Angelic Activation for Supernatural Healing

We decree our emotions, minds, and souls are free, in Jesus’ name. We decree accumulated grief is being removed from the body of Christ.

Not all healing is physical, there are also emotional healings and healings of the soul and the mind.

My daughter, Rachel, and her husband, Mark, have adopted two children with special needs from China—Lily and Jaidin. They brought Lily home from China when she was 14 months old, shortly before Christmas.

Carol and I consider it our job to spoil the kids at Christmas, showering them with lots of presents. Of course, Lily had never opened Christmas presents before. Her older sister, Maddie, who was seven, had opened lots of them and was frantically opening them at our house on Christmas Eve. But Lily was just sitting and watching, not really knowing what to do. Maddie began picking things out around the house that we already owned to give us for Christmas. She wrapped them, using gobs of tape, and brought them to us to open.

Lily, seeing this, began to play with the tape, instead of opening presents. I was watching all of this intently. When she was done playing with the tape, she tried to set it down but of course the tape stuck to her hand. She then reached over with her other hand and grabbed the tape and tried to set it down with that hand but again the tape stuck to her hand. She did this several times, growing increasingly more frustrated to the point of tears, not being able to get rid of the tape. Seeing her frustration, I took the tape away and we taught her how to open presents. She became a pro instantly.

I woke up in the middle of the night with God speaking to me about accumulated grief. I had never thought about the concept of grief accumulating, but the more I thought about it the more I realized it does happen. The older you get, the more grief in life seems to accumulate. This happens, that happens, and you think you’ve laid it down but really it’s still sticking to the soul and you need someone bigger than you to come along and take it away.

Thankfully, the promise of our great Lord Jesus is that He came to take away grief that accumulates—the divorce, the loss of a loved one, the bankruptcy, the broken relationship. These things can accumulate in our lives, but Jesus comes to unwrap our soul and set us free, healing our emotions, feelings, and minds.

Many today need to be healed in their souls. They’re walking around with taped hearts that only Jesus can set free. Thankfully, these divisions of angels that assist with healings and miracles are opening the old healing wells. They are also opening new wells of healings and miracles.

Angels are assisting Holy Spirit to activate the King’s anointing to heal, established through the stripes on Jesus’ back, at levels the world has never seen before. You will see miracles accelerate. You will see healing accelerate in the physical realm, and you will see dramatic healings of the soul.


Thank You for what You paid for on the cross—for my salvation and my healing. I believe today that by Your stripes I am healed—body, soul and spirit. I invite You to search me and bind up any broken places. May Your healing presence minister to Your church in new ways, bringing restoration and resurrection.

Uncapping Old Healing Wells

We decree healings and miracles are accelerating, in Jesus’ name. We decree the world is a pool of Bethesda; angels of healing and miracles are stirring the waters.

The angel divisions of healings and miracles are activating for our times. At the beginning of 2013, I began to have a recurring vision. In the vision, I saw land oil pumps, like you see in the countryside, pumping oil. The lever on these pumps goes up and down, up and down, over and over. However, in my vision, it wasn’t a lever doing the pumping—it was an angel. After seeing this vision several times, Holy Spirit spoke to me, saying, “These are angels of healings and miracles. They are pumping the old healing wells and opening new ones.”

My father was a healing evangelist and I have been around healing evangelists all my life. I have seen so many miraculous healings. No one could ever tell me miracles aren’t real; I’ve seen them with my own eyes. When my brother, Dutch, and I were about 12 and 13 years old, we were the “catchers” at the altar. Part of our assignment was to clean up the cancers that were left on the floor after people were healed.

I saw so many miracles, it was ingrained into me that God can do anything. I would believe that anyway, because it’s God’s Word, but it’s at a different level for me because I truly saw miracles take place. At one point, when my dad was pastoring a little church of about 30 to 45 people, he and other local pastors would get together and have a summer revival. They would pray for the sick and, again, Dutch and I would be the “catchers” at the meetings.

One time we were at a small church in Hamilton, Ohio and there were around 40 people in attendance. At this particular meeting, some- thing happened I will never forget as long as I live. A man in a wheel- chair was pushed up to the front row where we were sitting. He was completely twisted up, like a pretzel. Three of the local preachers gathered around him, praying in the spirit, and I could hear bones begin to pop, like when a chiropractor works on you. That man began to unwind in his chair and then jumped up onto his feet. He was totally healed, and I will never forget watching that take place.

The Holy Spirit is activating angels to uncap the old healing wells.

For an angel of God went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had (John 5:4 NKJV).

These angels are still stirring the waters. We have moved into this new era, a season when angels are uncapping old healing wells and opening new ones, and when miracles are going to accelerate.

Holy Spirit,

Thank You that Your angels are stirring the waters of healing across the earth. Thank You that old healing wells are being uncapped and released afresh in this day and hour. I pray for Your encouragement to flood the church, releasing new expectation for the miraculous. We welcome Your angels of healing and miracles!

Tim Sheets

Dr. Tim Sheets is an Apostle, Pastor, and Author based in southwestern Ohio. He ministers nationally and internationally at conferences, churches, seminars, and Bible schools. He is a graduate of Christ For the Nations Institute and has a Doctorate of Divinity from Christian Life School of Theology. He is the author of Angel Armies, Angel Armies on Assignment, Planting the Heavens, Heaven Made Real, The New Era of Glory, Ninjas with Feathers, and the newly released Prayers and Decrees that Activate Angel Armies.

Dr. Sheets is the founder of AwakeningNow Prayer Network and travels throughout a 10 state region holding prayer assemblies and establishing 24/7 prayer in local churches. He is also the Pastor of Oasis Church in Middletown, Ohio.

He resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. They have two children, Rachel (Mark) Shafer, and Joshua (Jessica) Sheets, and 7 grandchildren (Madeline, Lily, Jude, Jaidin, Joelle, Sam, and Grace).


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