Foods for Supernatural Healing Hidden in Plain Sight

The simple reason the Maker’s Diet can positively affect so many different health problems is that it improves the health of the entire body, especially the digestive tract, which affects virtually all other bodily systems.

The healing of the digestive system, in turn, positively affects the immune system, endocrine system, heart, lungs, blood supply, brain, and total nervous system. This proven health protocol involves a conscious return to the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and additional micronutrients originally provided by our Creator for His highest creation—mankind.

Understanding Our Roots

Just one hundred and fifty years ago, the diet of the average American was dramatically different from our SAD (standard American diet) table fare today. Widespread “mono-agriculture,” with a concentration on single-crop farmlands using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, was unheard of back then, so the typical diet consisted mostly of meat from wild animals; fish caught from lakes, streams, and oceans; wild grain and seeds; raw, unpasteurized dairy products; and fruits and vegetables from the local farmer. (Of course, the menu varied significantly, depending on where you lived and the time of the year.)

Because the Creator made us with a perpetual pattern in mind, it shouldn’t surprise you to learn that you crave the same foods, in their natural state, that your ancestors consumed. Our physical bodies were engineered as marvelous, highly tuned machines, genetically set for nutritional requirements established from the beginning of time.

Human physiology and biochemistry are geared for the foods the Creator intended for us to eat, not for the high-speed output of frozen dinners coming off the assembly line or bags of burgers and fries handed out by fast-food restaurants. (By my estimate, more than half of the “foods” commonly consumed today—like bacon-topped hamburgers or garlic fries—were not eaten by our ancestors.)

Our ancestors consumed 30 to 65 percent of their daily calories (and up to 100 grams of fiber a day) from a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. That is why, long before the discovery of vitamins, people who had access to healthy foods lived extremely long lives without vitamin deficiencies or major illnesses. Their protein needs were met by consuming pasture-fed animals, wild game, and fish that were rich in highly beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). These fats protected our ancestors against diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

The Maker’s Top Healing Foods

More and more, history and science are confirming that the Creator’s provisions for mankind’s need for food are still the best choices for ensuring health and quality of life today. The following section reviews some of these top biblical foods that you can choose to include in your diet for health and longevity.

Fish and Fish Oil

If you follow the precise biblical recommendations for the Maker’s seafood, you can ensure health and avoid disease. (See Leviticus 11:9–12.) Fish is a wonderfully rich source of protein, potassium, vitamins, and minerals. For those who simply don’t get enough cold-water fish, it’s imperative that you take a form of high-quality cod liver oil every day. Today we understand scientifically that fish oil and cod liver oil:

  • thin the blood

  • protect the arteries from damage

  • inhibit blood clots

  • reduce blood triglycerides

  • lower LDL blood cholesterol

  • lower blood pressure

  • reduce risk of heart attack and stroke

  • ease symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

  • reduce risk of lupus

  • relieve migraine headaches

  • fight inflammation

  • help regulate the immune system

  • inhibit cancer in animals (and possibly humans)

  • soothe bronchial asthma

  • combat kidney disease

Much of the healing powers of fish reside in the omega-3 fatty acids that are particularly concentrated in cold-water fish such as salmon, sardines, bluefish, herring, mackerel, sablefish, whitefish, bluefin tuna, and anchovies, as well as in the livers of cod.

Doctors in northern European countries like Iceland and Ireland have prescribed cod liver oil for more than two hundred years for a number of ailments, including rheumatism and arthritis. Back then, it was believed that cod liver could “lubricate the joints.” It took until 1985 for doctors to officially recommend (in the New England Journal of Medicine) that arthritis sufferers could benefit from eating fish once or twice a week, so one could say that omega-3 oils do lubricate the joints!

Three villains inside our bodies cause heart attacks and stroke:

plaque, which can clog arteries and dangerously restrict blood flow

the accumulation of platelets (sticky pieces of blood cells), which clump together and form clots

the sudden, unexplained spasms of blood vessels, which can throw the heart out of kilter or halt the flow of blood to the brain, causing strokes

Studies show that cod liver oil high in omega-3 fats EPA and DHA reduces or eliminates all three risks. The higher the levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood, the lower your blood pressure and your risk of heart disease and cancer.

In study after study, cod liver oil has been acknowledged to play a role in the development of the brain, the rods and cones of the retina of the eye, the male reproductive tissue, skin integrity, lubrication of the joints, and the body’s inflammatory response. This has made cod liver oil a recommended first-response treatment for early symptoms of autism and other neurological child-development problems.

Grains of the Bible: Barley and Wheat

God described the Promised Land as “a land of wheat and barley” (Deuteronomy 8:8). Was it coincidence that the young boy in John 6:9–13 brought Jesus five barley loaves with which He fed thousands? Barley has been consumed for thousands of years and is known to improve potency, vigor, and strength. Roman gladiators at times were called “barley eaters” because they ate barley before their contests for bursts of strength.

While barley and wheat can be valuable, their young sprouts—known as cereal grasses—are considered to be true miracle foods by many. These grasses contain four essential compounds largely absent from our diets:

  1. antioxidant enzymes

  2. trace minerals

  3. chlorophyll

  4. high-quality vegetable proteins

You can obtain the juice from young wheat and barley grasses by juicing them yourself or by consuming a green superfood powder containing the dried cereal grass juices.

Cultured Dairy from Goats, Cows, and Sheep

“You shall have enough goats’ milk for your food, for the food of your household, and the nourishment of your maidservants,” says Proverbs 27:27.

The milk consumed in biblical times differs a great deal from the milk we consume today. The milk of the Bible that came from cows and goats was consumed straight from the animal, meaning it was not pasteurized or homogenized, or it was immediately fermented. These “live” foods provide excellent health benefits in contrast to today’s pasteurized, homogenized, often skimmed and fortified milk, which is not only less nutritious but also can be potentially harmful and a major cause of allergies.

It was virtually impossible to keep milk fresh in those days, so the people borrowed principles from the fermentation process used to make wine or sourdough bread to preserve their dairy products. The result was what we know today as yogurt, cheese (soft and hard), and what is sometimes called curds in the Bible (or butter curds in some translations). Here are some of the recently discovered health benefits of high-quality fermented dairy:

  • fermented dairy provides calcium that builds bone in children and helps prevent or slow the development of osteoporosis that plagues so many elderly

  • fermented dairy lowers high blood pressure and cholesterol

  • fermented dairy attacks bacterial infections, especially those that cause diarrhea

  • fermented dairy soothes stomach linings irritated from drugs or harsh foods

  • fermented dairy prevents dental cavities and chronic bronchitis

  • fermented dairy stops the growth of some cancers, including colon cancer

  • fermented dairy boosts mental alertness and energy

High-quality fermented dairy can come from cow’s or goat’s milk. Many people find that they attain better results by consuming goat’s milk rather than cow’s milk because they can tolerate that form of dairy better. My research shows that goat’s milk will digest in a baby’s stomach in twenty minutes, whereas pasteurized cow’s milk takes eight hours. The difference is in the structure of the milk.

Below are some of the health benefits attributed to goat’s milk consumption:

  • goat’s milk is less allergenic because it does not contain the complex proteins that stimulate allergic reactions to cow’s milk

  • goat’s milk does not suppress the immune system

  • goat’s milk is easier to digest than cow’s milk

  • goat’s milk has more buffering capacity than over-the-counter antacids and more acid-buffering capacity than cow’s milk, soy infant formula, and nonprescription antacid drugs

  • goat’s milk alkalinizes the digestive system

  • goat’s milk helps to increase the pH of the blood stream because it’s the dairy product highest in the amino acid L-glutamine, an alkalinizing amino acid often recommended by nutritionists

  • goat’s milk contains twice the healthful medium-chain fatty acids such as capric and caprylic acids, which are highly antimicrobial

  • goat’s milk does not produce mucus and does not stimulate a defense response from the human immune system

  • goat’s milk is a rich source of the trace mineral selenium, a necessary nutrient known for its immune modulation and antioxidant properties

When consuming milk or yogurt, I usually recommend goat’s milk sources, but high-quality dairy products from grass-fed cows can be excellent as well.

And there are so many more! I detail more of the Maker’s top healing foods in my book, The Maker’s Diet.

Jordan Rubin

Jordan Rubin – one of America’s most recognized and respected natural health experts – is the New York Times bestselling author of The Maker’s Diet, and 24 additional titles, including his latest work Planet Heal Thyself. Jordan is the founder of Garden of Life, a leading whole food nutritional supplement company, and Beyond Organic a vertically integrated organic food and beverage company.

In 2015, Jordan launched Get Real Nutrition, a certified organic, non GMO, Real Food nutrition company utilizing cutting edge fermentation technology, produced in an indoor nutrient farm located on central California’s coast and Heal the Planet Farm, a regenerative permaculture retreat located in Missouri’s Ozark mountains within the four thousand acre Beyond Organic Ranch. Jordan currently resides in central California with his wife Nicki and their children.


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