Testing the Supernatural

There has never been a more important time that people fill themselves with the Word of God.

Pastor Jim and Lori Bakker welcome back special guests Rick and Denise Renner as they discuss their new book, Testing The Supernatural.

When you don’t know the Bible, you don’t have the ability to spiritually perk up and hear. It is the Bible that really gives you the ability to discern what is right and what is wrong.
— Rick Renner
Rick Renner

Rick Renner is a prolific author of more than 30 books and a respected Bible teacher and leader in the interna­tional Christian community. Rick is the senior pastor of the Moscow Good News Church. He is also the founder of Rick Renner Ministries and Media Mir, a media outreach in the former USSR, and the host of his TV program seen around the world.


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