UFOs, Solar Flares, Nukes—Discerning the Signs of the End Times

Along with fearful sights, Jesus prophesied that at the very end of the last days:

...Great signs shall there be from heaven (Luke 21:11).

Here we find yet another mysterious sign for which there is no clear explanation. The word “great” in the original text depicts something that has a monumental, far-reaching, and deep impact on the earth and its citizenry. Whatever these “great signs” are, Jesus said they will appear “from heaven.” Here, the word translated as “from” in the original text means directly from, which tells us the monumental, far-reaching signs will come directly from the heavens or from the sky, and whatever they are, much of the human race will be deeply impacted by it.

The fact that this word “from” is included in this verse adds great intrigue to what Jesus is saying. In the original text, the words “from heaven” implies something from above or something that will be descending from the heavens. This certainly agrees with Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24:37, where He said the events at the end of the age and before His return will be a replication of the events that were occurring in the time frame before the Flood.

Could These ‘Great Signs’ from Heaven Be…?

Nuclear Bombs?

Some claim that the “great signs from heaven” refers to nuclear bombs that descend from above and fall to the earth, bringing untold death and destruction. As I said earlier, many countries now possess nuclear weapons with the capability of unleashing unthinkable devastation upon their enemies. Any such attack would have a profound impact on the fragile stability of both the planet and the people of the world.

Solar Flares?

Others suggest the “great signs from heaven” Jesus spoke of may be solar flares that some scientists have already predicted will have the capacity of short-circuiting electrical connections and communications — including completely shutting down the Internet — a cataclysmic event that would disrupt life in many far-reaching ways.

Like tornadoes and other natural disasters, solar flares are natural occurrences. Generally speaking, solar flares are a type of “solar activity” in which certain explosions from the sun’s surface emit bursts of electromagnetic radiation.

Solar flares are classed in a similar way earthquakes are measured on the Richter scale — and in the way tornadoes are classified on the “Fujita Scale” or the “Enhanced Fujita Scale” (from EF0 to EF5). For example, the smallest solar flares are A-class, followed in intensity by B-class, C-class, M-class, and X-class. Using x-ray data from satellites, space and weather organizations are able to predict the occurrence of solar flares to some degree. A- and B-classed flares don’t significantly affect the earth — but M- and X-classed flares can trigger geomagnetic storms, resulting in electrical and radio blackouts, which could disrupt the technological world depending on their degree of severity.

Although solar flares don’t hold enough energy to destroy a planet the size of Earth, they can create a great sight, or sign, from the skies — the heavens. As I said, no one really knows what Jesus’ words meant as recorded in Luke 21:11, but I present solar flares as one possibility.

Meteors or Asteroids?

Still others contend that the “great signs from heaven” Jesus spoke of were His way of prophetically describing a meteor or an asteroid that will collide with the earth and create vast destruction. What’s interesting is that there are indeed potentially dangerous asteroids that NASA has identified. One of them has been given the name “Apophis,” which is the Greek name for the Egyptian god Apep, the god of chaos. Is such an asteroid, which is forecasted to come uncomfortably close to Earth in April of 2029, a fulfillment of the “great signs from heaven”?

Could the phrase “great signs from the heavens” be Jesus’ way of prophetically speaking about a meteor or an asteroid that collides with the earth and creates vast destruction? Or could these signs be something beyond the scope of our present imagination?

One thing is certain — the words Jesus chose in Luke 21:11 emphatically mean these “great signs” will descend from the heavens. In other words, before this age concludes, there will be some type of event, or series of events, descending from the heavens that will have a great impact on the population of the earth.

Luke 21:11 holds a mystery that Bible scholars and commentators haven’t been able to unravel or explain. But what we do know with complete certainty is that “earthquakes, fearful sights, and great signs” will occur as we near the end of the age. Whatever these “fearful sights in the earth” and “great signs from heaven” are, the Bible tells us that they will be horrific and monstrous to those who witness them.

The Return of Fallen Angels?

In my book, Fallen Angels, Giants, Monsters and the World Before the Flood, I show that fallen angels were descending onto the earth at the time before the Flood and that as these spiritual beings sexually comingled with mortal women, giants were born from their illicit union — giants that brought widespread wickedness, violence, and bloodshed to the world.

This begs the question by some: Are these “great signs from heaven” possibly a return of fallen angels that somehow begin to tamper with the DNA of mankind to produce another hybrid race?

Or perhaps these “signs” will descend from the skies in the form of other rebellious angels that will beguile people to participate with them in some other nefarious fashion. Since angels can take on various appearances, could they suddenly begin to make appearances from the skies, purporting to be an interplanetary race of alien beings?

These types of scenarios that have been suggested both by theologians and by adventure-seekers are only conjecture and speculation. No one can conclusively say with any degree of certainty or credibility what these “fearful sights” and “great signs” will be. What we do know is that every word of God will prove true, and that it is a certain fact that these things will indeed appear as we approach the very end of the age.

UFOs and Aliens?

Some say the “great signs from heaven” Jesus prophesied may refer to UFOs (unidentified flying objects) or UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena), which is the newest label for such unexplainable occurrences. In most recent years, the subject of UFOs and UAPs has become so prevalent that the Internet is now filled with reports of eyewitness accounts.

Was Jesus predicting supernatural phenomena, as opposed to natural occurrences in our solar system, that could become visibly apparent as a “great sign”? If He was, we know that these supernatural signs from above — such as UFOs or UAPs or so-called “space aliens” — will be of an evil, ungodly nature sent to deceive and distract man- kind away from a desire for God and His Gospel — for “His only begotten Son,” whom He sent as the only means of eternal reconciliation to the Father.

If an evil contingency of angelic beings transforms into “unidentified” signs from above in the very last days, they could potentially be as welcomed as the watcher angels were welcomed in Noah’s day. As those mutinous angels descended to intermingle with humankind, they were welcomed with great fascination as god- like and divine. Could something similar happen in the end of days on the earth?

Again, no one has ever concluded with certainty what Jesus was referring to in Luke 21:11 concerning “signs in the heavens.” But whatever these “signs” are, when we begin to see them, may we remember Jesus’ words and at the same time remember to look up for Him, for our redemption will most certainly be near (see Luke 21:28).

Equally alarming is the fact these phenomena have also been the subject of military, congressional, and senate hearings. In a recent UFO hearing before the U.S. Congress, whistleblower and former intelligence official David Grusch said under oath that “non-human biologics” were found at a number of crash sites and recovered by the government. Grusch noted that these entities are “interdimensional,” and his findings are based on “extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials.”2

Additional testimony was given by two former Navy personnel:

  • David Fravor, a former Navy commander, testified that he saw a strange object in the sky while on a training mission in 2004.

  • Ryan Graves, a retired Navy pilot gave witness that he saw UAPs off the Atlantic coast “every day for at least a couple years” and that such sightings were “not rare or isolated.” Military air crews and commercial pilots “whose lives depend on accurate identification,” report witnessing these UAPs regularly.

To the surprise of many, the military has finally and unequivocally stated on record that a great number of craft that have been seen are not ours and that man does not have the technology to make vehicles that move at such supersonic speeds,

much less at right angles at those high rates of speed. Operators on the USS Prince- ton, part of the Nimitz carrier group, tracked one UAP accelerating from a standing position to traveling 60 miles in a minute — an astounding 3,600 miles an hour. No human pilot could survive traveling at such a speed.3 Not only have these sightings been witnessed, but they have been recorded by highly sophisticated naval equipment, shown to the Congress, and widely distributed to the general public.

Some so-called “alien theorists” on far-fetched TV programs speculate that aliens are visiting the earth just as they claim aliens did in ancient times. However, we have already seen in this book that such claims are a twisted version of what is actually recorded in Genesis 6:1,2, and 4. Those who descended in times past were not aliens, but were mutinous angels. Again, I ask, is it possible that rebellious beings will attempt to come down to earth once more and replicate in some way the activities of the fallen angels before the Flood?

Or could these “great signs from the heavens” be something beyond the scope of our present imagination? The speculation and theories about these words are nearly endless.

One thing is certain: The words Jesus chose in Luke 21:11 emphatically mean that before this age concludes, there will be some type of event, or a series of events, that descends directly from the heavens and deeply impacts the population of the earth. Moreover, these happenings will be horrific and monstrous to those who experience them.

Regardless of what these signs are, we need to realize that because we’re living at the end of the age, it means we are likely on the threshold of seeing something we’ve never encountered before. Since strange events occurred before the Flood, then it is more than just probable that strange events will occur again before the coming of the Lord Jesus, just as He prophesied in Matthew 24:37.

This underscores how imperative it is that we fill our hearts and minds with the Word of God to maintain peace in our lives. Only then can we be instruments of comfort, healing, and deliverance to a generation that will witness these cataclysmic events. This is not a time for us as believers to cower in fear — it’s a time for us to be filled with the Spirit of God and to reach a generation that desperately needs the Good News of Jesus Christ. This is truly our opportunity to rise and shine (see Isaiah 60:1).

Rick Renner

Rick Renner is a prolific author of more than 30 books and a respected Bible teacher and leader in the interna­tional Christian community. Rick is the senior pastor of the Moscow Good News Church. He is also the founder of Rick Renner Ministries and Media Mir, a media outreach in the former USSR, and the host of his TV program seen around the world.


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