Lilith, Scientology & Aleister Crowley: Exposing the Ancient Demon Behind the Occult

The demon Lilith continues to be popular among Wiccans and modern occultists.

Lilith appears as a succubus in Aleister Crowley’s Diarte Magica. Aleister Crowley is known as one the most renowned occultists, a magician, an anti-Christian messiah, drug fiend, and sex addict. Lilith was also one of the middle names of Aleister Crowley’s first child. Her full name was Nuit Ma Ahathoor Hecate Sappho Jezebel Lilith. But she went by Lilith. Sadly, she died from typhoid at two years of age, born in 1904 and died in 1906. This so breaks my heart for this precious baby and definitely stirs up a righteous indignation!

I do not find it a coincidence that one of Crowley’s first occult initiations was into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn that occurred in Berlin, Germany. This order was rooted in the occult practices and beliefs stemming from the German Knights Templar mentioned in Chapter Four, but it was officially founded and named in 1887 by three British Freemasons. It admits freely to being an initiatory society devoted to spiritual, philosophical, and magical development; ritual divination, including the Kabballah; and occult

sciences. They claimed that the order was guided in part by what they named the Secret Chiefs or the Concealed Rulers of the Wisdom of the True Rosicrucian. Many believed the Secret Chiefs were alche- mists whose lineage began in Ancient Egypt. “Indeed, many of the Golden Dawn’s rituals involved the invocation of Egyptian gods such as Horus, while the first Temple in London was named ‘Isis-Urania,’ the first part of which is the name of the Egyptian goddess of nature and magic.” Isis will be discussed in the next chapter.

Crowley was also initiated into another German-based occult group, the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) eventually rising to become the leader of the British branch. Jack Parsons was an American rocket engineer and chemist who was one of the founders of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and Aerojet Engineering Corporation. He was the first to invent the rocket. He was a known occultist under the tutelage of Crowley and established the Ordo Templi Orientis in the state of California. He and L. Ron Hubbard engaged in very dark, black magic and deviant magic rituals. They intentionally dedicated several months to very specific occult, perverse activities of which I will not go into detail. The purpose was to incarnate an actual goddess on earth. Their friendship severed when L. Ron Hubbard stole $20,000 from Parsons and ran off with his girlfriend. L. Ron Hubbard then founded the Church of Scientology having great impact in Hollywood.

Many occult writers and occultists attribute the modern-day Wicca movement as an honored place to invoke and worship Lillith. Numerous incantations and demonic occult rituals calling on and conjuring up Lilith are engaged in. She is invoked for demonic lewd and perverse encounters and is depicted by the symbols of a serpent, owl, crescent moon on top of a cross, black moon, and the grand seal of Lilith just to name a few.

Modern Psychology

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. While he himself did not extensively explore Lilith in his writings, some contemporary Jungian psychologists have explored the archetype of Lilith and its relevance to the psyche, particularly in relation to feminine aspects, the shadow self, and aspects of the anima. Jung’s concept of the anima espouses the feminine aspects within the male psyche. This demon of Lilith has infiltrated into the realm psychology, particularly in relation to gender, sexuality, and the psyche.

Bohemian Grove

The Bohemian Grove is a private men’s club located in Monte Rio, California. From the time of its establishment in 1872, it has become known for its secretive annual gatherings, attended by many prominent figures from politics, business, arts and entertainment, media education, etc. Many of our presidents and the world’s wealthiest businessmen and influencers attend. Membership is $25,000 annually. Women are not allowed. They discuss national issues in the midst of a two-week party in which drinking, music, and prostitution are reported.

One of the most iconic symbols associated within the Bohemian Grove is the “Owl Shrine” or “Owl of Bohemia.” The Owl Shrine is a large concrete sculpture of an owl, standing approximately 40 feet tall, located within the grove’s grounds surrounded by redwood trees. It was designed by sculptor and artist Haig Patigian in the early 1920s and was constructed in 1929. Patigian also served as president of the club for many years. The significance of the owl within the context of the Bohemian Grove is somewhat mysterious and has given rise to

various interpretations. Some suggest that the owl represents wisdom, knowledge, or enlightenment, while others have associated it with ancient mythology and occult symbolism used in ancient Babylonian demon worship and druid witchcraft divination. A demonic ritual called the Cremation of Care was initiated in 1881. High priests call on the wisdom of the goddess (the owl) and place an effigy of a human body on the black altar positioned in front of the owl. The effigy is set on fire as a sacrifice. During his lifetime, Walter Cronkite played the voice of the owl in this ceremony. Friends, this is demonic and it is disturbing that world influencers engage in this type of ceremonial empowerment of Lilith.

Personal Prayer

Father, thank You for Your awesome love and truth. Jesus, thank You for the price You paid on the cross and that through Your blood I am free! Holy Spirit, I welcome You; thank You for Your presence and anointing for deliverance and healing to rest on me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.

Jesus, I confess that there are areas in my family bloodline and my life that have been influenced and rooted in Lilith structures. I repent for the transgressional cycle I have come in agreement with whether intentional, unknowingly, coerced, or forced. I repent for the sin of partnering with and seeking darkness through practices, beliefs, worship, and the perpetuating of Lilith and her darkness.

I repent for my participation in all forms of ancient or modern Lilith worship and empowerments by way of funding and support of abortion clinics, laws, legislation that empowers eugenics, race suppression, control, aiding in legalizing occult abortions for ritualistic use, all medical abortions, funding or working for organizations within social structures promoting the use of drugs and procedures that aid infertility and eugenics along with diseases and death including other organizations influenced by Lilith, such as secret societies, fraternities, sororities, and all feminist organizations.

I repent for my involvement and participation with Lilith’s workings within music festivals like EDM (electronic dance music), psychedelic raves, and Lilith fairs.

I repent for consuming media, gaming, training, and accepting Lilith mystery and knowledge including the ideology of male and female being subservient to sensual acts, divine feminism ideology, the practices of mental and physical meditation and exercises rooted in Lilith.

I repent for the covenants, contracts, the learning of dark arts of cult and occult practices, magic, sex magic, psychic, animal shape-shifting, astral projection, enlightened one, spiritual healers, feminine divination, all dreams that have been welcomed involving a spirit of incubus and succubus, ceremonial and ritualist perverse acts, all occult and demonic rituals from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucianism and Ordo Templi Orientes, Scientology, and all encounters I have had with Lilith and her cohorts.

Jesus, I now ask You to forgive me for all my participation and involvement with Lilith. I receive your forgiveness and that I am cleansed through Your blood. Thank You for breaking me out of her darkness and bringing me into Your marvelous truth and light.

I now denounce the positions, empowerments, and knowledge gained through Lilith culture and worship. I renounce the agreements and covenants made through rituals and involvements in Jungian personality “switches,” use of chakras, writing of her name on palm, use of sigils (image meditation and tracing), trances, hypnotic states, astrology, evoking, invoking, vows and mantras, black magic spells.

I renounce bloodletting, vampirism, draining of psychic energy, seduction of darkness, nightmares, terror, and conjuring of her occult knowledge.

I renounce the spirit of death through abortion. I renounce and break all barrenness in my womb, the financial curse of the funding of abortion, the shadow of death.

I renounce my involvements and empowerments through animal ceremonies and rituals, demonization, and use of shape-shifting to prey on others.

Jesus, in Your name I now break the power of Lilith and all she is known and represents as the dark mother, a patron of abortion, night owl, night hag, queen of the night, mother of demons, winged goddess, goddess of death, goddess of witches, the serpent, night thief, vampirism, psychic vampirism, shape-shifter, death of infants, preying on children and mothers, feminist icon, birther of seduction, devourer of lovers, goddess of moon, torment, all enlightenment, spiritual philosophy, ritual divination, occult sciences, eugenics, black magic, demonic per- verse acts including Lilu (masculine), Lilitu (feminine), incubus, succubus, jealousy, passions, whoredom, rage, vengeance, alchemy, along with all powers of darkness off my life and the life of my descendants in Jesus’ name!

I declare in Your presence, Jesus, that I am free from these bondages and their effects in my life. Thank You for bringing me into Your light, Your truth, and victorious freedom. Jesus, I now welcome Your healing touch in my body, soul, and spirit that is restoring me to the original purposes that You have destined for me. Holy Spirit, I welcome You to fill me up to overflowing in every area where my house has been swept clean. Father, thank You for Your goodness. Jesus, thank You for redeeming me. Holy Spirit, thank You for Your presence. I ask that You fill me with healing, joy, peace, comfort, the truth of Your word. I welcome more of You in my life. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Rebecca Greenwood

Rebecca Greenwood is co-founder and president of Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Action Network (SPAN). Christian Harvest’s main thrusts include prophecy, prophetic intercession, transformational spiritual warfare prayer, spiritual mapping, deliverance and teaching the word of God extensively in the many lands of the earth. Over the past 25 years, she has participated and led in spiritual warfare prayer journeys to over 25 countries and to many cities and locations throughout the United States in which measurable breakthroughs of transformation have been realized. While she loves to travel the world and partner with the Lord in touching people’s lives, Rebecca’s favorite and most cherished times are with her husband Greg and their three beautiful daughters: Kendall, Rebecca and Katie. They reside in Colorado Springs, Colo. She graduated with a Doctorate of Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute (now Wagner University), where she also serves as a core faculty member.


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