Redeem Your Prodigal From the Courts of Heaven

In teaching the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus spoke of one who grew up in a loving father’s home.

Yet in spite of the care and concern of this father, the younger son took the inheritance of the father and wasted it in lustful and sinful living. We see this story told in Luke 15:11-24. I recommend you refamiliarize yourself to the story by reading it.

It’s a wonderful story of redemption. This son left the father, yet found his way home to find not rejection but rather complete acceptance. This is what real prodigals always encounter when they find their way back to the Lord. We cannot underestimate the unconditional love of God. The father didn’t care where the son had been. He only rejoiced and celebrated that he had come home. To the son’s amazement, he wasn’t relegated to servitude but was rather exalted to a place of great honor and authority in the home. This is what any who have prodigals in their family long to see. The truth is that for generational blessings to be seen in families, these prodigals must be recovered. It is the passion of the Lord to redeem these who are lost and dead in trespasses and sin. What is the secret to this occurring?

I believe there are two very important things that we can do from the Courts of Heaven to see prodigals reclaimed. We must deal with generational issues that are claiming a legal right to hold them in places of lostness and destruction. There are two issues that are legally used by satan to hold people in these bondages. One is iniquity in the bloodline and the other is covenant with devilish powers. Iniquity is the history of sin that ancestors have walked in. This history of sin grants the devil the right to tempt our loved ones into leaving the Lord. The result is usually captivity of some kind. I have noticed that almost all addictions, bondages, and enslavement people find themselves in have their roots in iniquity. It is interesting that when Daniel was seeking to see Israel brought out of Babylonian captivity that had endured for 70 years, he repented not just for his sin but also the iniquity of his forefathers. Daniel 9:16 refers to this:

O Lord, according to all Your righteousness, I pray, let Your anger and Your fury be turned away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy mountain; because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and Your people are a reproach to all those around us.

Many times the reason our loved ones are seemingly unable to break free and serve God is because of sin in their life, empowered by iniquity. We must know how to go before the Courts of Heaven and see revoked the legal right satan is claiming based on iniquity. We do this by applying First John 5:16:

If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin leading to death. I do not say that he should pray about that.

As we have seen before, we repent on their behalf. This is to revoke the rights satan is claiming based on the iniquity in their bloodline. This will then free them to come to repentance. These iniquities are empowering devilish influences to blind those who are lost. This is according to Second Corinthians 4:3-4:

But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.

We are told that minds are blinded so that they cannot perceive and appreciate the glorious offer of salvation. There can be iniquity operating in the bloodline that is empowering this deception and blindness. This can be addiction related, sexual issues, emotional struggles, and/or any other thing holding them in bondage. Our repentance for them in the Courts of Heaven can be the key that lets them make righteous choices for the Lord.

The influence of the devil is revoked and they are freed to make a break and serve God instead!

The other issue we mentioned is covenants with the devilish powers. The truth is that most of us have these in our lives. Isaiah 28:14-15 shows the people of God making covenants with these demonic forces.

“Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you scornful men,

Who rule this people who are in Jerusalem,

Because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death,

And with Sheol we are in agreement.

When the overflowing scourge passes through,

It will not come to us,

For we have made lies our refuge,

And under falsehood we have hidden ourselves.”

When there has been a covenant established with devils for whatever reason, these are in force until they are annulled. This is because God’s standard for covenant is forever. Psalm 105:8 tells us that God keeps covenant for a thousand generations, which is just another way of saying it is forever.

He remembers His covenant forever,

The word which He commanded, for a thousand generations.

The devil takes this standard and uses it to claim the legal right to possess generations based on covenants made with him by our forefathers. Whereas there is a four-generation stipulation and limit placed on the use of iniquity against us, covenants are forever. We see the four-generation idea in Numbers 14:18:

The Lord is longsuffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He by no means clears the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation.

As we repent on behalf of bloodlines for iniquity, we should call into place God’s statute of limitations. Satan does not have a legal right to use iniquity past four generations. This is God’s standard. However, when it comes to covenants, they can be forever. Therefore, their effect can be perpetual. We must repent and renounce these and ask that they be annulled before the Lord and His Courts. Also, as we undo covenants with satan that are allowing him to claim ownership of a lineage, we should give back anything he claims we gained as a result of this covenant. This would have been the reason why our ancestors entered a covenant with the devil. They, in a misguided way, believed they would receive something from these powers. Therefore, to undo the claim, our repentance must involve a giving back of that which they say benefited us. We should establish that we only want what was given to us by Jesus.

These covenants are a big reason why our loved ones can’t seem to get free to serve Jesus. As we stand before the Lord on their behalf, we can deal with these covenants in the bloodline that are being used to hold them. When this is done, the legal rights are revoked, hearts are freed, blinders come off, and people can surrender themselves to Jesus and His claims on their life.

I talk more about this legal process and how to pray for your prodigal in my book, Receiving Generational Blessings from the Courts of Heaven.

Robert Henderson

Robert Henderson is considered the Leading Authority on the Courts of Heaven.

With a passion to see the Lord's Kingdom come to earth in a tangible way, Robert Henderson is a man of undistracted devotion. Considered the authority on the Courts of Heaven teaching, Robert Henderson has been given an apostolic teaching gift, demonstrations of signs and wonders, and a governmental authority that flows from the Throne of God. His teaching ministry through preaching and writing has gone around the world and impacted many believers. He has been married to his high school sweetheart, Mary for over 34 years. They have six children and four grandchildren. Together they are enjoying life in beautiful Midlothian, TX.


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