How to Discern False Prophecy, Demonic Influence, God’s Perfect Timing, and More…


Now I’ll listen carefully for your voice and wait to hear whatever you say. Let me hear your promise of peace—the message every one of your godly lovers longs to hear. Don’t let us in our ignorance turn back from following you. —Psalm 85:8

The phrase I’ll listen carefully is also as stated in some translations, “I will listen intentionally.” The desired outcome is to hear His voice. The Hebrew word for “hear” in this scripture is shama. It means to hear intelligently, to hear attentively and obediently, to discern (Strong’s #H8085). David goes onto to say, “Let me hear [shama] your promise of peace.” It is important to recognize how discernment and prophecy work together. The two partnered together cause us to speak the word of the Lord and engage in godly actions, but to also do so in wisdom. Let’s investigate and learn how this works in operation.

Discerning Spiritual Conditions

I am a prophet and release prophetic words on a regular basis to individuals, churches, governments, spheres of influence, regions, and nations. It is important to not only release the true word of the Lord but to also learn to discern and perceive the spiritual condition of the individual church or region you are prophesying to. Why is this so crucial? Because their spiritual condition will also determine how the prophetic word will best be received and the level of preparedness to steward the word. So not only am I listening to and hearing the prophetic word from the Lord, I am also engaging the Holy Spirit on how to specifically share the word based on the condition and readiness of the ones I will be speaking into.

First and foremost, I am discerning what it is that they are in need of while I am ministering. Sometimes, people are certain they know what needs to be dealt with in a particular area when in fact the Lord is focusing on another topic or issue. There are times I have been asked to minister an exact word of destiny and the Lord is telling me to minister healing to the wounded emotions that have been ignored. Or then there are those who are running from their calling and the direction the Lord wants them to go, and He will lead me to release the word of the Lord to push them out of their comfort zone into more. So here is the inner dialogue I have as I minister in person or as I am preparing ahead of time in intercession: “Lord what is on Your heart for this person, church, governmental leader, region? What do You want me to share?” And after I hear from Him: “Lord give me wisdom and keen discernment on how to share the word that will bring this group into Your purposes and plans.”

Then there are the more pressing times when I discern hardness in someone’s heart or in a region and the Lord will assign me to be the one to break things open. Or I have come prepared to share one message and as I worship with the corporate gathering before ministering I can feel and sense that the message I am going to speak is not what the group is in need of. I will often hear the Holy Spirit directing me to go in another direction. You see, I believe the Lord wants a discernment and maturity level as we intercede and minister that will truly break people out the old and into the new. Let me give a for instance at a regional level.

Church in Russia

I was invited to minister in a city in Russia and was asked to speak from my book Let Our Children Go, which in many settings is a great and appropriate message. However, as I met with the leadership team and heard their heart and learned the vast work they were engaging in throughout the nations, the Lord led me to speak a prophetic word to the leader, “It is time to go into cities and regions and to contend against principalities and territorial spirits to see transformational breakthrough and victory realized.” Based off of this prophetic word, the entire pre-planned weekend agenda changed.

It proved to be a power-packed weekend with key strategies that were formed for the nation of Russia, which our prayer network has partnered with now for five years. The Lord led me to end the weekend with a message from Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit fell at Pentecost. In that Sunday service, many were healed, saved, delivered, and filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit. To this day, I am still hearing testimonies of breakthrough from that weekend of ministry.

Not Speaking More Than We Should

As stated above, I am in and out of a new region on a consistent basis. Each group and region I minister in has its own issues that require healing and destiny that the Lord is bringing them into. Therefore, as I am speaking to one church or region, in listening and hearing the Lord it is key to discern whether each group is ready for the fullness of the word concerning the strategy, outpouring, or move of the Spirit the Lord wants to release. These same principles can be applied to individuals as well.

On a personal level, if I am sensing that a person needs deliverance from a demonic spirit yet this person has not been saved, then I must introduce salvation first. If I see or discern a call to nations, yet this individual has only been a believer for six months, is still walking through deliverance, and is just engaging in discipleship, then I must discern if they are ready to hear the word. Why? Because a ministry to the nations involves navigating through spiritual warfare or battles that this individual might not be prepared to face. Is the individual at a maturity level to follow the direction of leadership, or do they have an independent or lone ranger mentality? Why is this good to perceive? Because the fullness of the prophetic word might encourage this lack of relational alignment and accountability. As we say in the South, will this empower their immaturity to cause them to “fly the coop” and launch out on their own too soon? Have I witnessed and discerned a teachable and hungry spirit in this individual?

As I am preparing to minister for a region, I ask—are they at the maturity level to handle the fullness of the revelation? Is this group relatively young in the Lord? If I am seeing the principality over the region and yet the group I am ministering to is barely practicing deliverance ministry, this is not a group who is ready to begin contending against principalities at a regional level. I also consider—is the church or region in an emotionally wounded place from trauma? Is there unity or division? Is the leadership of the believers in a level of maturity, established authority, and relational alignment to steward the fullness of revelation? Is the group on fire and hungry and pressing into the Lord? Is there Holy Spirit glory presence and activity in the gatherings? It is important to think long term—to have the mindset of relationship building and to continue the building process with them. Therefore, I seek wisdom from the Lord on what to share and release each time I am with a group.

Some of you might be pondering, “Is she saying that she does not always share what she is fully hearing and receiving?” My answer would be yes. At the direction of the Holy Spirit, some of what I am hearing I will share; some of what I am hearing I will not share. I am discerning the big picture, not just the immediate moment in front of me.

Faith to Speak Out the Creative Word

God’s Word is creative. As we prophesy the word He is releasing, there is an agreement with His ordained agenda and it carries with it the power and creative anointing to see it come to pass. So while we discussed above discerning the condition of those we are prophesying to, we also must learn to discern when we are to speak the word to bring empowerment in that creative, supernatural atmosphere for it to bring life and come to pass. I will term these words creative words and plowing words. What does it mean to spiritually plow? Plowing is bringing the anointing of His Spirit and speaking out the word into the untilled spiritual soil of the individual, the corporate gathering, the sphere of influence, or the nation so it can create the Lord’s intended purpose. Therefore, the word being spoken might take the hearers by surprise.

I was ministering in a conference in Houston. A pastor and his wife were attending from another state. I felt the Lord prompting me to prophesy to them. I quickly discerned in the spirit a demonic assignment of covenant breaking that had resulted in betrayals from several long-time church members and ministry friends. This assignment was a territorial spirit operating against the work of God and His move of glory in the region, and this couple was key to usher in awakening.

I shared the discernment and broke off the assignment that had come against them corporately and prophesied that within a short amount of time people would begin to return. Healing and restoration would begin for the corporate gathering and the region. Within two weeks, six couples who had been a part of the betrayal and exodus contacted them, scheduled a meeting, repented for the betrayal, and all the individuals returned to the church. You see, speaking the word out loud plowed the soil in the Spirit and opened the creative atmosphere for the spoken and creative miracle to occur. The Lord’s voice is powerful, and when we speak in agreement it carries the power and anointing to create the atmosphere for breakthrough and victory.

Discerning Soulish Desires

What do I mean by soulish desires? Our soul is made up of our mind, will, and emotions. When there are soulish desires at play there will be a pull in the spirit from people and/or gatherings that feels like a forceful or impure fleshly pull instead of a purity of true hunger and passion. When asked to prophesy it will feel like a wrong demand and a pull of manipulation instead of a purity of hunger and humility. I am a lover of people. I enjoy being with people. When a pull is made on me with a manipulative and soulish bent, quickly a righteous indignation rises in my spirit. I still will respond out of grace, but that does not diminish the feeling of discernment. Usually my answer is a gentle, “No. But I will pray in agreement with you to hear the direction of the Lord clearly as you continue to pursue and seek Him.” A scriptural example is found in Mark 10:35-40 when James and John ask for a favor from Jesus:

Jacob and John, sons of Zebedee, approached Jesus and said, “Teacher, will you do a favor for us?” “What is it you’re wanting me to do?” he asked. “We want to sit next to you when you come into your glory,” they said, “one at your right hand and the other at your left.” Jesus said to them, “You don’t have a clue what you’re asking for! Are you prepared to drink from the cup of suffering that I am about to drink? And are you able to endure the baptism into death that I am about to experience?” They replied, “Yes, we are able.” Jesus said to them, “You will certainly drink from the cup of my sufferings and be immersed into my death, but to have you sit in the position of highest honor is not mine to decide. It is reserved for those whom grace has prepared them to have it.”

I believe this is an obvious request made from a soulish desire and naïve understanding. They were evidently exaggerating their spirituality and believing that they were more mature than they really were. In spite of their soulish ambition and self-confidence, Jesus does express that they will taste of the sufferings of Christ. But then to show His level of submission to the Father, He Himself expresses that He does not choose who gets that honor of sitting at the right and left hand of the throne, but only His Father in heaven determines who sits in this place of distinction.

Discerning His Timing

There are many scriptural examples that direct us to the truth that God is a God of timing. What do I mean by this? That there is the time to hold revelation and a time to speak revelation, a time to wait and a time to advance into a regional assignment. Discerning His timing of moving forward empowers the victorious outcome. How do we know the timing of when to speak? This might sound like a simplistic reply to the question, but we ask Him, “Lord, is this Your timing for me to speak what I am hearing and discerning?” Engage Him in conversation. He will answer.

Cindy Jacobs is a dear friend and mentor in my life. She had been watching Greg and I serve in ministries for many years. One day she phoned and asked to meet with me. As we engaged in conversation over breakfast, it was evident that she came with an agenda and a prophetic message and instruction. She began to tell me her story of her calling as a prophet to the nations, the processes the Lord took her through, and many of the growth lessons she had to walk through. The difficulties of spiritual warfare she and Mike and their family pressed through, but also the glorious spiritual journey they had encountered and how faithfully the Lord had moved in their lives, ministry, and throughout the nations of the world.

To be honest, I was completely fixated on the conversation and gleaning all I could as she was sharing with me. She then began to shift the conversation to me. “Becca, where are you on this journey in your calling to the nations? How are you on this journey?” She brought me into a time of intentional examination. She spoke as a spiritual mother and encouraged me to run the race and to not shrink back. She shared that there were many women who felt the call but did not advance because of the cost and sacrifice required. “Becca, don’t shrink back. Be the woman leader the Lord is calling you to be as a prophet to the nations.” I was challenged in a beautiful way.

I was totally honored, humbled, and undone by her words, but also filled with a newfound impartation of faith and resolve to continue pouring into the nations. As we left the restaurant, I asked her, “Cindy, how long have you held off on having this conversation with me?”

She smiled and stated, “I have waited twelve years. If I had spoken all of this before now it would have been too soon. The Lord told me that now was the time.” I was so beyond grateful for her wisdom in waiting to have this conversation until the Lord spoke to her and discerned the correct timing. If we speak too soon, we can abort or delay the victorious breakthrough the Lord has already intended to bring.

Discerning False Words and Prophets

We previously discussed knowing those who are true or false by the fruit of their lives and ministries. But in the discernment realm, what is transpiring for the discerner when in the presence of a false word being released or a false prophet speaking? There will be a feeling of being slimed in the spirit. An agitation in the spirit. A strong sense of distrust. A strong sense of knowing that what is being said is off or a lie. A feeling of wanting to protect those hearing this person. Sometimes it feels like a tight band around the forehead or an ache or pain in the heart. A feeling of being manipulated to do something or believe something that is totally against the Word of God. Others might be loving the moment and rejoicing, but everything in you is seeing, hearing, and sensing the false words being released. Don’t put yourself in a place of questioning yourself. Remember, converse with the Holy Spirit on what is occurring concerning these feelings and how to maturely handle the revelation. He will guide you.

Discerning the Established Demonic Stronghold and the Strategy for Victory

Hearing the sounds of the angels and demons in the spirit is a normal occurrence. I can honestly say sometimes when we are on site praying in a city, sphere of influence, region, or nation it sounds like a Frank Peretti book in action in the spirit realm. I often see the activity of the demonic stronghold in a person’s life. I can sense and feel the spiritual atmosphere of bondage around an individual or established in a region. It is common for me to discern in a closed vision how the demonic stronghold established its grip, but also the strategy to see it broken. The following is an example that truly played out much like an encounter from a Peretti novel with angels, demons, and a clear open vision of a profound and distinct supernatural event.

It had been a power-packed weekend of ministry with the time of speaking and praying winding up in a Sunday morning church service. Following the close of the meeting, we ministered to a precious woman whom we will call Laura. She was a mother of three beautiful children who came in great need of ministry. She was living with the shaman from her Native American tribe. He was practicing occult rituals in their home and had begun to turn against her in acts of abuse and violence. Three days prior she had to leave the home with her children to escape danger.

As the ministry time ensued, I explained we needed to break soul ties between her and her boyfriend. Laura gladly agreed. I discerned in the spirit that he would try to come back into her life and force her back into a relationship. I sensed great concern over this. I shared the warning with her and told her she must not fall back into his trap of deception because the harassment in the occult demonic realm would come back seven times worse and she and her children would be in danger. Little did I know how quickly that prophetic warning would come to pass.

It was time for lunch, so we all made our way to a local restaurant. Laura and her children accompanied us. The majority of the group had already arrived before myself and the pastor of the church. As we entered the restaurant, it was busy that afternoon as many were out for Sunday lunch. Our crew was seated in the second room at a large table, and we began to make our way to them.

I had recently appeared on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! for the first time, and there was a woman in the restaurant who recognized me and was extremely happy to meet me. I pleasantly greeted her with a warm, “Hello.” As soon as I did, I saw a gentleman out of my peripheral vision moving toward the table with our church friends, including Laura and her children.

As soon as I caught a glimpse of him, something began to transpire that I had not experienced in many years. The room began to move in slow motion and went totally still and quiet. All in the restaurant were completely motionless and no one was speaking. It was as if for them time was standing still and silent. The only ones not impacted by this supernatural occurrence were the angry shaman, the woman who had seen me on Sid Roth, myself, and the pastor who quickly whispered in my ear, “Becca that is him. The shaman.” Then she realized that there was zero movement in the room and no one was making a sound, “Becca, are you seeing this? What is going on?” The woman who had seen me on Sid Roth continued to talk, but did not perceive what the pastor and I saw. She was very involved in the conversation and seemed to be oblivious to what was transpiring.

The shaman then spoke directly to Laura: “How dare you do this to me! How dare you humiliate me. You will come with me!” Laura, as if in a trance, stood up and began to follow him out of the restaurant while tears were streaming down her cheeks. He saw me and ensured he was a good distance from me as he made his exit out of the restaurant, feeling as if he had succeeded in intimidating her to follow and releasing his witchcraft spell in the atmosphere. Laura, however, walked only three feet from me as she was following him out. At that point, I gently pushed aside the woman speaking to me about the Sid Roth show.

I reached for Laura and swiftly pulled her toward me and exclaimed. “Laura, look at me! Look at me! I break all witchcraft control off of you right now in Jesus’ name. You will not leave nor go back to him!” As I exclaimed this directive out loud in the atmosphere, she instantly fell into my arms weeping. I embraced her as I would one of my own daughters in the midst of a trauma. “Laura, I’ve got you. We are here for you, Jesus is here for you, He’s got you. He loves you.” I turned to see the shaman boyfriend staring at me in complete anger and disbelief. I shouted out to him as he quickly exited the restaurant in almost a full run, “And I am praying for you too. Jesus loves you and one day you will be saved!” As soon as those word came out of my mouth, the restaurant completely came back to life.

Wow. This truly was an unusual supernatural encounter. It was like a showdown between the sorcerers of Egypt and Moses and Aaron. The pastor and I were trying to process what had occurred. I was also in a state of questioning, “How did I know to do what I did in that moment?” To be honest, this is not something one prepares for. This is where abiding in Him and being vitally united to Him is so imperative. Frequently, there are encounters and confrontations that unfold in the supernatural realm in which I walk away asking the Lord, “How did I know how to do that!?” All the while rejoicing, “Thank You, Holy Spirit, for anointing me and causing me to respond in discernment and in sync with Your Spirit and wisdom!”

That night as I slept in the hotel room, the shaman astral projected into my room. I could hear him breathing at the side of my bed. I asked the Lord, “What do I do?”

He told me, “Go back to sleep. The angels will take care of the situation.” As I closed my eyes, I could hear the dispatching of the angels and him leaving the room abruptly. It happened a second time, with the same scene playing out. And again, a third time. This final time the Lord released me to call the shaman out by name and to command him in the name of Jesus to leave. He left with the escort of the angels again and did not return that night nor any other time I have been ministering in that region. Laura and her children were free from the abuse.

Now this might sound a little out there for some of you, but it happened and I have 20 witnesses who were there in the restaurant in the midst of this showdown. The spirit realm is alive and active. Throughout the Word of God, we see multiple power encounters and engagement in the Spirit.

  • The eyes of Elisha’s servants were opened to see that there are more for him than against him.

  • Aaron’s snake (rod) swallowed up the snakes (rods) of Pharaoh’s sorcerers.

  • Satan appeared to Jesus in the wilderness to tempt Him.

  • Peter experienced a trance.

  • Phillip translated.

  • Jesus and Peter walked on the water.

  • Elijah called down fire from heaven to consume the altar when encountering the prophets of Baal.

  • Michael battled the Prince of Persia to release the answer of prayer to Daniel.

Suffice it to say the Bible is replete with supernatural encounters in the Spirit realm. Trust me, it is more real than the physical. And we must not shun or ignore the reality of it nor the activity in it.

Discerning and Dismantling Hindrances

There are churches and regions I am invited into in which there is a felt, tangible resistance in the atmosphere to a move of God. The people are visibly hungry and active in worship and intercession. Yet there is a hindrance to a move of the Spirit that they have been believing and contending for. Evansville, Indiana was one of those locations.

I had been invited by my dear friend Janet Douglas to minister in a weekend gathering at her apostolic center, CityGate Indiana. They are on fire for the Lord, faithful prayer warriors and worshipers cultivating an atmosphere for spiritual awakening. Following this time of ministry, I was invited to teach our Regional Transformation Spiritual Warfare School. I enjoyed and truly loved being with these awesome men and women from across Indiana and Kentucky. It was a dynamic time of training.

On the last weekend of this school, we go on site together as a group to key locations in the region to pray for breakthrough. The Lord had been revealing the strategic prayer locations. One was the Islamic Center of Evansville. We called and asked if we could have a tour of the center, explaining that we were Christian religious history students. We shared our interest to learn about their beliefs and to tour the center.

Now, before some begin to struggle with this, we were making this request in order to have an open door and access to get inside. We have learned from much experience over the past thirty years that when we are welcomed inside, we learn key information to pray into. And in this instance the added bonus was that we were able to meet the imam. This gives us a face and name so we can intercede for his salvation and of course, if the opportunity presents itself, a divine moment to show the love of Jesus. The center gladly granted our request and a tour was scheduled on our prayer journey day.

Upon arrival, the imam warmly met us at the entrance. He initiated the tour throughout the Islamic Center and asked if we would like to enter the prayer room where they gather five times a day to engage in the Muslim call to prayer. We agreed. Some of the older team members sat at the entrance of the door in chairs in order to listen as he continued to answer our questions over the microphone. They do not allow sitting on the floor of the prayer room by those who are not Muslim.

About twenty minutes into the interview, another gentleman joined us—a doctor from the town of Evansville, who is also a Muslim. They both engaged in conversation, sharing their beliefs and answering any questions we asked. The imam then began to tell us about his family in Syria and how they were in danger. The leader in the area of Bashan had initiated jihad and killing sprees in which he assassinated his own Islamic people. The imam genuinely made the following request, “Please, when you remember them, pray for the protection of my family in Syria.”

I knew this was my open door. I inquired, “May we pray for them now?” The imam turned to the doctor as if they had to weigh this request. But quickly they both nodded in agreement and handed me the microphone. I gently asked, “Is it okay for me to pray in my Christian way to my Christian God?” Again, they both agreed! So now here I am, a Christian western woman in the prayer room of an Islamic Center. At this mosque, they only allow Muslim men to enter in order to pray during the Muslim call to prayer. I had been granted permission to pray and to pray to my Christian God on the microphone that will sound out through the entire Islamic Center. Woohoo!

Boy, did I pray! We prayed for the imam, the doctor, and for the imam’s family in Syria. I prayed a sincere prayer of protection for the family. I entered into intercession for the family, the imam, and the doctor in which I invited encounters with the Father’s heart of love. As the prayer time drew to an end, I stated out loud the following words, “And, Lord, we make all of these requests and stand in the truth that all these prayers will be answered in the powerful name of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen.” When I opened my eyes to discern if I had crossed a line, the imam and the doctor, two Islamic leaders, were both fighting back tears. The presence of the Lord was tangibly resting in the center. To be honest, I was a little undone myself. They graciously thanked me and asked me to continue to pray for them and their families. The entire team agreed to do so. A sincere invitation was extended for us to visit again.

After making our way out to the parking lot, we broke out into pure rejoicing at what had just transpired. Rob Murphy, a pastor in Indiana, asked, “Becca do you realize what just happened?”

I enthusiastically exclaimed, “Yes. As a woman and a Christian woman on top of that, I was invited to pray on the microphone of the Islamic Center and to do so in Jesus’ name. They don’t allow their own women in that prayer room to pray. Even if they are praying to Allah!”

Rob then pointed out, “Becca, it was even more than that. Other Muslim men were waiting to enter that prayer room through another door. They were there for the call to prayer. Because we were in there with the imam, they waited to enter. When they allowed you to pray it was at the exact time of the beginning of their call to prayer. You just opened up their prayer time in Jesus’ name and delayed them from praying at their scheduled time to Allah. A Christian western woman was granted permission by the imam to violate all rules in the Islamic Center and in their prayer room!” The entire team shouted in awe and joy!

That Sunday night in the church service, the tangible shift in the atmosphere was palpable. God’s shekinah glory fell. People came from all across the region. Some were healed, some delivered, and some filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit. One person received salvation. Not only did this happen in the CityGate service, but churches across the region that were not a part of the prayer time reaped this glorious benefit as well. God’s glory broke open in that region after that supernatural encounter in the Islamic Center. And as of the writing of this, His presence is still moving in corporate gatherings. It has continued to increase since that weekend. Even typing this makes we want to release my Texan shout of praise, “Woohoo! Go God!”

Discerning Openness to a New Move of God

When we view the lives of the apostles before the Upper Room experience, we see them in a process of asking questions, discovering, and learning. They were firsthand witnesses of Jesus. They observed and participated in many supernatural events, but they were not exhibiting Kingdom living. When the Holy Spirit appeared on the scene at Pentecost, these men and women were filled with His fire and great boldness. Their understanding of the Kingdom of God changed, and Peter—blunt, well-intentioned, all-too-human Peter—was no exception.

In truth, as we study Peter, we discover that he was often the first of the disciples to stumble into this new kind of living, although he sometimes took two steps forward and one step back. He was the first to realize that Jesus was the Son of God; he was the first and only one to walk on water; he was the first to deny Jesus; he was the first disciple to the tomb after Mary brought the news that Jesus had risen from the dead; he was the first to preach the Gospel message; he was the first to preach to the Gentiles. Peter was on the forefront of all that was happening.

When the Holy Spirit came on the 120, they began to operate under His guidance and anointing. They now had the power of the Holy Spirit available in their lives. Their focus shifted from lack of understanding, blind trust in tradition, and selfish thinking to a Kingdom Ekklesia mindset of saving souls and transforming society. At this life-transforming encounter, Peter never considered the idea of stopping and building a dwelling as he had done at the transfiguration, but instead he began immediately to declare the Gospel outside the walls of that room.

We see his changed nature in the story told in Acts 10 and 11 of how God used Peter to bring salvation to the Gentiles. Cornelius was a centurion in the Italian regiment in the town of Caesarea. The Bible tells us that he was a God-fearing man who gave generously to those in need. One afternoon he had a vision.

One afternoon about three o’clock, he had an open vision and saw the angel of God appear right in front of him, calling out his name, “Cornelius!” Startled, he was overcome with fear by the sight of the angel. He asked, “What do you want, Lord?” The angel said, “All of your prayers and your generosity to the poor have ascended before God as an eternal offering. Now, send some men to Joppa at once. Have them find a man named Simon the Rock, who is staying as a guest in the home of Simon the tanner, whose house is by the sea” (Acts 10:3-6).

Needless to say, following this encounter Cornelius dispatched two of his servants and a devout soldier who was one of his attendants to find this man Simon. As they were on their journey and nearing the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. The Spirt caused him to fall into a trance and he, too, had a vision.

As the heavenly realm opened up, he saw something resembling a large linen tablecloth that descended from above, being let down to the earth by its four corners. As it floated down he saw that it held many kinds of four-footed animals, reptiles, and wild birds. A voice said to him, “Peter, go and prepare them to be eaten” (Acts 10:11-13).

Peter was aghast at the suggestion: “There’s no way I could do that, Lord, for I’ve never eaten anything forbidden or impure according to our Jewish laws” (Acts 10:14). Peter was sensitive to the Spirt and the voice of the Lord, but his lifestyle of obedience to the Law was still in force, and it was overriding his discernment and resulting desire to obey. In his human thinking, it was difficult for him to believe the Lord would say this to him.

The voice spoke again. “Nothing is unclean if God declares it to be clean.” The vision was repeated three times. Then suddenly the linen sheet was snatched back up into heaven (Acts 10:15-16).

The Lord was using this vivid picture to prepare Peter for his kingdom role of bringing salvation to the Gentiles. Peter had enough discernment to perceive and understand that the vision was symbolic and began pondering the interpretation. About that time the three men sent by Cornelius stopped at the gate of his house asking for him. The Spirit spoke to Peter: “Go downstairs now, for three men are looking for you. Don’t hesitate to go with them, because I have sent them” (Acts 10:20). The vision required an act of obedience by Peter, and the Spirit led him step by step.

The visitors were welcomed into the home and they stated their business. The next day they all set out for Caesarea along with a group of men from Joppa. Peter knew he would be called into question for going to a Gentile home and so took witnesses he could depend on.

Now Cornelius was expecting them, even though he knew it was against Jewish law for a Jewish person to associate with a Gentile. Not only was it illegal, it was also an offensive and detestable notion to the Jews. I so love this about Cornelius and Peter—they could see and discern past the law of man and religious tradition to step into the new era of awakening. Cornelius sent for his relatives and close friends to be a part of the amazing thing that God was doing. As Peter entered the home and saw the crowd, he explained that God had told him to come, for he must no longer call any man impure. He then asked why he had been summoned.

Cornelius described the encounter he had experienced with the angel of God and explained that he, his family, and his friends were eager to hear everything the Lord had commissioned Peter to tell them. Peter shared a landmark message, one of the most strategic messages in the history of the Early Church. This sermon is important because Peter revealed that he now fully discerned and understood the meaning of the rooftop vision: God is no respecter of persons; He does not show favoritism or partiality.

When Peter recognized and discerned through the prophetic vision that God had sent him to share the truth of Jesus, he realized that his purpose and was to be one to break cultural beliefs, traditions, and prejudices between Jew and Gentile and open the door for all mankind to hear the truth of the Gospel.

Peter discerned and knew he was operating under the mandate of the Lord, which went beyond the boundaries and restrictions of Jewish law. Because of his obedience there were powerful results. As he preached, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message.

While Peter was speaking, the Holy Spirit cascaded over all those listening to his message. The Jewish brothers who had accompanied Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on people who weren’t Jews, for they heard them speaking in supernaturally given languages and passionately praising God. Peter said, “How could anyone object to these people being baptized? For they have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.” So he instructed them to be baptized in the power of the name of Jesus, the Anointed One. After their baptism, they asked Peter to stay with them for a few more days (Acts 10:44-48).

No one could doubt that God had been at work. When the Jewish believers heard the truth, they were able to discern this new era and had no further objections and themselves began to praise God that even the Gentiles could receive repentance unto life.

What a tremendous encounter! This incident changed the face of Christianity in the Early Church and, through those believers, throughout the world today. When we operate under the direction of our own understanding, traditions, and human desires and choose to shun prophetic revelation and the gained discernment, we can miss the big picture and God’s designed plan. However, when we walk in step with Jesus, operate in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and embrace His prophetic revelation and Kingdom discernment of the plan at hand, transformation and a new move of God will take place. So now let’s move on to learn how discernment can be activated by observing in the natural.

Rebecca Greenwood

Rebecca Greenwood is co-founder and president of Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Action Network (SPAN). Christian Harvest’s main thrusts include prophecy, prophetic intercession, transformational spiritual warfare prayer, spiritual mapping, deliverance and teaching the word of God extensively in the many lands of the earth. Over the past 25 years, she has participated and led in spiritual warfare prayer journeys to over 25 countries and to many cities and locations throughout the United States in which measurable breakthroughs of transformation have been realized. While she loves to travel the world and partner with the Lord in touching people’s lives, Rebecca’s favorite and most cherished times are with her husband Greg and their three beautiful daughters: Kendall, Rebecca and Katie. They reside in Colorado Springs, Colo. She graduated with a Doctorate of Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute (now Wagner University), where she also serves as a core faculty member.


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