We were scheduled to meet the following morning with about 250 leaders back in Ann Arbor, with Chuck, Dutch, and myself tag-teaming it. Following the service that night in Flint, I drove back to my hotel in Ann Arbor. I got to my room about 9:50 p.m., and I was so tired from speaking four times in Ann Arbor, then driving to Flint and taking part in a three-hour service, and then driving back to Ann Arbor. Not only that, but I had had the flu for four days and had, in fact, been to see the doctor the day before I left for Michigan.

When I arrived back at the hotel that evening, I thought, “I’m not going to turn the TV on and I’m not going out to eat with everybody. I’m going straight to bed,” and I did. I was probably asleep by 10 p.m.—I was zonked. I didn’t know that the supernatural night wasn’t yet over, and something happened that night that has never happened to me before. Just after midnight, one of the angels that had been assigned to me when I accepted my calling to be an apostle, years ago in Indianapolis, physically shook me awake. He shook my left shoulder until he woke me up. I’m not talking figuratively. He literally put his hand on my shoulder and shook me. I barely woke up and then went right back to sleep. Again, I felt a hand on my left shoulder, shaking me. I woke up, but went back to sleep again. For the third time, I felt the hand on my shoulder, shaking me. Finally, I truly awakened, thinking, “I’m the only person in this room.”

I sat up and looked at the clock; it was 12:10 a.m. Then, amazingly, I saw the angel of the Lord. He said to me, “The Lord says the plumb line prophecy has intersected its moment.” I began thinking, “Plumb line prophecy? What’s the plumb line prophecy?” Then I remembered. At the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017, I had recurring visions of angels dropping plumb lines over hundreds of apostolic hubs around the world. The angels holding the plumb lines were meticulously aligning each hub with their assignment for the region. Each hub represented something different regarding the vision the Lord had given them. Their assignments and how they were to be accomplished were different from one another, and the alignment had to be exactly right.

I had seen this same vision at least a dozen times and I had also given a prophetic word from the vision concerning the new era and the third great awakening. Now, a few years later, the angel of the Lord had shaken me awake, stating that the plumb line prophecy had intersected its moment. I was wide awake by that time, so I got up and opened my briefcase, emptying it out and going through every note. It was the middle of the night and I had stuff all over the bed as I searched through everything to see if I had the prophecy with me. I finally found it and started to read through it, and as I did I saw that things Dutch had said earlier that evening were in the prophecy. He had talked about hovering glory and he just kept going on and on about it. I remembered thinking, as he was saying it, “Why are you saying it over and over?”

As I continued reading this prophetic word, I saw it included things that Apostle Barbara had just prophesied and that Prophet Chuck had just said a few short hours ago. I knew I was supposed to read it the next morning at the leaders’ meeting, which I did. I met with Barbara, Chuck, and Dutch right before the meeting and was going to tell them what had happened the night before, and when I came in the room, Barbara said, “You’re not going to believe this. I got home last night and just a little bit after 12 o’clock, I turned on the news and they were talking about the power outage in Flint.”

I said, “Well, you’re not going to believe this. A little after 12 o’clock last night, the angel of the Lord shook me awake and reminded me of a prophetic word.” The angel of the Lord said it had intersected its moment and that everything would now accelerate in Christ’s Kingdom.

Here is that word:

The Spirit says to the church, I am aligning Heaven with earth to open the birth canal of My Kingdom. It is open, says the Lord. The breaches have been turned. Welcome to calving season. Welcome to the season of awesome birthings. Welcome to the season of greater and greater and even greater glory. A new degree of glory is now rising over My remnant, and from hovering glory My Spirit is moving to birth plans, purposes, transitions, and ministries that have been incubating in My presence. Welcome to hatching season. Welcome to the season of ever-increasing glory. My glory will now be revealed from one degree of glory to another degree of glory to yet another degree of glory. From glory to glory to glory to glory to glory to glory. Pulsating glory will now throb from the throne of the King of Glory. Out rays of glory have been amped up, as now more and more of who I really am will be revealed. Yes, Savior; yes, Healer; yes, Deliverer; but, yes, King of Kings; yes, Lord of Lords; yes, Governing King. Wave after wave after wave of ever-increasing glory has now begun. Surge after surge after surge of My power and presence will now be seen. Welcome to the surge of the King of Glory.

Omnipotent, strident forces have now been released and hell cannot prevail. The forever loser will bow. Welcome to the victory surge of the King of Glory. Welcome to converged ages. Welcome to the blended anointings into greater multifaceted anointings. Welcome to the combined anointings of history. Welcome to the King’s anointing upon heirs at destined levels. For you are entering the season of My tangibly real, manifest glory. My presence will be seen, pulsating on an un-compromised remnant at levels never seen before.

For as I have shown through the ages, My hovering glory is the womb of gestation for what My Spirit moves to birth on the earth. For just as the earth was born from hovering glory as My spirit brooded, moved, and incubated to bring to birth the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the animals, man himself, and mandated dominion government; and just as transition and transformation and deliverance and new increased Kingdom government and laws, new leaders, and a whole new generation of heirs was birthed from hovering glory in the Exodus. Just as promises made were accelerated to fullness—here is your Promised Land. Here’s what I promised. I watched over My word and I have performed it. Just as from hovering glory shining around Mary and Joseph, a King and a Kingdom was born. From glory’s womb, My Spirit birthed a new Kingdom’s government on the earth. From glory that shone round about them, the ministry of angels increased at higher and higher levels than ever before. Angel choirs sang. Angel messengers activated. Angel princes protected.

And just as from hovering glory, Holy Spirit sat brooding, moving, incubating over the remnant in Acts chapter 2, birthing the New Testament church, birthing new gifts; birthing new heirs; birthing a new apostolic and prophetic generation; birthing new leaders young, old, male, female; birthing new levels of ministry; birthing five-fold ministry at levels never ever seen before; birthing yet another level of angelic ministry; birthing a new level of Kingdom power, authority, and government in My Name; so you are now moving into another season of greater glory.

My glory has been hovering, and My womb is full. My Spirit has been brooding, incubating for decades, to complete gestation of promises now due. It is your due season. For you are entering the birthing season of My great awakening, and now will be birthed what previous hoverings have birthed, only at higher and higher and higher and then higher levels. Supernatural deliverance is being birthed at greater degrees than ever before. Promises are being birthed at greater levels than ever before. Transformative reformation will now be birthed. Miracles and healings are being birthed at far greater levels. New leaders will now be birthed. Joshuas and Calebs will rise to prominence. Stephens, Phillips, Ruths, and Esthers will rise to prominence. A whole new generation of believers will now be born again. A new Jesus movement far greater than the ’70s will be born from the womb of greater glory.

The millennials will possess the land. New heirs are rising to their position of inheritance. A Joshua generation will rise to cross over and possess My promise. Radical millennials have been brooded upon in protective custody of Holy Spirit who has shielded them from unbelieving wilderness wanderers. Their angels are now connecting them with their destinies. Now ever-increasing glory will reflect from them like sunlight upon mirrors. They will not be the lost generation. Rather, they will be the Lord’s valor army, war eagles flying in alignment. My Ekklesia will now function at higher and higher levels. It will rule and it will reign with Me as intended. A new level of ruling power is now being birthed. Dominating authority over hell’s kingdom is now being birthed and activated at levels never seen before. Authority given to heirs will now function at destined levels as My glory surges.

Greater degrees of five-fold ministry are now being born, activated, functioning, and empowering. An apostolic-prophetic generation will now be seen. Equipping wisdom is being born. Strategies are being born in apostolic hubs everywhere. The gospel of My Kingdom will be preached and from the womb of greater and greater glory, My Spirit has brooded, moved, and incubated to bring to birth the greatest harvest in all of time. The gestation period has ended, says the Lord. It is birth season. It is your due season. Welcome to the surge of the King of Glory. For the angels are declaring from the heavens, no more delay, no more delay, no more delay.

Angels of alignment are working with us to connect apostolic hubs with their assignments. We will see this division of angel armies playing a critical role in keeping the true church on the cutting edge of what Holy Spirit is saying in this great new Pentecost era.

The match has been struck. It is time for worldwide revival. The angels of alignment are aligning the apostolic hubs for this awesome move of God.


  1. We decree the match has been struck and revival fire will burn around the world.

  2. We decree angels of alignment are aligning apostolic hubs for their purposes.

  3. We decree angels are helping us understand the strategy of King Jesus for our future.

  4. We decree the windpipes of the prophetic will open and sound forth like a trumpet.

  5. We decree angels are organizing around the prayers of God’s people, helping to bring them to pass.

  6. We decree great boldness to speak truth is coming upon the Ekklesia.

  7. We decree angels are dropping plumb lines to align the Ekklesia for the purposes Holy Spirit intends.

  8. We decree Holy Spirit is aligning Heaven with earth to open the birth canal of the Kingdom of God.

  9. We decree the forever loser will bow.

  10. We decree break up, break out, break through, passover, and possess.

Tim Sheets

Dr. Tim Sheets is an Apostle, Pastor, and Author based in southwestern Ohio. He ministers nationally and internationally at conferences, churches, seminars, and Bible schools. He is a graduate of Christ For the Nations Institute and has a Doctorate of Divinity from Christian Life School of Theology. He is the author of Angel Armies, Angel Armies on Assignment, Planting the Heavens, Heaven Made Real, The New Era of Glory, Ninjas with Feathers, and the newly released Prayers and Decrees that Activate Angel Armies.

Dr. Sheets is the founder of AwakeningNow Prayer Network and travels throughout a 10 state region holding prayer assemblies and establishing 24/7 prayer in local churches. He is also the Pastor of Oasis Church in Middletown, Ohio.

He resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. They have two children, Rachel (Mark) Shafer, and Joshua (Jessica) Sheets, and 7 grandchildren (Madeline, Lily, Jude, Jaidin, Joelle, Sam, and Grace).


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